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I am the final boss. I use level 8 cock of infinite.

But you don't even like your cock. And that's a FACT.

Edited by Angelix
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2 + 2 = 6

Since everything in this topic apparantly needs to be a fact, I suppose the above equation is officially factually correct.

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I know someone that does though =D

So, I'm guessing Jyosua is able to look past external appearances?

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Rice Cakes were actually first made in Australia.

Sudoku's invention was actually credited to an American.

As an adult, you have 94 less bones than you were born with.

We see with our brains, not our eyes. The eyes are just the "lenses" our brain uses.

I thought I'd throw in three extras for free.

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Sex on Fire.

How I dislike that song. In my opinion it's simply an average song that is too over-hyped for it's own good.

My opinion is fact, since I wouldn't lie about my opinion.

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I once used the pick up line: Hey I was going to ask you to come with me somewhere, but then I figured what would become of it. We'd have a good time, I'd be nervous and not know if I should kiss you or not. So we'd stand there awkwardly for several minutes and you tell me to call you, so I do. We start going out more often, and eventually we're going steady and I meet your friends and you meet my friends, and we eventually get intimate. So we're now engaged, and I have a successful career, and you're happy with me and I'm happy with you. Then you want kids, but I'm unsure, but you decide to trick me into sex one night where you're not on the pill so you can get kids, and sure enough 9 months later you have one. Now it's like 4 years later and I keep feeling regret, and we've lost that spark we had, and you think having another child will rekindle our relationship, but instead it just drives me mad. I start drinking to get away from my problems, and you start to let yourself go and put on about 50 pounds. Seeing how ugly you've become I shallowly decide to have an affair, but you catch me and want a divorce, which I deserved. So now a year later we have to explain to the kids why mommy and daddy don't love each other anymore and why mommy tried to kill daddy with a hack saw. So to avoid all that, if we're going to have any kind of relationship at all, let's just keep it sexual and not personal.

Fortunately I said that to the girl I was already dating, and it worked.

Cynthia went from being the greatest person who ever lived to...,the same but better.

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