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How many of you here are left handed?

Game Janitor

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My left hand is left handed. I am right.

Oh u

I'm right handed. If I bowl with my left hand, lolgutter. If I write with my left hand, ewww...

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I am ambidextrous, though I'm losing a lot of left-handedness as time goes on.

So I suppose I would not fall in this category.

Cool! It'd be a shame to lose your "left-handedness".

I'm right handed. Someone once said that guys are more commonly left handed than girls. I think it's bullshit but let's see if it's true.

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Right handed.

i use the left side of my brain to move my right hand

Lateralized brain theory is largely bullshit, and when used, mostly by psychologists, it takes the form of a pseudoscientific metaphor to easily explain brain phenomena, rather than actual fact.

Also, you text is really fucking annoying to read.

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I'm right handed. ._.

This isn't really relevant, but my little brother is left handed. Another reason I consider him my opposite.

My left hand is left handed. I am right.


This post really doesn't contribute much and it breaks that 'no one-word posts' rule. Please refrain from making such posts outside of FftF in the future.

Edited by Fireman
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Lateralized brain theory is largely bullshit, and when used, mostly by psychologists, it takes the form of a pseudoscientific metaphor to easily explain brain phenomena, rather than actual fact.

I agree with you that the psychological part is crap. Except we're talking about the physiological aspect - the brain has two hemispheres which are mostly mirror images of each other, and that hemispheres have dominance over the opposite side of the body. It's pretty plain to see just by cutting open a brain that, generally, left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and right hemisphere the left (this is just by where the nerves route and such, and presuming no brain damage the brain sets that 'area' as the sender and receiver of information for that nerve). The eyes are especially convoluted especially in this case, going both to the opposing and same hemisphere toward the occipital lobe. That's why field vision tests work to localize where a tumor might be - the nerves split off into different hemispheres of the brain to carry information from their part of the overall field of vision.

Also, I'm right-handed but I've taught myself to do a few things with my left hand, mainly writing and putting on clothes and such.

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I'll elaborate more this time. I'm right handed when writing, throwing, bowling, and doing most things. But I can golf and bat lefty. Actually with batting, I'm ambidextrous, but I notice a small increase in accuracy if I bat lefty. I have not tried bowling left handed, though I assume it would not go well.

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