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Dear Guy,


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Why is it that whenever I'm almost done with a chapter, you get bludgeoned by someone with a 30 hit and die? I really, really do not like it when you do that. It makes me feel like a failure. Can you please stop?

Love, Bizz

PS: Can you also tell Lyn to not die right after you do, at least? It would make me feel just a little better, maybe.


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Why is it that whenever I'm almost done with a chapter, you get bludgeoned by someone with a 30 hit and die? I really, really do not like it when you do that. It makes me feel like a failure. Can you please stop?

Love, Bizz

PS: Can you also tell Lyn to not die right after you do, at least? It would make me feel just a little better, maybe.


Ha ha. I get it.

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Dear Lachesis

You have contracted some STDs, please see the inclosed 43-page booklet for the full list.

From the Department of Sexual Health

Dear Gaggles

My name is related to you in no way, shape or form, is you sue me for copyright infringement again, I'll put a hole in your head!

Your's truely CrashGordon94

Dear Mist

Why the hell aren't you dead yet?! Kill yourself already!

With much hate from

.........meh, you already know.

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Dear FE4 and FE5

Stop killing my people with 20-40% hit chances..

Dear Lalum and Laylea

Why are you so fragile and can't dodge well its a pain to restart just because I made a mistake and got you two killed...

Edited by Jason W.
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Dear Xavier and Xavier's Lieutenants

Why do you lieutenants kill each other when a person turns green? Were you Jealous that someone got their kid/family member first that you had to kill them.

Xavier why are you a hypocrite killing your own Green colored lieutenants when you told Leaf you cared for them..

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Dear Florina:

Thank you for being...for being yourself, with you I can count on a good rank anytime, don't feel reserved towards me, I think we can have something more than a Tactican to Soldier relasionship.

Love, Soul

Edited by soul1112
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