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High School

Lux Aeterna

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So I went to high school for the first day today, and I've asked enough people that I've decided to ask the question publicly:

What was high school like for you?

If you've done at least one year in high school, and opinion has probably been formed. So what was it like? Emotionally, physically, educationally, socially, etc... I just want to hear what it was like for you.

And for those who haven't had at least one year in high school, what was it like for you?

Thanks for your time. ^^

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High school is fun for the most part, but some people completely change (and not exactly for the better). Today was the first day of my sophomore year and wow, the stress is already piling on! I can't believe I have so much homework and tests already. ^^;

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I'm in my sophomore year, first day was today, I did get some homework, but not much, though I have some quizzes on Friday. Freshman year sucked though. Everyone in my school acted so damn immature. I didn't want to make any friends because most everyone annoyed the hell out of me. I'm hoping that this year will turn out better.

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Funnily enough, everyone confused me for a sophomore today. XD I can't tell if that's good or bad. :unsure:

trust me its a good thing

BTW my first year was kind of a pain for me. 2 period would be kinda hell since an idiot who has kinda of a grudge (and i know why, we went to six flags together but he wouldn't get on to the roller coasters. Have in mind the school uses the buddy system. And also, he was bitching all the time so i ditched him.) he annoyed me thru second and third period and i tried to ignore him as i'm not the kind of person to throw punch in public of course aside from the idiot i mentioned earlier in second period me and other friends make jokes and we would crack up (although the other person would sometimes ruin the fun, (we even tried voting him off the table. but he wouldn't leave. of course karma payed him as the teacher never liked him. she even made fun of him XD). i would also get red randomly while walking through the halls eventhough no one was saying or doing anything to me. i also almost exploded from the mid-terms and other exams after the mid terms, it seemed to get harder and harder. though after state testing things got easier. the teachers were nice though i sometimes got a lot of homework wich would stress me but i got over it. now comes sophomore year and i hear its hard :(

Edited by Titan Raven
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Funnily enough, everyone confused me for a sophomore today. XD .gif I can't tell if that's good or bad. unsure.gif

trust me its a good thing

Ah, what do you mean? I mean, I correct them, and nothing happens.

in my school freshmen are treated as immature spoiled brats by teachers and some people. though i don't pay attention to it.

Edited by Titan Raven
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Funnily enough, everyone confused me for a sophomore today. XD .gif" /> I can't tell if that's good or bad. unsure.gif

trust me its a good thing

Ah, what do you mean? I mean, I correct them, and nothing happens.

in my school freshmen are treated as immature spoiled brats by teachers and some people. though i don't pay attention to it.

They were nice to me, actually. ^^ They were fine with me being a freshmen, and they treated me no different. : D

High School is a much different experience for me, at least from what people tell me. Though, I'm happy to say that today made me a Junior! : D

Cafeteria food sucks, cafeteria lines suck. As always.

Same here. : O

I just waited 'till the line was gone. I never eat lunch at school, anyway.

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Funnily enough, everyone confused me for a sophomore today. XD .gif" /> I can't tell if that's good or bad. unsure.gif

trust me its a good thing

Ah, what do you mean? I mean, I correct them, and nothing happens.

in my school freshmen are treated as immature spoiled brats by teachers and some people. though i don't pay attention to it.

They were nice to me, actually. ^^ They were fine with me being a freshmen, and they treated me no different. : D

well yeah they are kinda nice just that i would hear sophomore/juniors/seniors and some teachers that would talk shit about freshmen. plus, its kinda weird but the sport teams (with some exception) would be separated always, i mean sophomore and the other classes would be together but freshmen were always separated. it made me feel kinda weird eventhugh i was never in any sort

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Just asking: is taking all Honors classes that difficult?

I'm wondering the same. I have all honors.

They were okay to me LAST YEAR. But I got a feeling this year is going to be a heck of a lot harder. ^^; But it's only the first day, so maybe things will get better. :P

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I'm not exactly the most normal girl when it comes to high school stuff. I am extremely antisocial offline so I can't describe to you things like that.

As for work... Well... I can't really be sure if our schools are formed similar enough...

I have trimesters, not semesters and have 5 periods each. We get one credit per class so to get two credits for each class we take in a year, we only need to take it for two of the trimesters... Well, basically, it's like, I only take a certain math class two trimesters of the year so I don't get it the entire school year. This really gives me the chance to choose classes that will let me rest without so much homework and maybe be in my interests...

Sadly my interests are restricted and in the past two trimesters (this trimester I'm in presently and the last one of my sophomore year) I have been having many problems with my classes. So my thoughts of high school are basically gonna be biased on this and my previous trimester since they're so hard to forget...

It sucks. It's hard. I get so much homework.

Although mostly it's the procedures a few of my teachers go through with homework stuff that makes everything so hard. So I think I can actually place the blame on some of my teachers for some of this hard stuff. All the rest of my trimesters in high school have not been close to as bad as it is now.

So, with my experience in high school... I'm terrible at being social offline so that part of school sucked/sucks. I have met only a few rare people offline that I can actually talk to while feeling comfortable about it (and I guess I should add my family too) I've been have bad experience with my homework of recent and summer was too short and I get so sleepy...

I hope you get much better luck than me Lux =D

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I play Fire Emblem all day at school by myself.

But actually:

Sophmore year of High School is easy and boring for me. I have a good amount of friends but none that I really hang out with outside of school. Most of my close friends are still from middle school.

My school has tight cliques and most kids in each clique are clones of one another. I'm a judgmental person and therefore do not really go out of my way to make new friends.

The only girl I have any interest is 1. Way out of my league and 2. Not at all interested in me.

:(((( yay internet!

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Tedious and effortless outside of physics, some mathematics, and chemistry.

AKA outside of real subjects. And hey, most high schools don't even get beyond very basic levels in any of those. :D

Although it'd be nice if more effort was spent teaching people how to write well in high school. And I mean writing about shit besides literature. That should be secondary. Being able to write well about Hamlet doesn't really help you much when you want to write about science or politics. At my high school at least, there was not enough emphasis on understanding and explaining your own ideas or defending things from a logical and empirical point of view. Of course, the problem with this is that it requires that your English teacher have a decent understanding of science on at least a conceptual level.

Although honestly it varies from person to person, high school in general is academically pretty simple. And for those asking about honors, they aren't significantly harder enough than normal classes (in my experience) that you shouldn't be taking them. Although it varies a lot and depends on a lot of other variables, Honors/AP/IB is the academic baseline for a good college app (in the U.S.).

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High School is badass as shit. Most of what you have to do takes almost no effort (literally, passing a course in High School [other than a Second language course] takes zero effort, as long as you aren't actively trying to fail, and a lot of courses are pretty damn easy to do very well in without effort), leaving you free to screw around with pals all day. Of course if you have no friends or have trouble in school I could see how that would be shitty.

Of course my experience may be different, because I come from somewhere where there are less than 200 kids in the High School, and it is Grades 7-12. :3

"I'm sorry, we aren't offering Calculus this year because there are only 5 people interested in taking it."

"Fuck you."

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High bored me, and made me feel like I was wasting me time.

So I dropped out.

Never been happier. :awesome:

Yeah, I'm sure that will last.

As for what I thought of my high school education, it was memorable. Friends were made, along with good memories. I'm already wishing that I could rewind time to be able to hang out with old pals, and I graduated in 2007.

Otherwise, it doesn't stand out as a great time. It's about the same as college, but everything now seems so much more...transient. Mandatory education meant solid schedules and free periods of time, making socialization a lot easier and memories a lot more endearing, to me. Now, while I have experienced some good times, I don't know many others. I could, with some difficulty, know of a large amount of my class in high school, and so felt like a bigger piece of the puzzle than I do now. I may occasionally befriend a few classmates in this course or that, but it's ultimately short-lived. In fact, a friendship with a recurring instructor has become more commonplace than that of a student.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Although it'd be nice if more effort was spent teaching people how to write well in high school. [...] At my high school at least, there was not enough emphasis on understanding and explaining your own ideas or defending things from a logical and empirical point of view. Of course, the problem with this is that it requires that your English teacher have a decent understanding of science on at least a conceptual level.

Fucking THIS. In my high school, there was exactly one (perhaps two) English teachers that genuinely tried to get you to write like a thinking adult instead of an infant. One of them came under incredible pressure for it due to the fact that he was failing seniors. (When I had him, they'd moved him to teaching English for juniors.)

The effects of bad English classes are all around me, even in college. Memorably, I did a collaborative project at the end of the year in one class that saw me stuck as the guy putting everyone's stuff together. I literally had to re-write the work done by two of our group members; the only stuff up to snuff was the GRADUATING SENIOR'S WORK. I was up until around 3 in the morning; actually getting my group members to even GIVE me the material was problem enough!

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