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What would YOU want in a new FE

Mister Cold

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It's always one continent. Why not have more? And I'd like to see more diversity in races too. Everyone's white, most of them at least. Having different countries with different cultures and beliefs can really help with support conversations between characters. Surely all different countries have their unique cities, art, etc. Most of the times you see oaks and pine trees everywhere. I've never seen a rainforest yet. Or a volcano for that matter.

I liked the Greatlances and the Poleaxes FE10 brought. I'm tired of seeing swords stand alone with its more diverse set.

Heh, I've been itching to see a female Fighter for a while. Just hope there's no steroid overdose.

Enemies with skills. The generics I mean. You would press some button and the skill would blink on the enemy possessing it instead of having to check them one by one.

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I want good writing (as in, Bowser's Inside Story good. Not comedic, but I want IS to try to make a good story), new classes, and a new continent. New weapons wouldn't hurt either, especially gunz, which this place has a had a great discussion of before.

EDIT: Oh! And a continuation of the "Trainee" classes too. Perhaps a sword one this time around?

Edited by Old Snake
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What I would like to see or want

.A game that is not too easy that a certain character can steamroll through it.

.New Weapons would be nice

.A new game or remake is fine for me

.As long as Yuka Tsujiyoko is part of the music composer staff I'm fine with that.

.I guess multiplayer would be nice again

.More trainee people would be fine

.Support conversations but make it like how to acquire like in FE9 (I read that's the best support system)

.FE5 Capture system would be nice and maybe the fatigue system.

.New classes would be cool too.

.In game saves like in FEDS would be good too.

.Some games have writings that says the Main character is accompanied by an army, probably not possible to put that in a game (as in the army on the field rather than in text) but that would be nice.

Edited by Generic Officer
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A sword ands Magic using lord

3 tiers for classes

Downloadable Trial maps

Skill system from RD

Character exclucive weapons from previous games (Ragnell, Sword of Seals, Tyfring, Etc.) available in the online shop.

Mastery Skills NOT overpowered OHKOs.

Equippible Rings.

An Unlockable Gaiden story where you can play as the bad guys.

More when I think of some.

Edited by Organization # XIII Roxas
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Final boss that actually kicks a lot of ass. Something like Formortiis capped with no weakness to Sacred Twins.

or the dragon in FE7, atleast he hit hard and accurate *looks at FE8 boss*

iirc, he 2 hitted everyone (well OHKO when your HP was crappy low >.>)

And Athos could solo the dude in 1 hit with Filla's Might and a Luna critical. Lame.

I'd want something like maxed stat Ashera with a weapon like Judge.

That boss would be unbeatable :D

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Final boss that actually kicks a lot of ass. Something like Formortiis capped with no weakness to Sacred Twins.

or the dragon in FE7, atleast he hit hard and accurate *looks at FE8 boss*

iirc, he 2 hitted everyone (well OHKO when your HP was crappy low >.>)

And Athos could solo the dude in 1 hit with Filla's Might and a Luna critical. Lame.

I'd want something like maxed stat Ashera with a weapon like Judge.

That boss would be unbeatable :D

everyone would OHKO the final boss with a critical Luna >.> (well, the Luna in FE7, it WAS broken)

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New Classes:

No third 3rd tier. I liked the 3 class sytem, but buffed growths would have the same effect ultimately. I couldn't care less about the class swap system and branching class systems. In my opinion, the fixed class systems were far more endearing.

Soldier -> Lancemen (rename of the current Halberdier)

Halberdman- A first tier class based on the exclusive use of halberds, which would be strong against lances and weak against axes, due to being a combination of axe and lance, and would deal extra damage against calvary. Unit sports high strength and skill. Promotes to Halberdier.

Glaiver- A first tier class based on the exclusive use of glaives, which would be strong against swords and weak against lances, due to being a combination of a sword and a lance, and would deal extra damage against calvary. Unit sports high defense and skill. Promotes to Glaivier.

Crossbowman- A first tier unit based on the exclusive use of crossbows, which would deal strong damage against armored units. Unit sports lower speed than its archer cousin. Promotes to Marksman.

Binder- A caster unit that fights using summonable spirits, which are completely immobile, but provide strong support, such as projectile attacks, healing over a certain area, and stat boosts over a certain area. Can also use staves. Has lower hit points than other caster units. Promotes to Ritualist, granting them the ability to use Thunder magic.

Illusionist- A caster unit that specializes in confusing its foes. Such illusions include conditions such as hp drain per turn, sleep, temporary maximum hp reduction, inability to cast spells, disarment, and berserk. Can use staves and can counterattack with staves. All illusions have a range of 2 spaces. Bad hp and defense but great speed and luck. Can promote to Mesmer, granting an additional space range for illusions.

New Features:

Siege Weapons-

The catapult and ballista are now considerably more powerful and can be moved. Unfortunately, it takes a minimum of 2 (maximum 5) to move and operate them, with more effectiveness in reload turns and mobility provided by larger teams.


Units can now enter formations such as line of shields and "turtle" formation, granting all units in the formation stat boosts. Example- Group all of yours archers into a line and each attack performed by an individual in the group becomes a barrage, hitting multiple spaces at once.

Optional Stat Point System-

Spendable stat points replace random level ups when this is turned on. All characters get ten stat points per level up. Growth percentages represent the point costs of a level up. Ex- 40% growth = 10 (base points) - 4 (one tenth of growth, rounded) = 6 points.

FE5 systems-

Dismounting and capturing were great ideas, but do NOT put in fatigue.

FE4 forts-

There only has to be one castle to capture per mission, but the combination of armory/shop and arenas in the main fort were awesome.

Support Conversations-

Just like in Path of Radiance.


Present, but not broken.

Bonus Experience-

Yes, please.


In general it just has to be good. In my perfect world for FE, I would write the story myself, but that isn't going to happen, so let's just hope for something new. Something around FE4 or FE9/10 in story quality would be just fine with me.


Non-sword wielding central character. You could say Hector, Ephraim, and Micaiah fit the bill, but none is the sole or even primary lord of their game. A main lord that uses an axe in the fashion of Hector could be interesting, but if the new classes I listed above were added, a halberd or glaive lord would be awesome. Then again, we've never had a bow lord.

Tomboy- Lethe had a nice personality. Every FE game deserves to have a character with such a fiery, awesome personality that just doesn't fit the bill of a normal girl. Preferably, this would be a main character or atleast have their personality more heavily emphasized.

Let us not forget the traditional FE character roles, such as the womanizer or silver tongued man, the knight who takes his job too seriously (Kent), and the noble-hearted myrmidon (Navarre and somewhat arguably Zihark).

And while new features such as these are nice, Fire Emblem must keep to its roots, as it has shown time and time again that even old traditions can make an awesome game.

Edited by Saint Wolfwood
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You know GhebFE? Yeah, gimme the difficulty from that and I might actually play a new FE game all the way through. FE hacks are all I can count on these days. DorcasFE and GhebSaga are looking great and will most definitely appeal to me more than the next official FE game, thanks to the difficulty that actually requires strategy be used on the player's part.

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Optional Stat Point System-

Spendable stat points replace random level ups when this is turned on. All characters get ten stat points per level up. Growth percentages represent the point costs of a level up. Ex- 40% growth = 10 (base points) - 4 (one tenth of growth, rounded) = 6 points.

That would PUNISH units for having higher growth rates. It would make more sense if the number of stat points the unit got was equal to their growth total. Although I personally like the random level ups. A stat point system means that having a 320% HP growth rate or a 40% growth rate in everything wouldn't matter. You'd get just as many stat points.

I like your idea for the halberds and glaives, although you could combine those classes into one that uses both. They're fairly similar, at least they appear so.

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Optional Stat Point System-

Spendable stat points replace random level ups when this is turned on. All characters get ten stat points per level up. Growth percentages represent the point costs of a level up. Ex- 40% growth = 10 (base points) - 4 (one tenth of growth, rounded) = 6 points.

That would PUNISH units for having higher growth rates. It would make more sense if the number of stat points the unit got was equal to their growth total. Although I personally like the random level ups. A stat point system means that having a 320% HP growth rate or a 40% growth rate in everything wouldn't matter. You'd get just as many stat points.

I like your idea for the halberds and glaives, although you could combine those classes into one that uses both. They're fairly similar, at least they appear so.

Umm, no... a unit with a 60% growth would only spend 4 points because 10 - 6 = 4, while a unit with a 40% growth would spend 6 points because 10 - 4 = 6. Simple misunderstanding. Did I ever say that this would replace random level ups. The key word is optional. It's like fixed mode... but doesn't suck.

I had considered this. I figured the differentiated growths would be of benefit though.

Polearman- Divided into Pikeman, Halberdman, and Glaiveman. Can use polearms such as the pike, the halberd, and the glaive, but are limited to the weapon of their starting profession. Glaives are a combination of the sword and the lance, being advantaged against swords and disadvantaged against lances. Halberds are a combination of the axe and the lance, being advantaged against lances and disadvantaged against axes. The pike is a lance with the damage of a sword. All of these polearms deal extra damage against calvary. The Polearman has good strength and skill growths. Promotes to Halberdier, Glaivier, or Pike Master depending on the characters first tier.

A couple more classes that could be interesting:

Maceman/Flailman- A real powerhouse who relies on armor-crushing maces and flails. Maces have a higher mount. Flails have a higher accuracy. These weapons have high damage (1 above that of an axe for flails and 2 above for maces) and do bonus damage against armored units. These units are very strong in terms of hp and offense, having a (promoted) strength cap of 35 (compared to the 30 of a warrior), but are also very slow (comparable to armored units) and have only average stats in other areas. Promotes to Juggernaut, gaining the ability to use the other of the two weapons.

Tactician- A highly intelligent unit that belongs to the support family. This unit is able to order other units to perform actions on the enemy phase. Single orders can be given to any one unit on the field, while group orders target all player units. Orders can include "Move Here" or "Attack This Unit" or "Heal Yourself". Wields flags, which have spearheads on top. These weapons deal 1 less damage than swords. On top of this, tacticians have low stats in all areas except for speed and luck, which are remarkably good. Promotes to Warlord, giving them the ability to passively buff the stats of allies within a given range.

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They'd need to get at least 15 points, though. If a 60% growth costs 4... 8 stats, most units don't hit 400 overall. Say mag is 15%, 400 total is 55% each. That's 4.5 cost. Considering a 400 total averages, well, 4 per level, that means you'd need 18 points just to get as much out of the level as before.

And a unit with 350 total and 0% magic means on average each stat costs 5 points. 17.5 total points would achieve the desired numbers. Well, that's ignoring magic, though.

Anyway, it could work.

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Eliminate separate classes for steads and armor - Make skills to use them and make equips for them. Might sound silly to have a Horse give +4 speed or Armor that increases your defense by 5, but I don't see the point of having 6 classes that are just lance users with additional strengths or weaknesses. Give each weapon a base class, each base class a skill, and promotions come in the form of a weapon choice. Maybe a different set of caps. Make it your army, your game. This way, the strongest weapon doesn't dictate which characters are better.

Decent roster size.

Give each character an individual identity and run with it. If they have to embrace the less liked and almost illogical limited support circles to achieve this, then I'm all for it.

Now that each character has his or her own identity, give them each a skill to define their character in battle. A little kid with tons of raw magical talent? Give him growth boosts for fighting alongside magic users. Character lost his mind, but has beyond believable strength, speed, and durability that he'll set lose on the person he wishes to kill? Let him choose a random enemy, allow him to only attack that enemy. So on. And for bosses, too. That'd make a lot of random skills, in theory, but I have ideas for that later.

Another skill for definition purposes, maybe.

Skills come at set levels so that some characters aren't broken out the door.

Have most A supports mean something. Change a personal skill, unlock a chapter/enemy/recruit able character, unlock a weapon, so on.

A route switch that actually matters, like FE6. As in, actually being able to obtain different characters. Except make those characters matter.

And no, you can't make a game where 32 characters matter(unless you want to give each their own chapter, lol at that), but making a majority of them dynamic would be fun. Example. A King and a Queen lose their country to the forces of some great evil. Queen dies, King kills himself, king gets pissed at you, King gets huge resolve against great evil. Sure, it's set she dies - But you can decide his fate with actions and it'll impact your team.

Of course, difficulty levels.

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Holy crap it's bd. I never see you on AIM anymore. D:

Anyway, more variance in magic. Not just progessively getting stronger and heavier as though we have freaking Gold and Crystal in addition to Iron/Steel/Silver. Killer, Brave, Reavers, something.

Rather than doing an FEDS and lowering the coefficient of Magic, make the base healing lower and make it scale better with healing (for example, Mend could be like 10 + 1.5 of Magic) so that your healer's stats actually matter for things other than not-dying. It's ridiculous that FE10 Rhys has a lead of 10 Magic on Mist at base level and it barely matters at all because with Mend she's healing to full anyway (although this may also be an issue with the price difference between Heal and Mend not mattering). Lower the range on ranged staves, the formula is ridiculous (5 + Mag/2 last I checked). Mag/3 would be awesome enough but we have like double that. Also, maybe an S staff that isn't Fortify+Restore or a revive stick.

Make enemy mages more common. Add more magic using classes to break the monotony if you have to, although I think that making the Anima -> Wind/Fire/Thunder split actually matter other than pwning Laguz/Flyers would be enough. Maybe add some moar magic weapons.

1-2 range Bows that don't suck against enemies not weak to them. They gave Swords a viable 1-2 range option, why can't Bows? Fix Longbows, they were bad enough with the weaker than Iron, but they were a total joke in FE10 because not even having Hit as overkill as Shinon was enough to make up for them having 20 hit at 3 range, and were made even more pointless by the Marksman's special ability.

Make effective bonus not completely screw over the classes in question unless they have Nullify/etc. This is especially problematic when enemies have these weapons (see: FE5 and armors, FE10 and Pegasi). I would prefer they remove them altogether since Armors have enough problems like low move and bad offense unless they get a totally bonkers stat spread compared to the rest of the team (consider FE10 Gatrie, who would be utterly broken as any other class yet is merely okay).

More interesting skills. Make a skill that makes killing blows not use weapon uses, or increases a stat every few turns or based on another stat, or a skill that lets you pull an FE4 enemy and always counter with the appropriate range weapon if possible. Or take a leaf from the FEBinary book and make a skill that makes it easier to double. A skill that increases terrain boosts or lets you pull a Sturm and reduces move penalties. God, there's so many possibilities and instead for masteries we get glorified OHKOs and for regular skills we get garbage like Flourish and Mercy. I'd also kind of like to see skills like Adept/Cancel/etc only able to activate on the first attack so that Speed isn't as centralizing as it already is. Maybe boost their activation rate by a static +10 or something just to be fair. More command skills. Like one that has you sacrifice a turn for some sort of improved performance for the next couple turns. Maybe add skills that can be toggled on/off (like Order/Direct). Parity, Gamble, Flourish, and Mercy would benefit from being able to be turned on/off for all attacks. Hell, make a skill that improves other skills.

Make supports how they were going to be in FE10, where you can support anyone but certain supports give full length convos.

Speaking of supports, it'd be really cool to have an affinity that boosts AS or something. The only ways to boost AS is leveling up for Speed or using a +Spd item, which is ridiculous considering you can fix Attack with a stronger weapon (buy or forge), leveling up, getting a support, getting WTA, using a stat booster, etc. The same goes for Hit and Avoid (Avoid is boosted by terrain but not changing weapons). This is ridiculous and part of the reason Speed is too bloody important. There needs to be ways to make it easier to double, either through lowering the threshold or increasing your own AS.

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To be fair, raising the threshold would have a similar effect. How many units can double if they need 6 higher AS? 8? 10? That improves the value of other stats by comparison. Though in the ten second after I posted that, I figured there should probably be different threshold for whoever's turn it is - I mean, does it make sense that it's so easy to double someone that's attacking you first?

As for skills, I can easily think of 100 skills to make each character play different.

And the effective bonuses would be gone in my system.

Edited by bunny: Now with Pancakes
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I think that depends on what enemy AS looks like. In FE4 enemy AS was pretty bad and you only need 1 to double so Speed wasn't too important other than for Avoid.

I guess there's not much difference between needing +10AS to double when enemies have 10AS and needing +4 when they have 16. =/

In the first situation enemies are never gonna double you whereas a Dorcas-slow dude can get doubled in the second, and there's an Avoid gap. That's about it, I guess.

Edited by Paperblade
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I got another idea. Instead of only being able to double, make it so you get an extra attack for every 4 AS you have on an enemy. So instead of us not caring whether you have 16 or 26 AS against 12 AS enemies (Hi FE7) the 26 AS unit gets to attack 4 times. That's a fairly extreme example, but it would give faster units decent offense against generals. Instead of doing 6x2 to 32 HP, they'd do 6x3 or 4 to 32 HP.

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I got another idea. Instead of only being able to double, make it so you get an extra attack for every 4 AS you have on an enemy. So instead of us not caring whether you have 16 or 26 AS against 12 AS enemies (Hi FE7) the 26 AS unit gets to attack 4 times. That's a fairly extreme example, but it would give faster units decent offense against generals. Instead of doing 6x2 to 32 HP, they'd do 6x3 or 4 to 32 HP.

RD Mia no longer needs adept and ORKOs in HM starting in 3-2. Sounds like fun. In fact, since she is fully capable of 4HKOing some generals soon after, and considering how long it takes for most of them to reach 19 AS...

Might help Nephenee a bit, too, though not on warriors/halbs.

Helps: Ulki, Janaff, Ranulf greatly as well, since they are all generally 3HKOing when they don't already ORKO and have more than enough speed (except Ranulf at the same time Mia has issues against the same enemies) to hit a general 4 times (5 in Ulki's case). So they pretty much ORKO everything now, too.

I'm not sure it helps anyone else, though.

Oh, Zihark in part 1. Kills much without need of the brave sword anymore. Helps Heather go from bad damage to mediocre. When she gets a silver dagger it goes from mediocre to decent/good.

Helps Zihark/Mia in PoR, too.

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Okay. Wolfwood, I'ma let you finish, but Imma comment on your doodz.

Halberdman: Seems like a lazy re-do of Lance classes. Instead of this, I'd say they have an exclusive use over Greatlances.

Glaivier: Like the above, except with Swords. Oh, and Blades.

Crossbowman: This I like. Maybe make an entire Crossbow class with the same specs you suggest, except with higher DEF and STR than Archer's. I dunno if there should be an Armor advantage...

Binder: So you create a unit with the ability to summon immobile spirits, capable of healing your allies, damaging enemies, and provide stat boosts over a "large area?" And the Binder itself can use Staves since its primary is already on its summons? Broken, good sir.

Illusionist: I like this one too. A magic user who casts SPECIFICALLY status spells... Maybe rename it to Jester?

Maceman/Flailman: Broken, in a word. Low SPD, but stupid high STR (Nothing wrong with it, tho.) and average in everything else? And a bonus for armored units?

Tactician: Eh... it's sort of like a Leader unit in an RTS. Except this isn't an RTS. Besides, can't you just order people around anyway, like in FE9?


Here's an idea for a whole villainous group, like the Black Fang:

So there's this god, see, and-

*Shot for unoriginality*

So I won't get into too much detail; but I'm only giving names. Which are names based on the gems in FE8, which I enjoyed very much. So, let's get down to it:


The group is called "Crusade." Nothing is known about them except they are lead by a triumvirate of powerful and devious magicians: Topaz, the Lightning Archsage with a mind as quick as thunder. Garnet, the Fiery Exorcist, with power equal to an inferno. Emerald, the Gale Warlock, with knowledge as wide as the winds he controls.

Together, they seek a leader; an alternate, malevolent, and all-mighty persona in somebody hidden around the world. The key to unlocking this persona, however, is limited- only the fusion of the Five Great Tomes reveals the host's position. As you can probably guess, the tomes are Rexflame, Rexbolt, Rexcalibur, Rexaura, and Rexnaph (The Dark Rex.).

People, either against their wills or otherwise, have joined the three for differing reasons; to protect somebody, to gain power, or just to find answers to what their lives are for.

A quick list with classes of current folks:

Peridot the Dragonmaster- A brash, cocky, and new recruit looking to prove himself. He joined the three to gain power and fame. He's one of the "Three Dawns of Chaos", and wields all three main weapon types equally in combat.

Sapphire the Trueblade- A quiet yet passionate swordsman who was forced to join the three magicians when his lover, Silver, was assimilated due to her hidden talents. He dislikes the goals the three magicians have, but will do anything to free Silver and himself from bondage. He is one of the "Three Dusks of Order," and wields the devastating Razor Wind. (A Lvl. 3 Ranged Sword, like the Tomahawk and Spear.)

Gold the Saint- A silent and shy Saint in his teens who was forcefully adopted by the three magicians at an early age to mold him into their protege, and to use his special ability of foresight. He has no say in whatever the three magicians may do, and is there only for his prophetic abilities, but is powerful in his own right. Onyx, one of the "Three Dusks of Order," has taken a considerable liking to him and guards him.

Amethyst the Zephyr (Tier 3 Assassin who can use Dark Magic.)- A bit like Jaffar, except he isn't some soulless beast. He has a fondness for many of the people in the group, and despises the three magicians and some other members of Crusade. He's used by the Three as their own personal assassin. He wields an evil blade called the Soulsword and is not affiliated with any of the trios.


More 2 Come.

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I got another idea. Instead of only being able to double, make it so you get an extra attack for every 4 AS you have on an enemy. So instead of us not caring whether you have 16 or 26 AS against 12 AS enemies (Hi FE7) the 26 AS unit gets to attack 4 times. That's a fairly extreme example, but it would give faster units decent offense against generals. Instead of doing 6x2 to 32 HP, they'd do 6x3 or 4 to 32 HP.

Pretty sure this would only serve to make Speed even more broken.

Or make the game too easy.

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Stat caps from FE5.

Makes me think everyone can be good.

NO. The RED people are the communists, we will have no balanced scales this game!

And if FE had NOTHING to gain by adding new classes, then the previous, say, 10 games were a waste, weren't they?

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