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What would YOU want in a new FE

Mister Cold

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Well IS could just be creative.

It isn't the first time they've done so.

And there can be at least EIGHT mandatory pairings. Everything else can come with imagination.

I can think of one:

MatthewXSerra = Cath.


I want new classes.

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Ideas to stroke my large, throbbing ego:

- Get the guys who did the story for FE4 to do the new story please. That would be nice.

- PLEASE don't let the availability system be like FE10's. Actually, don't even BE it.

- I'd like to see more splits for promotions.

- Give Archers 2-3 range for bows and 1-2 range for Short Bows. Also 3-10 range for Longbows. SO THEY CAN STOP SUCKING.

- Bring back the old Anima/Light/Dark triangle. I miss it...

- Bring back Anima and Ice affinities so we can get more variety. I know Earth = Anima and Ice = Water, but they have a little something called CREATIVITY.

- Bring back some of the old classes with mixed weapon types, like FE5's Mage Knight.

- I'd like IS to actually BALANCE the characters. By all means, keep the archetypes, just make them suck less. By which I mean give Est archetypes something along the lines of FE6 Karel growths.

- Spider Riders as the third "flying" mount; they don't have movement penalties over water since they're the water-treading spiders.

- I'd like a whole Staff class focused on status effects.

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Anima =/= Earth

Anima gives attack, defense, avoid, and dodge. Earth gives a ton of avoid.

More saves and item slots. I always use at LEAST two save spots for one plathrough, and so there's no room for my friends or for me to have another one. As for item slots, well there are just times where I need more, usually with classes that use multiple weapon types.

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The FE10 ones aren't magic based. I just wish they'd return.

Forging ala FE10, maybe. Either that, or they could haves something where you have a unit who can forge and has a "forge level" and as their forge level goes up, what they can add to forges goes up. This way you could customize your forges looks, exactly how much strength, hit, weight, etc. Special abilities. And then the game would calculate what weapon level it would be. Oh, and you'd do this while at base. It would suck (and be totally unrealistic) to have to deploy your forger in order to get a forge. Of course, if they did that, I'd say limit it to 1 forge per chapter. After all, come endgame you could forge, like, 6 weapons with like 18 attack, 90 hit, and 30 crit with 1-2 range and working like a brave weapon. And maybe one or two earlier than endgame.

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What I'd like to see:

-A brand new story that DOESN'T involve a big bad empire invading the main lord's homeland and the lord trying to recapture it for once.

-More weapon variety. It always seemed like swords got the most while axes, lances, and bows were stuck with the traditional iron/steel/silver/killer quad with the occasional horseback/armor killer weapon for axes/lances and Longbow for...bows. FE10 was a good step in the right direction adding poleaxes, greatlances, Silencers, etc. So more of that.

-Non-magic ranged swords like FE10's Wind Edge. Magic swords were always dumb since sword classes never had enough MAG to use them effectively. Not even Mage Knights from FE4 used them well since they had the MAG to use them from a range, but not the STR to use them in close combat. If they're going to bring back the Mage Knight class, makes sure it has good growths in BOTH stats mkay?!

-More variety for Anima magic. Don't just stick with Wind, Fire, and Thunder. Go all the way, use the rest of the elements like Ice, Water, Earth. Fimbulvetr was a cool spell from FE7/8 (or maybe I just liked it's name >_>). Make it a regular! While we're at it, more variety for Light and Dark magic couldn't hurt either.

-Do something with Archers. They're a sucky class. Marksman from FE10 was awesome but too broken. I dunno. Just DO SOMETHING.

-It'd be nice to see an FE story that was a little international in scope. Use more than one continent.

-More classes. A third flying unit would be nice, one that's weak to fire to complement Pegasus Knights' weakness to wind, and Dracoknights' weakness to Thunder. Maybe a Gryphon Knight? Also bring back the Mercenary class and Pirate class and add a second Lance-user foot soldier class. That way we have two sword infantry units, two axe infantry units, and two lance infantry units. Symmetry is always nice.

-More weapon types. We've got knives now for thieves. How about a Fistfighter? Someone who punches and/or kicks? They could use Iron/Steel/Silver knuckles or whatever. Don't know how that'd fit into the weapons triangle though. Maybe an actual Marksman class involving firearms of some sort? That might ruin the fantasy setting for some people though.

That's all I got for now.

Edited by Bedsheet Ghost
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The option of normal forging like it was in FE10/11 or to forge our own magic weapons using a <D-B> ranked weapons and E-C ranked tomes that applies a bonus based on the type of tome used (E.g: A (E) ranked tome forged to a sword would boost the weapons might and add a +1 to Strength while a <C> ranked Thunder tome would boost the weapons critical and add a +3 to skill). The cost of doing this would be half the cost of both weapons combined.

Edited by Organization # XIII Roxas
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The option of normal forging like it was in FE10/11 or to forge our own magic weapons using a <D-B> ranked weapons and E-C ranked tomes that applies a bonus based on the type of tome used (E.g: A (E) ranked tome forged to a sword would boost the weapons might and add a +1 to Strength while a <C> ranked Thunder tome would boost the weapons critical and add a +3 to skill). The cost of doing this would be half the cost of both weapons combined.

Sounds useless, encumbering, and broken for physical classes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. More refined skill system. I'd like to see class specific skills earned at promotion that aren't just "super critical lolol". A Halberdier gets +1 range on lances, Snipers never miss, Knights can have units they're carrying attack, etc. I'd love for each character to be able to equip a specific skill for free that's fitting of the character. It makes it easier to connect to them and adds a nice twist.

2. Refined Transformation system. Something between the Manaketes from FESD and Laguz from 9/10, but more balanced. Maybe you can have 2 or so Dragon Stones equipped at once, they give stat boosts and have their own Mt, Wt, Crit, etc. and have a "cooldown time" of a few turns before they can be used again.

3. More weapon variety. This gives a degree of customization and adds variety to enemies and/or boss fights. Magic Swords/Lances/Axes/Bows/Knives, Magic Tomes with status errors/stat changes, weapons that count as both a sword/etc and a tome type that uses either STR - enemy DEF or MAG - enemy RES depending on which does more damage. On top of that, Thieves gain more use because they can take away one or more of an enemy's weapons.

4. A class similar to Herons and Dancers, with less powerful abilities but more variety and a way to defend themselves (knives?). I'd like to see Dancers that promote like normal classes, the promotion could be called "Miraclist" or something of that ilk. While we're at it, I'd love a barehanded fighting class whose unarmed strike grows in power, like the Laguz units of 9 and 10's 'weapons'. Maybe give them special attacks every 5 or so levels to make up for lack of weapon variety.

5. More balanced units. I'd like to be able to choose different units every time I go through the game without being horribly handicapped. Maybe give the "Jeigan" a skill that bumps up stats but gimps EXP gain and growths. He stays a Jeigan for 4 or so chapters, then you can take it off and raise him like normal if you want. I also want them to have reasonable availability and starting stats. No repeats of Fiona from 10, please.

6. Map variety. One of the things I liked about 10 was the variety between maps and the different challenges they posed. The swamp bogging down your units and forcing you to go around, the ledges of the mountains providing enemies a good ranged position and forcing you to slow your advance, wide open plains forcing you to carefully position your units beyond just plugging a chokepoint with Mr.big-and-meaty and having Squishy-McMagington hide behind him, etc.

6.5. Going hand in hand with the above, I'd want more mission variety. My biggest problem with FESD and FE7 is how little there is in this department. I want creative tasks like the Gharnef boss battle from FESD, where you have to find the real Gharnef. Something where you're not allowed to have less then X units in a specific area for any amount of time. Secure locations A, B, and C at the same time within X turns. Maybe destroy the X, where X is something that calls reinforcements or has a negative effect on your units. A mission where your units are split up over a decent distance and must meet in the middle. Defeating multiple bosses to weaken an uberboss enough to beat. Things like that.

7. A base similar to FE 9 and 10. I'd like to see a refined arena system accessible from the base where you can wager gold and gain EXP but doesn't end in the character dead if they lose, just incapacitated/weakened for the next chapter. Maybe you can hire faceless mercenaries to help you out on the next map for a spot of fol if you're having trouble.

8. Gradually increasing difficulty. One of 10's oft stated failings is that the difficulty is sporadic, being painful in the early chapters and easy later on. I want the first 3 or so chapters to be easy and the difficulty to rise from 4 on. Multiple difficulty levels like in FESD would be fantastic.

9. Great story/dialogue/characterization. The thing that sets FE apart from every other strategy game on the market is the fact that your units AREN'T just units. They have their own stories, personalities, and are different from every other unit in their own ways. You _care_ about Florina and Canas and Lethe and what have you. You dive for the reset button when that person makes their tearful last words. You know the one I'm talking about. I don't care if the story is the freshest thing since sliced bread or something done several times before, so long as you make me want to see it to the end. I want to be entertained by a game, and who doesn't find a good story entertaining?

9.5. I want every chapter to play a part in the story. Filler chapters detract from the story, tend to lack dialogue and not having a reason to be there usually leads to a generic map with no inspiration to set it apart. Part 2 of FE10 might as well not exist, and several of Part 3's chapters could have been removed without any ill effects. All they did was damage the pacing of the story and reduce my motivation to keep playing. I have yet to get to Part 4 in 10 because I get bored after Part 2 and Part 3 can't get my attention back.

10. FESD's scale and speed. I like to finish a battle in under an hour, cause at some points I got things I need to do. Plus the shorter the chapter, the less often I angrily restart the fight from the beginning because of an unlucky critical. To make up for this, just add more chapters. The scale feels right, giving off the epic battle vibe while still being manageable.

11. Optional goals that grant items, characters, and other awards if accomplished is a great way to give replay value and add something to shoot for. I'd like the ability to get any allies I missed out on later in the game, though. Winning without killing a certain unit, winning in X turns, having character A defeat boss B, no dead allies, character Z takes no damage or kills 20 units, and so on.

Misc. FE9's promotion and support systems, the ability for the Lord and adjacent units to access the convoy/storage like FESD, the ability to combine used up weapons to save space like FESD, the capture and other features from FE5 (EXCEPT the fatigue system), a large variety of classes, and side chapters like in FESD but with requirements that don't require you to kill off characters you may happen to, I dunno, LIKE. The ability to choose between FESD's save system and FE10's would be nice, the former making abuse difficult and the latter allowing for a more flexible schedule if something important comes up. Dynamic growths like FESD, that boost growths in stats that are lagging behind, and FE10's whole "at least 1 stat up per level up" rule should be applied too.

Edited by UserShadow7989
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I really want the old RNG that always fucks you over back. And heaps of dark mages/shamans with sleep staffs and berserk staffs would make things much more annoying.

I don't know I'd want to see the old RNG, I like being able to essentially break the whole accuracy system when your characters get more than eighty hit. But I'd also like to see more enemies do the same. And higher crit chances all around, that would make things more interesting.

Agreed about the second part, those staves make you actually pay attention to what you're doing like nothing else does.

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I had a nice idea the other day. You have characters promote like in FE9/10, simply by getting to level 20 and gaining a level. But they would have other, secret promotions that you need to use an item for. For example, a Mage normally promotes to a Sage, but with an item could promote to a Mage Knight or even a flying magic unit.

Or perhaps secret promotions could key off something else. If a unit gets spd blessed, they promote to a class which takes advantage of that with a high speed cap. If they focus on their sword weapon rank instead of their lance weapon rank, their promotion reflects it. It could key off which route through the game they chose, or even what supports they have.

It would be an interesting twist to the branched promotions from FE8.

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I had a nice idea the other day. You have characters promote like in FE9/10, simply by getting to level 20 and gaining a level. But they would have other, secret promotions that you need to use an item for. For example, a Mage normally promotes to a Sage, but with an item could promote to a Mage Knight or even a flying magic unit.

I like this idea. Also the items could be hard to get (but not needing a guide, that's annoying). So, like behind some hard to kill enemy in a chest so you know something is there. If you don't do it, the unit still becomes a sage, but if you want you can make them a flying mage knight.

Or perhaps secret promotions could key off something else. If a unit gets spd blessed, they promote to a class which takes advantage of that with a high speed cap. If they focus on their sword weapon rank instead of their lance weapon rank, their promotion reflects it. It could key off which route through the game they chose, or even what supports they have.

It would be an interesting twist to the branched promotions from FE8.

This reminds me of the dragons in Bahamut's Lagoon, so I like it.

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1. More refined skill system. I'd like to see class specific skills earned at promotion that aren't just "super critical lolol". A Halberdier gets +1 range on lances, Snipers never miss, Knights can have units they're carrying attack, etc. I'd love for each character to be able to equip a specific skill for free that's fitting of the character. It makes it easier to connect to them and adds a nice twist.

Do you know how broken this would be considering the extra crit, skill, and a forged critical bow?

Anyways just give an innate sure shot that has a formula based on skill. Replace Halberdier with Sentinel or eliminate the whole classd entriely. I would prefer class specifics that take up capacity that aren't mastery skills.

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A Halberdier gets +1 range on lances, Snipers never miss

Do you know how broken this would be considering the extra crit, skill, and a forged critical bow?

Very. That was just an example off the top of my head more then anything.

Edited by UserShadow7989
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*Multiplayer in which one player takes control over generic enemy and a boss.

*Support conversations and bonds.

*Many support endings

*Well developed characters with interesting personalities

*A non sword using lord with a unique personality

*Good story

*Good character design

*Capture system

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although a lot of the things that I would like to see in a new FE game have already been said, I have come up with some ideas that have hopefully not been used yet (sorry if it has):

A class that uses the slingshot and a class that uses the boomerang

There are not very many classes in the FE games that have long range physical weapons, except for the archers, and there are few of them as it is. To have classes that used different long range weapons could add a twist in the gameplay, for it could be used to set up another weapon triangle between the bow, the slingshot, and the boomerang. Then the slingshot could be good at piercing armor and the boomerang could be great at taking down mounted units, both dealing bonus damage.

A class that combines archer and mage

I came up with a class called Spirit Arhcer, although it would function just like a regular archer until promoted. It would then become a Spirit Seeker, able to combine the might of bows with the might of any type of magic. As an example, let's say the Spirit Seeker had 17 Str and 13 Mag (they would have a higher magic growth rate than normal), and let's say the enemy has 10 Def and 4 Res. To figure out how much damage the Spirit Seeker would do, you would average their Str and Mag points, and then average the bow and magic they use. Let's say they are using an Iron Fire (Iron Bow and a Fire tome, forged perhaps). The might of the bow is 6 and the might of the fire is 5 (from Blazing Sword), rounding down to a 5 in might combined. The Str and Mag of the Spirit Seeker averaged together is 15, and +5 because of the weapon might =20. Then the enemy's Def and Res are averaged to 7, and there you have it.

20-7=13, the damage you would do. It is somewhat complicated, but then it would not matter whether the enemy had high Def or Res, for one or the other would likely be lower, and therefore give the Spirit Seeker an advantage.

(I hope that made sense!)

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RevengeHero proposes that every playable class (except Lord) should have 3 tiers, like in Radiant Dawn:

Myrmidon > Swordmaster > Trueblade

Soldier > Halberdier > Sentinel

Fighter > Warrior > Reaver

Knight > General > Marshall

Archer > Sniper > Marksman

Mercenary > Hero > Vanguard

Thief > Rogue > Assassin

Pirate > Berserker > Brigadier

Mage > Sage > Pontifex

Priest > Bishop > Saint

Druid > Sorcerer > Warlock

Cleric/Curate > Troubadour > Valkyrie

Hunter > Ranger > Horseman

Cavalier > Trooper > Paladin

Pegasus Knight > Falcon knight > Seraph Knight

Wyvern Knight > Wyvern Lord > Wyvern Master

Lord > Great Lord

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