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Yeah, kick me out, why don't ya


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I fear not Death, for he is younger in age than I!~

I actually am older than Death.

This is why he is my complete slave.

Speaking of which, honey, did you put my coffee on? I'll hit you if you didn't.

Edited by Xeld
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What's this topic still doing alive?

I have one thing to say about this thread:


That said, normally I'd just walk away from this. However, I just want to clarify something: The only rule that does not apply here as it does the rest of the board, is the spam rule. However, if spam is used as a method to troll others, it falls under the trolling rule, and is thus reprimanded. That said, I honestly don't think you guys should take Death seriously. XD Anyhow, I really wanted to change my avatar to kitty hitler again and say I was gonna ban you all; maybe even change your usergroup to a fake exiled one, but I'll leave the fun and games for another time. And with that, I take my leave, good day! ^^

Oh, so you DO have some common sense. Never would have inferred that.

Edited by April
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