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Because I am the ignorant lurker guy that came out of nowhere to claim his Odo heritage and actual status as a member of Oujay's Empire, only when ascended from Swordmaster fangirling? Give me a break. At least Lumi gets fanboys instead of being a...Shanam 2.0.

What? :(

B-But I am true Odo. I'm no Shanam!

Why won't you accept me, Soul? ;~; *sniff* I just...I want my brother to love me. ;~;

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It was "sadistic".

But then just attacking people with my fists and a sword isn't all that sadistic.

Breaking out the chainsaw and the rocket launcher is.

@ERL: *patpat* Soul's just being mean.

And, ERL, GUY FINALLY LIKES ME. Here's his stats, HHM, at level 15 Myrm:






6DEF (he hasn't grown there. Lyn's more durable than him ;~; )


Much better than eternal 6 STR on EHM.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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What is the least appealing thing about you? There are ways around these things!

I enjoy hitting people waaaay too much. :awesome:

I'm pretty sure the guy I like isn't a masochist.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I enjoy hitting people waaaay too much. :awesome:

I'm pretty sure the guy I like isn't a masochist.

Use local anesthesia. Enough injections and he will no longer feel pain when hit repeatedly! It only lasts for a couple hours though so you will have to re-apply every now and then. Just find a spot you like to hit.

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Use local anesthesia. Enough injections and he will no longer feel pain when hit repeatedly! It only lasts for a couple hours though so you will have to re-apply every now and then. Just find a spot you like to hit.

:awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

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And, ERL, GUY FINALLY LIKES ME. Here's his stats, HHM, at level 15 Myrm:






6DEF (he hasn't grown there. Lyn's more durable than him ;~; )


Much better than eternal 6 STR on EHM.

Talk about lucky... I pretty much stopped using him altogether because I just couldn't stand his refusal to grow Str.

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And, ERL, GUY FINALLY LIKES ME. Here's his stats, HHM, at level 15 Myrm:






6DEF (he hasn't grown there. Lyn's more durable than him ;~; )


Much better than eternal 6 STR on EHM.


I put in a good word for you. Like you did for me to get Seth STR's to grow again. What did I exactly do? That's shall remain a mystery, my friend.

'Course, I once got Guy up to 17 STR before promotion. Not to brag or anything. :3

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I put in a good word for you. Like you did for me to get Seth STR's to grow again. What did I exactly do? That's shall remain a mystery, my friend.

'Course, I once got Guy up to 17 STR before promotion. Not to brag or anything. :3


Sounds like one of the Joshua's I've had, hm.

Talk about lucky... I pretty much stopped using him altogether because I just couldn't stand his refusal to grow Str.

I always give him a chance before I bench him---and that's around 7 levels. Doubling is pretty useful.

On another note, my Lyn is insanely durable as far as Lyn is concerned. level 18 lord with 9 DEF what.

Hector is screwed though. ;~;

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I dont get it, Lumi.

You told me that my Major Odo!Delmud wont be as good as a Major Odo! Swordmaster because of the SM caps. Forrest knights are mounted. Not to mention Delmud's minor Hezul gives him STR :/

Edited by Soma Cruz
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Yeah. But Del has what, a 23 cap? Swordmasters have 27 STR cap by default, and 30 SPD which is higher continue activations, and almost always pursuit. And the Leg Ring exists.

That and Hezul is slow as hell. Swordies at least has insane bases to compensate. Unless they changed the growths and bases and stuff, Shanan has 20 (thanks to 23 base) and Lachesis has also 20. Not exactly fast.

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Yeah. But Del has what, a 24 cap? Swordmasters have 27 STR cap by default, and 30 SPD which is higher continue activations, and almost always pursuit. And the Leg Ring exists.

Delmud has a 26 STR cap and a 29 SPD cap. He's giving 2 stat points for the increased movement. And yes, the leg ring exists but only one.

There is no guarantee that SM's will cap their STR. Delmud will either come close or cap his str because of Hezul blood

............. and also because there are no Sword people that can inherit the Balmung in Nier other then Delmud, Celice and Sluef. Celice is better off with his Tyfring and Sluef is a thief :/

That and Hezul is slow as hell. Swordies at least has insane bases to compensate. Unless they changed the growths and bases and stuff, Shanan has 20 (thanks to 23 base) and Lachesis has also 20. Not exactly fast.

I paired Lachesis with Shannan. Their Children will have epic Speed.

Edited by Soma Cruz
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I am the manliest girl you'll ever know. Also the most foul-mouthed. Though that's more IRL than online.

I take a massive manly shit spit on gender stereotypes.

And 'zerkers are supposed to be the really buff guys. I just want Hero dammit.

Echidna's not the only one either, There's BS Emblem Malice, Machua, and Radney.

I was just kidding. And I think a girl 'zerker would be cool. u_u

I've met many girls that have theirs thicker than mine. The voice, I mean.

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