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(FE10) Draft playthrough


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Certainly a better choice than first pick Haar.

Edit: And restarting until a strategy works (such as, say, the speedrun strat for 3-5 where you one round the boss, restarting until Haar crits should have some sort of penalty, or speedrun strats for Edward where you restart until he Wrath crits everything in a short chapter like 1-1). A strategy that's unlikely to work always working is fishy, y'know?

Edited by Paperblade
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Eh I guess it was partially my fault for mention Int. Oh well.

It's not your fault that Paperblade can't help running his mouth. Easy Button clear of 3-6 is entirely on-topic, some people may need to employ it.

You say no Battle Save abuse, does that mean you're disallowing lamesauce 5-turn clears of 1-P, etc, stuff that requires exceptional luck?

Or, say, Luna-ing Ike in 3-13 with Taur on turn 2 and restarting (from turn 1 because no BSA allowed) the map until it works?

I think maybe "no resets" should be added, though if you screw up honestly (ie: not risking death on a strategy that reduces turn count the 1 out of 10 times it actually works and just resetting until it does) it would kind of suck to permanently lose one of your few characters. May not even be able to actually finish the game.

He said no Battle Save abuse, which I would interpret as meaning no use of Battle Saves to try to manipulate the RNG in your favor, or something similar. I would think this kind of applies in the same way. Resetting should be fine if you're trying a new strategy or something.

Edited by Fia 
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That is incredibly lame. And you were the one who said unnecessary things in the first place. oval said people may need to hit the easy button on 3-6. You were the one who chose to insult a person that hadn't even posted in the topic and claim that because there are things about him you don't like that his strategy may not work.

Aren't you the one that always accuses everyone else of ad hominem?

How is this:

I've never actually seen a video for the 3-6 strategy, and given Int's e-personality I'm hesitant to believe it works.

Not one? Unlike the things I said in which you accused me of ad hominem, when any reasonable person should be able tell they weren't, this one actually has:

"given Int's e-personality I'm hesitant to believe it works."

Based on who Int is (in your opinion), you think the strategy may not work. You give no other reason for why it may not work. You clearly didn't even think through the process. Oval even said "Sothe Savior strategy until the BK comes" which should give you all the tools you need in order to reason out whether or not it is feasible. And yet rather than think about it on your own to figure out whether or not it could work, all you do is state that because Int came up with it you are hesitant to believe it works.

All of Int's posting spawned from your needless insult. He chose to attempt to clear up the strategy's feasibility.

The one that is running off at the mouth here is you, not him.

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There's obviously no way to know how much you restart or even if you RNG abuse via battle saves and resets. Try to keep resets to a minimum unless someone dies or you want to try a new strategy.

Edit: Ninja'd

Edit 2: At the rate this is going this will be the most viewed topic on the board. Keep up the good work. Seriously. It gives us all something to do while we wait for the participants who aren't one 24/7.

Edited by oval
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There's obviously no way to know how much you restart or even if you RNG abuse via battle saves and resets. Try to keep resets to a minimum unless someone dies or you want to try a new strategy.

Edit: Ninja'd

I would think we would be able to tell if someone was somehow consistently getting insane luck on something. There is PROBABLY no way to detect very minor abuse, but really, who cares.

Also, in case it was lost in the page flip, I DID choose Elincia as my pick.

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I should say that I think it may work better in HM than NM. In NM a lot of the laguz are extremely happy to just sit around where they started and never move unless you get in their range. Some still come at you (probably mostly the reinforcement ones), but I don't remember as many coming at me in NM as in HM. Maybe I just killed them faster in NM so they never piled up, but I think it was a combination of the two.

It still succeeds, of course. I just think it might not finish by turn 13/14 anymore.

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Just a few things here:

My minor plans I have already for Parts 2 and 3 have no need for Save State abuse to rely on any low times since he will hammer the boss of 2-E in 2 mabye 3 turns and will be receiving the majority of Part 2's XP when he can (fighting and bonus). Seeing as in a previous playthrough I nearly had him at 20/20/1 by 2-E (I think level 17 or 18, thanks Geoffrey)he will definatly be 3rd tier in Part 3 right off the bat or partially through 3-2. Not to mention I never rely on Haar criticals anyway or stun. But don't worry I don't plan on winning by lying to you all. Moving on though. Theres a chance I won't be on later tonight so Oval I might PM you or post my next picks later.

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Just a few things here:

My minor plans I have already for Parts 2 and 3 have no need for Save State abuse to rely on any low times since he will hammer the boss of 2-E in 2 mabye 3 turns and will be receiving the majority of Part 2's XP when he can (fighting and bonus). Seeing as in a previous playthrough I nearly had him at 20/20/1 by 2-E (I think level 17 or 18, thanks Geoffrey)he will definatly be 3rd tier in Part 3 right off the bat or partially through 3-2. Not to mention I never rely on Haar criticals anyway or stun. But don't worry I don't plan on winning by lying to you all. Moving on though. Theres a chance I won't be on later tonight so Oval I might PM you or post my next picks later.

You know, Haar can miss with that Hammer. I assume you are giving him the wing through Marcia or the convoy, so that helps.

Assuming you give him the secret book and the ashera icon:

26 skill

15 luck (maybe 16 with a level or two, but unlikely to get 2 levels in that short a time and 1 level is only 45% for 16)

52 + 15 + 15 + 60 = 142 hit.

Dude has 58 avo thanks to his stars.

At equal bios: 84 listed. 95.04%.

Chance of KO: 90.326016%

Boss has 16 crit. Without that level, a chance of death (Haar is 3HKOd by the boss while at or near base level), though not much. Still above 87% for successful kill. And you have plenty of bexp (probably) so you might be able to pull off 16 luck and immunity to crit counters. Also 85 listed, 95.65% true, 91.489225% chance of KO.

Don't get me wrong, it will almost certainly work out for you. But if it fails Haar dies. Not abusing battle saves means you get one shot at it and then have to reset and try something different. And "something different" should mean not putting Haar in a kill or be killed situation against the boss a second time in any way, shape, or form.

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You know, at the rate picks are going, I might not be able to do this over Thanksgiving break where I actually have access to my Wii. ._.

Just keep doing your part to keep the thread moving, by making infantile FTFY comments and other content-free postings. Surely that will speed up the drafting process, somehow.

Edit 2: At the rate this is going this will be the most viewed topic on the board. Keep up the good work. Seriously. It gives us all something to do while we wait for the participants who aren't one 24/7.

I'm thinking some meta-ranking of the picks by observers, once people get to round 4-5. There's a team that's building here that I consider to be particularly clever.


I should say that I think it may work better in HM than NM. In NM a lot of the laguz are extremely happy to just sit around where they started and never move unless you get in their range. Some still come at you (probably mostly the reinforcement ones), but I don't remember as many coming at me in NM as in HM. Maybe I just killed them faster in NM so they never piled up, but I think it was a combination of the two.

It still succeeds, of course. I just think it might not finish by turn 13/14 anymore.

That's a good point. TBH, I have never actually tried this because training the DB in NM is already pretty easy, so you might as well just do it the real way.

On the other hand, if the laguz are more skittish, you can make up the turns by turning Sothe into an offensive unit. The laguz, after all, are not rocking near-100% S-Strike like they do in Hard Mode, so he can do things with Beastkiller more safely than before, perhaps. He has the advantage of still maintaining Micaiah's support while carrying her.

Fun fact: you can trade items with someone that you have Rescued.

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interesting points there. Still with the ashera icon and bonus XP I'll probably make it to those numbers. (I'm too lazy to calculate required bonus XP for Haar to go from level 12 to 21. At least atm. Probably not enough in 2-p to 2-e though.)

For luck he will have 13+2+at least 5 opportunities via bonus XP level up so odds are I don't have to worry about the crit.

Skill again with a potential level in 2-P and bonus XP abuse will probably make it without the secret book.

+ I plan to finish 2-1 and 2-2 ASAP so that means no secret book and possibly no Heather.

I pretty much restated what you just said, only just showing a better alternative way for me since its a low turn count run.

So all in all I'll just hope for the best.

Edit: WOMC incase you overlooked everything your up

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Edit 2: At the rate this is going this will be the most viewed topic on the board. Keep up the good work. Seriously. It gives us all something to do while we wait for the participants who aren't one 24/7.

I'm thinking some meta-ranking of the picks by observers, once people get to round 4-5. There's a team that's building here that I consider to be particularly clever.

Like the commentators on tv during the drafts for professional sports teams? (Only smarter.)

I'm hoping for Nephinel in Kirsche's team.

Crown!Gats with PB/(possibly Interceptor).

Wing!Titania with oval.

Fun fact: you can trade items with someone that you have Rescued.

Do you mean Micky can make Sothe switch stuff? That would be cool, but I don't think so.

But yeah, BK can make Micky switch weapons or he can dump stuff on her even while she is held by Sothe.


I guess you are right about the secret book. Besides, if you don't have Heather on your team the book isn't an option without paying the cost of using her anyway. Still, 2 levels of bexp should take care of capping skill, and the third level should give that 16th luck point.

And tier 3 Haar in part 3 from exp should be good, and if you can pull off the 3-3 crown without losing turns then whichever other GMs you have can fight over it if there is enough bexp to get them enough levels before promotion.

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Like the commentators on tv during the drafts for professional sports teams? (Only smarter.)

Yeah, though I'll keep my own counsel for the time being since I don't want to undermine anyone's master plan.

Do you mean Micky can make Sothe switch stuff? That would be cool, but I don't think so.

Negative, you have no control over the Rescued unit (this also means no Direct, btw). It means that Sothe can use Micaiah as a backpack, though.

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Well I've been put in a shitty situation for Part 1 as I thought I would be.

My picks are is Tauroneo and Oscar.

Yes I'm aware I cannot be cheap with Luna in 3-13.

Oscars probably not the #1 choice I could have made but I see a few uses here and there for an extra high movement character. (+ Fia's gonna have some extra fun with 3-1 penalty and turn wise)

I got to go so I might 'justify' all of these choices later. Probably not the best but I wanna keep everything moving.

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