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(FE10) Draft playthrough


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I was struggling to think of someone until I read Narga's Post.


NOW I'm going to kill Narga.

Oops. I take this to mean you planned on getting her in round 9 or 10 under the assumption nobody else would before you could. I'm sorry (really).

I don't mean to spoil anybody's plans.

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Damn straight Kurth can be used in 1-3. (Because I got a semi-decent time on 1-3 using him)

Also Kirsche why continue talking about the question (if Kurth can be used) when someone answered it. Don't you have the decency to refresh to see if the questions answered before you post or are you just like me? Yes when I did the same thing with the question 'do penalties stack' and only got complaining as a result it rubbed me the wrong way. Idc though its over and done with.

Regardless I'm going to post my times so far since theres nothing holding me back now. (I was questioning Kurth myself tbh)

1-P 6+3

Edward Micaiah solo Leonardo sniped one or two that lagged behind. Thankfully Edward got a wrath on the boss and Micaiah could finish him next turn.

1-1 6+ 3 Same thing here cept with Nolan. Leonardo leveled up once. Edward did nothing but escape.

1-2 13 I probably could have cut this one down abit but oh well. Edward and Nolan indirectly meatshielded the enemies on the 2nd floor (by blocking the cliff) while Leonardo and Micaiah stalled on the soldiers. Sothe gets down there asap and pwns everything. Along the way I get the steel bow thani and power drop. Leonardo stalled again against the reinforcements and on the last 2 turns he got the thani spell (Sothe traded it to him earlier). At the end of the chapter a bunch of characters have the wrong items. Leonardo has the thani. Micaiah has the steel bow and Sothe has the power drop. Regardless onto 1-3.

1-3: Long story short I rocked this chapter. Odds are I'll have to post a full description to explain how I beat it with the turn count that I did. I'll post it later.

So far my total score is: 31, yikes. At least I know the only people who can beat me thus far are Ether and Fia. Leonardo has his moments here and there at this point in the game.

Also Meg was going to be my next pick >: (

Edited by King_Soren
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kirsche has a pretty dynamite team, now.













I guess Nephinel. Nealuchi and Neph for 2-2 and 2-E. No GMs but Ike for 3-P and 3-1. Nephinel and Ike are it for 3-2 until 3-4. Then I guess Ranulf fills a hole.

Meg + Jill + Micaiah + Sothe may well be good enough. Then Muarim shows up. Also Laura for healing. I guess it is fairly balanced, though only Neph will be super amazing in part 4. I suppose Jill with enough bexp and a crown should be pretty great, though. Also with enough bexp Meg could be good, but Meg and Laura are both rather bexp intensive if you want greatness. Not sure what to do with Nealuchi in part 4, but with the added responsibilities in part 2 he may hit S strike before or during 4-P. Oh, and Jill for the 2 turn clear of 1-6-2 if Sothe can survive. I suppose sending them up allows a 3 or 4 turn clear with relative safety, though. Still, better than the other teams can do.

I guess it is good. Dunno about dynamite.












Well, just Tormod and Leo for part 1. Tauroneo in 1-6, but no Jill for the quick clear.

Haar + Oscar for part 3. I guess crown on Oscar early despite the flaws of that idea. Bexp for him might fix that, though. I guess Kirsche's team is better than this one.












Well, Volug. Ilyana + MS for 1-3 until 1-7.

Part 3 is just Boyd and Ilyana and Heather and Ike. That could be interesting. (Kirsche)












Nolan for part 1. Just him and MS, actually. Elincia helps part 2 and 4, along with Leanne. For 2-P, Leanne is made better by Marcia (and vice versa), though. Bexp might save Mak. His part 3 is two healers and Brom and Ike. Two CRKs. I guess Kirsche again. Healer monopoly.












I guess I caused the loss of Meg, so he's stuck with just Aran in part 1. Gatrie and Rolf and Ike for a while in part 3. Ulki makes fun in 3-7 and beyond. Tibarn for part 4, Skrimir for some of the other part 4 chapters. Not sure about Calill, but maybe bexp saves the day again. I think Kirsche, but I could be wrong.












Ed helps, but that's all he gets in part 1 beyond MS until Vika.

Mia + Mordy + Shinon + Lethe + Ike for part 3, so that's fun. Mia + Ike + Shinon might even be able to do well in 3-3. Lethe and Mordy can pair up, I guess, helping Lethe out a bit. Giffca is fun.









8.Black Knight



No DBs until Zihark. Titania helps much, though, especially if he can swing either speedwing, though it may be hard. Still, bexp I suppose. Reyson may help more in this type of playthrough. Janaff is good for the GMs. BK for 1-E and 3-6. I think lots of people may need Saviour Sothe. Soren I guess with bexp can get crowned somewhat early to help out, though Titania may help more with it. No other healers, though, so maybe Soren gets it to heal Ike.

Are there really no penalties for BK in 1-9 and 3-6? Where is the reward for choosing him?

I guess you might be right, Interceptor. Dynamite is a relative term, I assume.

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I don't think i'll have too much trouble in part 1.In the beginning,Eddie can hold his own well enough with Leo's Draco,and Sothe doesn`t take too long to appear.In normal mode,with favoritism,Eddie shouldn`t take too long to hit second tier,and then he`s better than Z anyway.

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I don't think i'll have too much trouble in part 1.In the beginning,Eddie can hold his own well enough with Leo's Draco,and Sothe doesn`t take too long to appear.In normal mode,with favoritism,Eddie shouldn`t take too long to hit second tier,and then he`s better than Z anyway.

You could be right, but he is supportless. Well, you could break Micky and Sothe up and give one of them to Ed, I suppose. I'm just thinking about 3 units on 1-6. I suppose you could take a penalty for Taur or Volug there, and it isn't like you are the only one with just 3 units there. 1-7 I guess just bail on the prisoners. Chances are everyone will have to do that. Maybe open a couple of cells and hope they don't die before Micaiah seizes. 1-5, ick. Also, he will typically get hp and 2 of str/skl/spd from bexp, so that could help.

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I plan to give him Micky,since Sothe doesn`t need much help during the time he`s useful.

By 1-6-2,I`ll definately have Ed promoted,so the map only takes as long as Ed takes to reach teh boss,I can pull a forge to one round him.For 1-5,is it a rout or a defend in normal,it`s been a while since I checked?Either way,Tauro doesn;t die,and i can;t use Jill/Z anyway,I don;t really care if they die.

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As long as Jill and Zihark heal themselves you'll be fine. Everyones going to have a 6 or 11 on that chapter anyway so the only real planning is maximizing on XP and keeping Volug outta trouble.

Not that defend or survive makes a difference though since Taur never leaves the guarded spot.

Edited by King_Soren
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Lehran is being overlooked.

Is it even possible to march down to BK with 3 or 4 units? Well, it's NM, so probably. Actually, I think Mia x Ike + Gatrie on HM could do it. But for teams with Titania or Oscar or something and not much else, they can't choose Lehran. Well, they could, they'd just never actually get him, unless Ike can get down there on his own.

Also, no Ranulf to draw the BK safely. I don't think he'll move on NM unless you are in his range (Ike dies if he has <27 AS, though with all the exp he'll get for being one of the few fighters it may not be an issue). He did move on HM when Ike was one outside his range, though.

And Lehran might be good if the team isn't capable of beating Ashera quickly enough (Ashera Staff usage, since I think you said nobody else can deploy BK in 1-E but the one that picks Lehran). Or if you must leave the spirits alive. Otherwise, he's just another attacker, only other attackers could be used in more maps.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I guess I caused the loss of Meg, so he's stuck with just Aran in part 1. Gatrie and Rolf and Ike for a while in part 3. Ulki makes fun in 3-7 and beyond. Tibarn for part 4, Skrimir for some of the other part 4 chapters. Not sure about Calill, but maybe bexp saves the day again. I think Kirsche, but I could be wrong.

Haha, I'm doing well if you can't guess why I picked Calill.

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8.Black Knight



No DBs until Zihark. Titania helps much, though, especially if he can swing either speedwing, though it may be hard. Still, bexp I suppose. Reyson may help more in this type of playthrough. Janaff is good for the GMs. BK for 1-E and 3-6. I think lots of people may need Saviour Sothe. Soren I guess with bexp can get crowned somewhat early to help out, though Titania may help more with it. No other healers, though, so maybe Soren gets it to heal Ike.

Are there really no penalties for BK in 1-9 and 3-6? Where is the reward for choosing him?

I guess you might be right, Interceptor. Dynamite is a relative term, I assume.

In retrospect maybe Edward over Zihark would've been a better pick if only for the fact I won't be raped by penalties for 1-P and 1-1. Besides he doesn't do as bad in NM as compared to HM. Zihark+ MS will do okay until 1-8 where everyone will be taking penalties to complete in a reasonable time. I'll get owned by penalties in part 2 as well. Then part 3 is where I hope to do some good. Titania+Soren+Ike should allow me to beat 3-1 with no penalties. Then Titania will be speedwing'd and promoted by 3-2. GG part 3. Naesala Sothe Sigurn and Micaiah will do there side. Ike Soren and Titania will work for there part. Janaff and Zihark will have the other chapter(I'm hoping celerity!Janaff can pull a Tibarn on Izuka). Now I think I'll still do terribly because of all the penalties, but I never do to great in these anyway so eh.

I'm starting to wish we used the old character rules were everyone had at least one usable character for every chapter except 2-p and 2-2. I think they were a bit fairer, and if enough people are interested in another run I'll use those. Also next time BK in 3-6 WILL BE PENALIZED. I won't do it this time because he might have gone earlier because of that, and changing the rules to benefit myself is kinda cheating.

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I guess I caused the loss of Meg, so he's stuck with just Aran in part 1. Gatrie and Rolf and Ike for a while in part 3. Ulki makes fun in 3-7 and beyond. Tibarn for part 4, Skrimir for some of the other part 4 chapters. Not sure about Calill, but maybe bexp saves the day again. I think Kirsche, but I could be wrong.

Haha, I'm doing well if you can't guess why I picked Calill.

My best guess would be Meteor in 2-E and taking the penalty with Elincia to KO Ludveck. She's a +5 in 2-E, so you could probably score a 7 if you 2 turn it. Not sure if it is safe to bring Elincia within striking range, though. Beyond that, I can't come up with anything. Not sure what she does for your 3-9, though she is your only free unit there. Beyond that, it takes a while for her to be good.

So my guess is just 2-E and 3-9.

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Anyway Oval put up a damn Rolf penalty.

If you insist although I don't see the point. Sure he can Ballista a mage or two if he gets lucky, but he's not to helpful otherwise.

Also in the other drafts we allowed everyone to deploy one extra 6 move unit(mage) in 3-3 to make that chapter less of a hassle. I don't see anything wrong with it so I'm gonna implement that here as well.

Edited by oval
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