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(FE10) Draft playthrough


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Edit: Wait, I have another question (I know I said the last question would be my last, but, oh well), if we are unhappy with the turncount we got, are we allowed to restart the chapter and try a different strategy?

I would assume yes, as long as we actually tried something else. Basically, as long as its not abuse to manipulate RNG or whatever, I would assume it would be fine.

Right on the money Fia. Keep the questions coming it's better for everyone to be clear about the rules before starting you're playthroughs.

I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to be murdered by the time drafts are over... :ph34r:

Not to mention taking Geoffrey AND Giffca exactly one post before me. I was happier than N64 kid on Christmas when I say them still there and you stole it from me. That makes three people who are out for your head.

Only ~100 views till this is the #1 topic on the RD board

Edited by oval
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Giffca fine,but on the round before it was Mordy - Your picks - Geoffrey.You could have grabbed him.

Damn,soon the viewer commentaries are just gonna be predictions of how I'm going to die... :(

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Ngh...well...I guess I'll take Shinon this time around.


That's like me taking Mia from you :angry:

Whatever, I wanted Nealuchi anyway (Now I CAN get the short axe :P.)

That makes three people who are out for your head.


Edited by kirsche
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Giffca fine,but on the round before it was Mordy - Your picks - Geoffrey.You could have grabbed him.

Damn,soon the viewer commentaries are just gonna be predictions of how I'm going to die... :(

Yeah but Geoffrey only has 2 chapters of use more or less.Naesala and Janaff are both much more useful than that. Although now that I think about it maybe I have to many part 3 units. Oh well.

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I'm a little surprised at nobody taking Tormod in round 4 or 5. I suppose he's only good in 3 chapters, but I know he significantly speeds up 1-7 if you do it right, and I'd have to assume the same applies to 1-8 and 1-E. It's not like people haven't chosen Royals that exist only in 4-E. Also since money is probably less of an issue now you can easily forge him a really good fire tome and he'll ORKO everything. He does on HM to everything without 17+ AS, so I'd have to assume the 17 AS enemies are now 16 or less and are ORKOd as well.

Also on NM I think he has an actual chance at 31AS (and thus 34 with Rexflame) with enough bexp.

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Tough decision tough decision because someone picked Lucia, your now the new Ether.

First pick is Tormod so I don't get hurt too badly in late part I. (For the 2nd time in this thread someone posts something relating to my post and I don't see it until my post. It'd still be Tormod though.)

2nd Pick was a tough call but its going to be Tanith.

Thank god I can give Tormod bonus XP in 4-4.

Edited by King_Soren
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I'm a little surprised at nobody taking Tormod in round 4 or 5. I suppose he's only good in 3 chapters, but I know he significantly speeds up 1-7 if you do it right, and I'd have to assume the same applies to 1-8 and 1-E. It's not like people haven't chosen Royals that exist only in 4-E. Also since money is probably less of an issue now you can easily forge him a really good fire tome and he'll ORKO everything. He does on HM to everything without 17+ AS, so I'd have to assume the 17 AS enemies are now 16 or less and are ORKOd as well.


Also on NM I think he has an actual chance at 31AS (and thus 34 with Rexflame) with enough bexp.

34AS cap matters a lot less than normal because only 1 person is going to get Nasir. Probably better to just get people you can throw Braves on to hit twice really hard.

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I'm a little surprised at nobody taking Tormod in round 4 or 5. I suppose he's only good in 3 chapters, but I know he significantly speeds up 1-7 if you do it right, and I'd have to assume the same applies to 1-8 and 1-E. It's not like people haven't chosen Royals that exist only in 4-E. Also since money is probably less of an issue now you can easily forge him a really good fire tome and he'll ORKO everything. He does on HM to everything without 17+ AS, so I'd have to assume the 17 AS enemies are now 16 or less and are ORKOd as well.


I think he must have chose to pick him before I said anything. The time gap is just to small for me to think otherwise.

Also on NM I think he has an actual chance at 31AS (and thus 34 with Rexflame) with enough bexp.

34AS cap matters a lot less than normal because only 1 person is going to get Nasir. Probably better to just get people you can throw Braves on to hit twice really hard.

Doh. I forgot about only one person getting Nasir. That was silly. Still, spirits, if nothing else. I guess he is mostly the part 1 stuff. You are right about the braves (and I'd like to add swordmasters and Volke), of course.

At least, as long as they are also good early. Being NM, they probably are, though.

and I think only three people get herons, since they aren't forced there.

Actually, Renning is a decent endgame unit in NM, given he'll double most or all of the Generals now and he can still get wyrmslayers. Possibly best for the team that chose Elincia (for supports), though. Still, as Interceptor said, the trickiest sections are early and mid, not 4-E itself.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Yeah I didn't see Narga's post if nobody thinks I'm telling the truth then thanks for the suggestion Narga. :P

(I was thinking about my 2nd choice for a bit also fyi)

Also herons are restricted in this PT. Only 3 people have access to them without penalties. Interceptor was probably talking about a PT in general though above.

Edited by King_Soren
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Hurray for Sothe! He finally gets to be in 4-E-5. He must be so happy now.

I'm thinking with the lack of Nasir it might be worth attempting to get a brave along the way. I don't know if the one in 4-P is locked (I assume so, though), but you get one shot in 4-E-1 (there are two, but on opposite sides). You only get one shot without slowing down and Sothe has to be nearby if it works, so maybe not particularly likely to happen, but it could be worth trying just in case the disarm user pulls it off. 30 skill on best bio has 25% so 43.75% chance of pulling it off. Not much, of course, but if a strategy can be created to try for it without costing a turn it could be worth taking a shot. You lose nothing.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Oh, and oval, take Ilyana off the list of remaining characters.

Fixed that.

Hurray for Sothe! He finally gets to be in 4-E-5. He must be so happy now.

I always use Sothe in 4E-5

Seriously though he has 28(Str)+18(Baselard)+2(Micaiah support)= 48 atk to the Aura's 30(?) defense so he does 18*2 which is not too bad seeing as your choices are limited. In my last draft Sothe was the difference between a 2 turn 4E-5 and a 3 turn one, so he still helps towards the end. Sure he needed an extreme amount of favoritism, but everyone on your team will be getting it so why shouldn't Sothe?

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Oh, and oval, take Ilyana off the list of remaining characters.

Fixed that.

Hurray for Sothe! He finally gets to be in 4-E-5. He must be so happy now.

I always use Sothe in 4E-5

Seriously though he has 28(Str)+18(Baselard)+2(Micaiah support)= 48 atk to the Aura's 30(?) defense so he does 18*2 which is not too bad seeing as your choices are limited. In my last draft Sothe was the difference between a 2 turn 4E-5 and a 3 turn one, so he still helps towards the end. Sure he needed an extreme amount of favoritism, but everyone on your team will be getting it so why shouldn't Sothe?

I think we can all agree that the two units getting dropped for Gareth and Nasir in 4-E-5 are among Kurth, Sanaki, and Sothe. At least in most playthroughs. Too be honest I suppose Sothe should be more accurate than Kurth and Kurth's Night Tide is unneeded with the existence of the Ashera Staff. As for damage, 41 mt isn't particularly useful and he's very inaccurate. I guess I don't know why I send him rather than Sothe. Anyway, I two turned it without Sothe deployed, so oh well. Actually I managed to waste a couple of units' turns. For example, I had Micky attack an aura without a blessed tome (by accident: wasn't thinking). Obviously she did no damage. That was on turn 2. And of course Kurth, Nasir, Ena, and Gareth may as well not even bother trying to hit with their ~50% hit rates in the chapter for one shot.

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