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Lagdou 10

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This topic is for disscussing how you beat the 10th floor of Lagdou Ruins. FOr me I just bring along Ewan, Artur and Riev or Moulder and give them purges and kill the dragons. I start off by killing the dragons at the top of the map so I can get the white gem inside. :ph34r:

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I bring along Ross (with Garm), Ewan (Gleipnir, Physic), Artur (Ivaldi, Physic), Moulder (Purge, Aura, Physic), Joshua (Audhulma), Neimi (Nidhogg) & Tana (Vidofnir) or Cormag (Vidofnir). These are the People I make my team up from I usually use all my magic units though & everyone has one Elixir (at least)

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Moulder + Nosferatu + Chest Key.

Moulder can't use Elder tomes, can he?

Control Enemy Glitch. Anyone can learn Dark "Elder" magic through use of Stone. Just use their brilliant WEXP output to get up to D level and use Flux to get higher.

In short, cheat.

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It's easy even without the sacred weapons. Just kill a select two in the first turn and you should have a big enough safe spot to take them all on, one by one.

Note that they're weak to Wind Sword, too.

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Moulder + Nosferatu + Chest Key.

Moulder can't use Elder tomes, can he?

Control Enemy Glitch. Anyone can learn Dark "Elder" magic through use of Stone. Just use their brilliant WEXP output to get up to D level and use Flux to get higher.

In short, cheat.

Pretty much.

On top of that, Flux having higher might than Lightning and more uses, it's definitely better than that if you do Bishop soloes like I do.

Also Naglfar. Can't say no to infinite uses tomes. Nosferatu is only really for the Dracozombies. Let them attack you, and if they do hit ( I remember 50%-ish on Moulder ), beat them and drain them. First go north for the chest, then go south and sweep.

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Myrrh makes the 10th floor too damn easy, even if she hits once she ends up doing mondo damage, i might end up making a video of the 10th floor for each and every set up and test each one of the theories i can.

Lagdou Ruins 10, Setup 1

Here's setup one for the 10th floor, bolting plus tons of magic users.

Edited by VergilDante100
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  • 2 months later...

Gerik with Silver Bow. Brave bow on Hard. + Artur/Natasha Purge team for less turns and less bow usage.

+Colm and that endless supply of lockpicks I buy for him.

And maybe I'll let Colm take a few shots with Shamshir as well. He DID silencer once before.

It's not like those dragons can OHKO him. With Gerik/Purge team anyway.

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Myrrh makes the 10th floor too damn easy, even if she hits once she ends up doing mondo damage, i might end up making a video of the 10th floor for each and every set up and test each one of the theories i can.

Lagdou Ruins 10, Setup 1

Here's setup one for the 10th floor, bolting plus tons of magic users.

I lol'd.

You cleared the ruins once, yet you had Lyon's tome. Lol

Maxed Artur + Molder (Sages, BTW) With Aura, kicked ass on the whole chapter.

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I like control enemy glitch then shadowshotting with bishops then Artur with legendary dark tome ... :)

I plan on giving my Artur Bishop Eclipse soon...

Then I have

:Moulder:: S Staves, A Anima, B Light. Fim, Purge and Lantona

:Artur:: S Light, A Dark, A Staves. Invaldi, Eclipse, and Fortify

:Knoll:: S Dark, A Anima, A Staves. Glephir, Bolting, and Fortify. :)


I enjoy Lagdou 10, it is actually a challenge when I play. :) (Even on my gameboy, almost nothing in FE is as much of a challenge, without hacking, BTW.)

Edited by Bryan
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Wait, effective damage isn't applied for eclipse though as far as I am aware.

You sure?

I lol'd. It shows Eclipse as effective, but it still does the same damage. :D

I don't really care though...

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