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Forge Names

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm lame too. I use the actuall weapon name/ or when I played PoR (Which is what you are talking about) I would name the weapon their and color the blade with their hair color. (I still do that. D:)

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"Overkill" seems like a fitting name for a Forged Silver Axe with +5 MT (21) for a Boyd with max STR (30) with +5 ATK from supports and Resolve.

30 + 21 + 5 + 15 = 71 ATK.

If Ashnard could be killed by normal weapons, he could have easily soloed Endgame, as he was OHKOing nearly everything (I think he was missing a few generals)

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An even better Overkill would be to replace the axe with a silver bow with the max mt of 18 against a flying unit. Its power would double to 36, and I'm pretty sure that if used against the lowest defense raven in chapter 28 and a critical occurs, it would be the strongest non-hacked attack in the game with a might of around 210.

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I don't usually change the names from default, though I think that there is merit to the idea of naming a max Mt, Hit, (and Crt?) Silver weapon (preferably a melee one), "Iron Bow" It goes double for warrior Boyd.

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