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Magic the Gathering: Radiant Dawn


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Hahahahaha, the Aran card is spot on.

Come on Narga, this thread is meant humorously. Do you really feel the need to make posts like that just for a satiric image?

Actually, no, I don't feel the need to make posts for the image itself. I saw it and thought it was kinda funny. I knew smash was kinda taking a shot, but didn't really mind. It was great as it was.

And then....(dun dun dun)

Ok, that's fine >_>

In other news...


I see what you did there

i kno, something tells me aran rly sux

That's the reason I said something. I was perfectly happy until then.

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qq moar

Is that to me? What does it even mean?

qq = crying

Right, I forgot, smash isn't rational. I think I did type in another post on another topic a promise to remember that. Okay, so explaining to another person why I did what I did and how his (apparent) assumption for why I did what I did was not the reason = crying. Like I said before, rational: Smash is not.

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CMC 10, but 7/13 double strike and haste, plus funny landwalk? Not something you want on the other side of the table.

To be honest, I think she'd be best off green (you have so many multicoloured cards it's starting to look like Alara Reborn), since it doesn't make too much sense to make Volug green and her red/white. And it'd make her fit more into Zendikar-heavy green decks for the lulz or something. Which would love her. Ten mana? No problem.

Also, drop the weird ability and just give her standard landwalks.


Did you just make a card that's better than Time Walk?

Edited by Naglfar
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@ Nailah: Okay. Although there are 5 royals (Nailah/Tibarn/Naesala/Caineghist/Giffca), so maybe I can make them one of each color? Tibarn's prob white, Cain green. Giffca can be black because he's cain's shadow. That would leave Naesala as blue and... Nailah as red? Or maybe Tibarn can be red an Nailah can be white. I dunno.

@ Rafiel: I don't think so, unless I got the rules mixed up. Rafiel doesn't give you an upkeep phase. Nothing really happens in main phase other than you being able to play sorceries, so basically you just get your creatures to attack again.

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Waves of Agression, alrighty.

Let's see... tap ability instead of retrace, CMC 4 instead of 5... damn.

It's still quite the flimsy creature though. 0/1? Any kill spell (including lolZap) will kill it. By turn 4, your opponent is bound to have something that'll send it to the graveyard. And it only comes online on turn 5 (since no Haste). So he's pretty much on par with Finest Hour IMO, since your opponent has a whole turn to deal with him. In fact, I think that the only deck that COULD protect him is Bant with it's counterspells. Being a creature sucks in a format in a format with Path/Bolt/Doomblade/Burst Lightning/etc., so I think Rafiel's fine. He's loads of fun in multiplayer too :D

@Aran: Lol 7 Coins? How about dice-rolling instead? It's less tedious...

@Fiona: Rofl. Quite an accurate card. Might as well give her "Kicker WWUUBBRRGG: If Fiona is Kicked, you do not lose the game instead." Who doesn't want to kick Fiona?

@Tormod: Unblockable? Celerity I guess?

@Muarim: Looks fine.

@Nailah: Jesus Christ she's huge. Makes me wonder about Caineghis and Tibs. Also, she's much like Progenitus: she's either only getting comboed out or in decks with metric craptons of acceleration, except that she'll eat a Path or wtv the moment she comes down. Still, got to agree with the "Volug is green but Nailah isnt" part: she should be green. Magic wolves are usually green.

The cards are pretty good till now. Keep it up.

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I was thinking of making all 5 royals a different color so every color gets one; good or bad idea? If good, what colors would everyone be? I suppose Nailah could be green. This would leave Naesala with blue or black (maybe blue, as I'm thinking Giffca can be balck, since he's cain's shadow). Maybe Cain would be white and Tibarn would be red?

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I haven't played Magic in well over five years, but that makes sense. IIRC, birds were usually white, wolves were usually green, lions were usually red, you have your reasoning for Gifca, and Naesala is the only one left.

Blue is generally the only color outside of white to get flying from what I know. isn't a lot since Magic isn't my main game.

These are great.

almost as good as my yugioh ones.

I'd be interested in seeing those, as yugioh is what I usually play. I made a couple after seeing this thread for the kicks, but I really just wanted to make a Zelgius card.

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