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The scariest moment(s) in your life


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I fell of my 10 foot porch because I was bored and broke my arm

Ha! You fell off cause you were bored.

The scariest moment of my life was when me and my friends picked on this kid and thought he was going to have his 6 foot brother beat us all up in revenge. Never happened, though we lived that weekend in fear. We were 11 and didn't know much better, but of course I'm not mean like that anymore.

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I also hit my head sleding off a jump they told me I shouldn't go off of

Also I went sleding on ice and fell. One pharse describes it, Ragdoll Physics

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Let's see...I rammed my head into the sharp corner of a desk once. My head was bleeding like hell. That's only one of my many experiences....

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I'll let CGV explain it, since it was on his birthday.

haha, oh yes, i remember. It was the day i turned 15. Anyway, here's how it went down...

So it's night time and I finished doing all of my birthday stuff and i was watching a movie i had gotten. I noticed searchlights looking in our backyard frequently. I ignored it at first and finished the movie. When I went to bed I stayed up just laying in my bed when i noticed from my window a bald guy walking in our backyard. I could only see his head and it was dark outside, but it scared me shitless. So I told my parents about it and since my dad has connections with the police he called them and said that there was a fugitive on the loose and in our neighborhood. So as we're freaked out of our minds, my mom went to look to see where the guy was. She came back scared beyond belief and said, "he's got a gun" (I think by now you can tell that we we're scared... ya know... just a little bit...[/sarcasm]) So my dad took all of us and shoved us in the bathroom and locked the door. We called the police again and asked it there was an officer in our backyard and luckily, it was just an officer checking our backyard

So after all that, we found out that the guy had actually been hiding in the backyard of our friends house down the street

As for my mom freaking out about the cop, I guess she couldn't see his clothes because it was pretty dark and we we're scared as hell

Now isn't that a birthday memory for ya?

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I just remembered one. It's actually a little embarrassing....

I was hanging with that friend CGV just mentioned in my room on the computer. No one else was home. Suddenly we heard what sounded like feet sliding on the kitchen tile down the hall. I called out "Hello?" No answer. I peeked my head out the door and down the hall, saw nothing. Meanwhile, my friend grabbed a baseball bat that I don't remember why it was there and we started slowly walking down the hall. We kept hearing this noise....As we approached the end of the hall, the sound stopped. We looked around the kitchen and it was empty. Then we heard it again, near the door. I opened the door and there was a freaky looking guy holding a knife! Only not really. It was just the wind blowing leaves against the door. We vowed never to mention that event again. Oops.....

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^ i dont even remember that. I don't think i was there

Oh! another one! (my memory is odd...) FFoF remembers this one

This one happened on Cinco de Mayo (May 5) two years ago. Basically, me, FFoF, the friend we mention already and two of my friends, almost got into three car accidents. The second two would've been fatal

First one: Wasn't too scary. I was waiting to turn left at the odd intersection and right before I made my turn, the damn car oppoosite of me went first and I almost hit them

Second one: This one's a lot worse. So I'm driving down the street and I notice in the distance a big white van pulling out from a neighborhood and turning right. The van pulled out a little too far and stopped when they noticed me. So I was thinking to myself "ok he sees me". So when I think I'm out of a jam, the van pulls out even more when I'm about 50 feet away. So, picture this... I'm about 30-40 feet away from slamming into a huge white van going at about 50mph and the van is in 3/4 on my lane. So what did I do? Slam the brakes, turn the wheel hard left and then hard right and got myself back in the lane. I got about, oh... 3 feet from the damn van. If I'd connected at that speed with a huge vehicle, that would have not been good....

Third one: Basically, I would've pretty much been hospitalized or even killed if this went wrong. So, I dropped off two of my friends and I was waiting to turn left. It was late and dark so there weren't many cars on the road. When I saw a car coming from the left turning into the street I was waiting in, (I thought) the coast was clear. So as I pulled out into both lanes to turn left I saw lights from my side getting very bright, very fast, like a train was coming right at me. I saw at the last second a truck was coming at me at about 50 mph and if it wasn't for reflexes kicking in and slamming the pedal to make the car go forward, I would've been hit directly from a huge truck. But I wasn't out of the woods yet. There was a fence ahead of me from a school and I had to swerve hard left to avoid it. So after this night of close accidents, I got home alive and I was scared to drive for a while

Oh, don't forget that all this happened in about a 2 hours span

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^ i dont even remember that. I don't think i was there

Oh! another one! (my memory is odd...) FFoF remembers this one

This one happened on Cinco de Mayo (May 5) two years ago. Basically, me, FFoF, the friend we mention already and two of my friends, almost got into three car accidents. The second two would've been fatal

First one: Wasn't too scary. I was waiting to turn left at the odd intersection and right before I made my turn, the damn car oppoosite of me went first and I almost hit them

Second one: This one's a lot worse. So I'm driving down the street and I notice in the distance a big white van pulling out from a neighborhood and turning right. The van pulled out a little too far and stopped when they noticed me. So I was thinking to myself "ok he sees me". So when I think I'm out of a jam, the van pulls out even more when I'm about 50 feet away. So, picture this... I'm about 30-40 feet away from slamming into a huge white van going at about 50mph and the van is in 3/4 on my lane. So what did I do? Slam the brakes, turn the wheel hard left and then hard right and got myself back in the lane. I got about, oh... 3 feet from the damn van. If I'd connected at that speed with a huge vehicle, that would have not been good....

Third one: Basically, I would've pretty much been hospitalized or even killed if this went wrong. So, I dropped off two of my friends and I was waiting to turn left. It was late and dark so there weren't many cars on the road. When I saw a car coming from the left turning into the street I was waiting in, (I thought) the coast was clear. So as I pulled out into both lanes to turn left I saw lights from my side getting very bright, very fast, like a train was coming right at me. I saw at the last second a truck was coming at me at about 50 mph and if it wasn't for reflexes kicking in and slamming the pedal to make the car go forward, I would've been hit directly from a huge truck. But I wasn't out of the woods yet. There was a fence ahead of me from a school and I had to swerve hard left to avoid it. So after this night of close accidents, I got home alive and I was scared to drive for a while

Oh, don't forget that all this happened in about a 2 hours span

That night was freaky. I was so scared on that third one I couldn't even make a noise to warn you, since I saw it before you.

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I remember when I was younger and my best friend, her sister and I went swimming. We were having a race and my best friend kicked my head and I went under and I think I had a mild concussion or something cos I just couldn't swim. I thought I was gonna drown and all these people were just swimming past not even thinking of helping and the lifeguard just sat there. Luckily my best friend's sister was able to help me but it was really bad ><

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While my family was driving up a ramp leading into a highway, the car in front of us spun out. We somehow drove past it intact.

Also, I once tripped and pretty much broke my forehead on a wooden bookshelf once.

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My mom, her boyfriend, my sister, and I were at some place or something I don't know what it was. Anyways, we were on a dam and my mom's boyfriend decided to be an ass hole and pick me up and hold me over the edge. He's mean so I thought that he was gonna drop me.

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I don't really have a scary story either. (To Fox and CGV: .....Damn....) The closest I can come to that was this one time I visited the Grand Canyon. We wanted to take a group picture, and I was on the end of the group near the ledge of the cliff. I would have been fine with that, but there was no fence, the ground didn't look to solid, and I was about two feet away from plummeting to my death.

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This one Saturday night...I was in my house. Only the living room light was on. I was watching tv at midnight while everybody else was asleep. All of a sudden, I saw a dark shadow slide across the hallway upstairs. I went upstairs and checked, but everyone was still asleep. This happened every Saturday night(when everybody was asleep but I) for about 4 weeks.

Was it an optical illusion? Was it my fatigue playing tricks on my eyes? Or something more?

That was the part I never figured out. Pretty damn creepy...

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Let's see....You all know the creepy/scary/disturbing sitcom episode I made about Bianchi brainwashing people? Well....

You see...I was typing this part:

Zephrion: No. It's not that. Every time it's the same nightmare. I'm in a dark room with our old group. We're all unconscious, but our eyes are wide open. There are these guys operating on us. Carving us open. Putting something inside us. Every night, I have these horrible nightmares...

When I suddenly heard noises in the garage. I was like "Holy crap!" and locked the door leading to the garage downstairs. Then I changed the line to this:

Zephrion: No. It's not that. Every time it's the same wonderful dream. Hot, sexy women giving me candy and hugs. Feeding it to me, telling me that I'm a good boy.

Obviously, I changed this line back to its original version the following morning.

But after that, I was too afraid to work on the "brainwashing" arc at night. I would always write it during the daytime.

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Ha! You fell off cause you were bored.

The scariest moment of my life was when me and my friends picked on this kid and thought he was going to have his 6 foot brother beat us all up in revenge. Never happened, though we lived that weekend in fear. We were 11 and didn't know much better, but of course I'm not mean like that anymore.

He Was Not Bored He Was Thinking He Was Superman And He Triped On His Shoe And He Landed and broke his arm

Edited by King Roy34
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There was also this time where I was in my bedroom and I heard scratching on the door.

I opened the door and no one was there.

dude, is your house haunted or something? that's pretty creepy

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Here's my story:

I was in second grade. Now back in my old neighborhood, there were tall trees near the street- you know the little grassy area between the sidewalk in the road? There were tall trees every so often in that area.

Once a year, guys from the township would come prune the trees. They'd get rid of dead branches and such. So the day they did that in second grade, my three friends and I did something very stupid.

The workmen had left all the branches on my friends' lawn (they were my nextdoor neighbors) while they cut the other trees back. After they finished cutting the trees they would come by with a chipper and grind the branches up into mulch, but they hadn't gotten to my friends' lawn yet. These were biiig branches. There were a lot of them too, covering the entire lawn. It looked like a neat place to explore.

So there we went, a couple of second graders, a fourth grader, and a first grader, crawling under all these tree branches. It was cool. We found a spot where we all fit and just sat there.

Then the guys with the chipper arrived.

My friends saw it first and fled. I didn't notice until I saw the last of their retreating sneakers. Way to warn me, guys.

I ran for my life. Being seven years old, I was silly enough to think that I was gonna get fed to the woodchipper with all those tree branches. It was stupid. But I was scared out of my wits.

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