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I'd fap to Bananas

That does not surprise me.

Yes it does. BE SURPRISED.


Fine it isn't surprising at all. I BET YOU WOULD FAP TO YOURSELF.

I'm not you.

You are me

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This goes perfectly with an ask Seph question, how hard will you kill him if he says yes?

I dunno. I feel sorry for autistic people like him.

...Why did I expect this reaction...

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This goes perfectly with an ask Seph question, how hard will you kill him if he says yes?

I dunno. I feel sorry for autistic people like him.

...Why did I expect this reaction...

I can't kill him just yet because I need to continue silencing him.

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back on topic and this isn't yet another immature sex-related question. No Really

Does this tissue smell like chloroform to you?


ok maybe it is related to sex just a little bit

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  • 5 weeks later...

Damn, I'm sorry I was late getting to this topic. It's the fastest-growing topic I've seen in my time here, ten pages in 24 hours easily beats the Sanaki Lovers Club!

But I'm very disappointed with the content of the topic. Bananas, Seph, Tangerines, narusasuyaoixoxoxo69, Soulina, I'm looking at you. This topic had great potential before you started flaming a defenseless target.

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You know I have to agree with Thunk00 you people have all resorted to the most base of techniques in your assault on this poor individual and have utterly trashed the comedic potentials of this thread in the process and I would like to commend Mr. Hero on his excellent response to this situation and I think we as a global community should bestow upon him a Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding work in both Libya and the Ask CrashGordon thread.

If you would give a speech Mr. Hero, we would be honoured. Also, when you're done, the Prime Minister of France has personally invited you to a celebratory dinner at the Au-vi-Chateau de Vuseis.

Edited by Judas
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You know I have to agree with Thunk00 you people have all resorted to the most base of techniques in your assault on this poor individual and have utterly trashed the comedic potentials of this thread in the process and I would like to commend Mr. Hero on his excellent response to this situation and I think we as a global community should bestow upon him a Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding work in both Libya and the Ask CrashGordon thread.

If you would give a speech Mr. Hero, we would be honoured. Also, when you're done, the Prime Minister of France has personally invited you to a celebratory dinner at the Au-vi-Chateau de Vuseis.

That is stupid. And Thunk00 IS "Mr.Hero".

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You know I have to agree with Thunk00 you people have all resorted to the most base of techniques in your assault on this poor individual and have utterly trashed the comedic potentials of this thread in the process and I would like to commend Mr. Hero on his excellent response to this situation and I think we as a global community should bestow upon him a Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding work in both Libya and the Ask CrashGordon thread.

If you would give a speech Mr. Hero, we would be honoured. Also, when you're done, the Prime Minister of France has personally invited you to a celebratory dinner at the Au-vi-Chateau de Vuseis.

That is stupid. And Thunk00 IS "Mr.Hero".

wow really i didnt know that dude thanks bro you are a life saver

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You know I have to agree with Thunk00 you people have all resorted to the most base of techniques in your assault on this poor individual and have utterly trashed the comedic potentials of this thread in the process and I would like to commend Mr. Hero on his excellent response to this situation and I think we as a global community should bestow upon him a Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding work in both Libya and the Ask CrashGordon thread.

If you would give a speech Mr. Hero, we would be honoured. Also, when you're done, the Prime Minister of France has personally invited you to a celebratory dinner at the Au-vi-Chateau de Vuseis.

Thank you. I'd like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the nomination. There are many in the world whose profession is peace, and I am honored to learn that my few forum posts have done more for that cause than any of them. It is a great sacrifice, but understanding that we must accept setbacks in the pursuit of a goal I intend to make many more. After all, those who accept government money shouldn't take unnecessary risks. In this era of suffering and climate change the most important thing is to make an impact, a full solution will become possible with time. Sometimes it is necessary to use force in the pursuit of peace, though force must always be used judiciously and as a last resort.

Forum posts are instrumental in assuring peace because they introduce the concept of peace to those who might never have found it otherwise. There can be no peace while peace is an unknown. Should I be chosen for this prize, I will give you a speech none of the other nominees could hope to match.

I was kidding when insulting what you first said, by the way. I am sorry.

You show remorse, that is good. But words are meaningless unless followed by other words. You should offer your apology directly to BMW M3.

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And just what are you talking about? And please, he preffers to be reffered to as "Crash", thank you.

On page four of this thread you had a hand in the crashbashing, and on page five exerted pressure on him to answer somebody else's question which he did not want to answer, as well as polluting this topic with unfriendly posts in general.

On this page you took the admirable step of offering an apology. My suggestion is that you offer the apology to Crash himself, where it will be most effective, rather than simply posting it in this clogged topic where it may be passed over or taken out of context.

As for the name, I'll take your word on it even though his account is called "BMW M3".

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Me? Just what the fuck are you talking about? I didn't even post through those pages of this topic. And he is still Crash, I give a shit whatever his display name is, he preffers it that way too, that's how we do it on Serenes Forest.

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