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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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That's a glitch on the old version... are you sure you have version 1.3?

Try redownloading it here: http://www.feshrine....omise/download/

Just repatch to a CLEAN Fire Emblem ROM and then rename the old save file to be the same as the new ROM. Then, reload the ROM and resume the chapter; the bug should be fixed.

Sorry about the issue ^^

No good, that didn't work :[.

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Well, the Yue I had raised seemed better, so maybe he just seemed bad to me. Probably didn't help that he had basically the heaviest tomes in the game when he came. If I had given him Nosferatu, and later Munio, he probably would have been better. But at the time, his health was low kinda low, his defenses weren't great, and his speed was utterly annihilated. And all of the enemies in the map were pretty much destroying him, even if he could do fair damage back. So he seemed pretty useless to me. But whatever. Maybe I'll use him if I play through the game again. He does have a cool palette...

And yeah, seeing as how Karina started out really good, I think I just got rng screwed. Howard I think I just didn't use enough and he fell behind.

And I don't think Alustrona is a treasure if i'm remembering correctly. And now I'm wondering what happens if you get 6 treasures and the game asks you to delete one... I assume you're outta luck, there.

Yeah, getting a full inventory of items was a bit of a pain. I had a savestate before beating Galagar so luckily I was able to trade away some nearly dead items and other things I didn't really need before to Anakin and save the Alustrona.

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That's... really weird... O_o I'm confident I fixed it... I don't know... Could you perhaps give me a savestate? And aside from that I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to restart the chapter :( I really don't know what's up... :|

Ironically, I'm a pretty huge idealist.

Uh, that would be like... the opposite of the definition of ironic... o_o


I don't know

I've had that question come up before but I really don't know...

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That's... really weird... O_o I'm confident I fixed it... I don't know... Could you perhaps give me a savestate? And aside from that I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to restart the chapter :( I really don't know what's up... :|

Uh, that would be like... the opposite of the definition of ironic... o_o


I don't know

I've had that question come up before but I really don't know...

It's ok, at first I was going to give up and stop playing, but I couldn't stay away from it, so I decided to load up an old save and go the 13A route. If push comes to shove I guess I'll just have to abuse savestates to pass it.

Loving the hack, though, thanks for making it!

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Alright, I'll look into the bug again just to make sure I didn't somehow screw up, though I feel like I would have heard it again, so I really do think you're using an old version or something, but you said you didn't, and I don't want to distrust you, so I'm just confused and unsure what to say or do XD

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Alright, I'll look into the bug again just to make sure I didn't somehow screw up, though I feel like I would have heard it again, so I really do think you're using an old version or something, but you said you didn't, and I don't want to distrust you, so I'm just confused and unsure what to say or do XD

Well, I redled the patch from the link you gave me and applied it to two diff clean roms that I googled for. When that didn't work, I tried using NUPS instead of the xdelta to patch to see if that did anything, and it still didn't work. I even looked for a different version of vba just in case that was the problem, but nothing. Unless I misinterpreted "the normal patch is always the latest version", I am pretty sure I'm on v1.3 :/.

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For plot importance, I was referring to Howard, didn't even know she was a Princess at the time...

Well, my Zach ended up with 13 Str, and subpar stats except speed. Cia also ended up with also ended up worse, except for Speed and Luck. 13 Mag isn't bad, but I already have Emma and Itsuke.

Ace turned it really good, with a lot of good level up. And, I really love Emma

Althares also have +15crit, and learn lethality, if I'm corrrect. It's the only one I have to train, on my main team.

Is there a lot of other characters with special ability like that ?

So, I can use the three pegasus sisters, without problem ? Alicia have really good bases, more or less equal to her sisters, so I thought about using her.

Is it possible to obtain Sylmeria, or another S Rank Lance if you don't recruit Leopold ?

With all these talk, I'm really waiting even more for this End Game. ;)

Well, I guess I have to finish first.

Edited by TendaSlime
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Well, I redled the patch from the link you gave me and applied it to two diff clean roms that I googled for. When that didn't work, I tried using NUPS instead of the xdelta to patch to see if that did anything, and it still didn't work. I even looked for a different version of vba just in case that was the problem, but nothing. Unless I misinterpreted "the normal patch is always the latest version", I am pretty sure I'm on v1.3 :/.

Yeah I don't think it's your fault so I'll look into it... sorry :(

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So, um, when do you get the transporter? I'm on chapter 16 and am really running out of spare characters to hold extra stuff. Halp?

Liuke is acquired at the start of Chapter 16, and from there on out, can be accessed as normal. Before then, do not buy more than what you need(unfortunately, I am a bit of a hypocrite when I'm saying this, because I tend to overbuy, just to make sure I have spares). And unfortunately, as far as I know, Blazer isn't going to implement a gaiden after Chapter 14 where you can get Liuke earlier.

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Nope, minus some fixes and a couple of other really minor plot things there's not going to be any new content for the main game

Just cuz FE7 did it doesn't mean I will too

Also, part of Fire Emblem, and managing an army, is managing inventories etc... you should also make sure you have enough weapons for later on. It would stink if you spent too much money on steel weapons and didn't have enough for Silver weapons later, for example, and you can't arena abuse to get money, so you can only get so much money. :|

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Also, part of Fire Emblem, and managing an army, is managing inventories etc... you should also make sure you have enough weapons for later on. It would stink if you spent too much money on steel weapons and didn't have enough for Silver weapons later, for example, and you can't arena abuse to get money, so you can only get so much money. :|

Haha! Who needs the arena when there are bosses to be abused!? And the emblem weapons are gravy in that regard. No money needed!!

The only reason I'm sad about no arena abuse is lack of money to blow on stat boosters in secret shops. But considering I have no idea where they are/if they sell stat boosters, it's really a moot point. No complaints here.

And just for the record, I'm on turn 5 of chapter 16 and still no transporter. I assume there's some in chapter event that introduces him? Because I was able to access the augury before the chapter, but no transfer items option.

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[sylmeria] In Chapter 26.

Could you tell me who drops it in Ch 26?

I don't think there's ever a situation where you have to defend Liuke, except chapter 25 once all those reinforcements begin pouring in through the entrance. In 17x there's a Door Key hidden on the ground in front of the locked gate. If I recall right, Fenix doesn't move, but he doesn't need to when he's Uhai on 'roid rage (read: kills everybody in two hits).

I'll add it to the really long to do list, thanks for the info.

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You know what I hate the most about this game?

Killing Mina...

I want her as ally :(

Mainly because she's Idoun in disguise.

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Yeah I'm surprised no one complained about that...

but like, I don't have infinite spriting resources and am a terrible portrait spriter myself (despite all my attempts)...

that reminds me, I should get to work on Kelik's and Fenix's new battle animations... those old ones are really starting to get on my nerves...

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When I first saw her. I tried so many way to recruit her if it was possible. Alas it didn't work. (Mainly Kelik...wow i forgot his name lol)

I wanted to complain but that was only a month ago when i picked up this game so... nothing will change.

You should make an extra dialouge event like Haas and Liquid and make her escape and be my ally!

Derp saw Kelik name in your post and I didn't notice.

Also... who's Fenix?

Random Fact!

I'm sitting right here on the same chapter as Mina waiting for Luffy to patch a new update that allows me to get Mina! D:<


Another fact!

I'm f5ing this page waiting for a reply from Luffy.

Day 71... Still stranded on this deserted island with a fancy castle, but empty. No response from the captain of the Straw Hat pirates. I wonders if this trans-snailiciever is broken. Maybe it's just my imagination. But still... I have yet to kill the only other person on this island for eating. I think her name was Mina. Pretty cute, but the way she keeps her face covered with that weird tasty looking hood. But I need her trust just as she needs mine. Lately, these coconut trees are sprouting empties. We're barely holding on to these milks. I may go mad soon, and when that happens, I'll stab myself in the heart with a sharpened wooden branch from the trees. I'm going to give myself up for Mina to survives. I MUST! I realized that I started to love her on the 46th day of our prison island. Maybe I'll confess soon or later. But I will be no longer writing any more entries in this diary, as I'm running out of pages to write on. Farewell to the world... Luffy... where are you?

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This reminds me, does the Rana subplot ever get resolved without supports?

Getting into some spoilers, there are a few things that make me itch about the late-game:

If you're not going to do anything with 25x's abrupt dragon plot thread (kind of a shame), would there be any value in replacing the map with a visit to Kelik's burned down old stomping grounds? Could be an excuse for Leon to show his face sooner, or make the conversation after ch. 27 slightly less sudden of an info dump.

Can't some reasonable contrivance be drummed up to put a bunch more enemies in Finale-1? Like more of Lahar's minions or something? Feels like an anticlimactic waste of such a big map to have only 5 enemies that are easily ganged up on. To put it another way, it feels a little wrong to me that you can get secret #5 with only the mandatory 3 units.

I respect the hacking effort involved and i'm wary to suggest much to make Leon's fight any different, but is there anything that can be done to make the outcome of the fight less irrelevant to completing the main game?

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Yeah, no... she's not being recruitable. Sorry.


[spoiler=Spoilerz]yeah sorry there's a lot of poor execution on my part due to that stuff being rushed. I'd actually like to go back and add a conversation or two that will cover the subplot in the main-game, i.e. not through supports, but with a little additional follow-through on that with supports. Haven't actually gotten to it yet, however.

The dragon is actually relevant, but again, I didn't get a chance to really explain it properly. It's tied in with the "Rana subplot" as you called it (which is actually a much larger subplot involving Kelik, Mina, Rana, Jake, Arectaris, and even more). I tried to make Leon show up through the plot but I couldn't just make it happen, so I gave up trying to implement him properly. I know it's not nice to hear the same excuses over and over, but I was kind of dealing with a very shitty and un-thought out plot and was trying to salvage it to make it actually like... exist. And without revamping the whole thing from the beginning, I simply can't make it good (or at least, up to my standards). I hope to have a hack in the future with a much better plot that's not only thought out ahead of time but has less meaningless characters, pointless chapters, better execution, greater character development, better developed antagonists, less info dumps and poorly distributed information (most of the character background plot feels like it's explained between Chapter 27 and the Finale), etc. but I don't intend to keep poking at various places that need work on this game forever.

@Rambo the Secrets were not intended to be overly difficult to get, it's more of a "you did well/achieved a little more than expected; here you go". I know the map is a bit big, but that's kind of my fault for giving Exxucus, the Executive Mapper for TLP, directions that implied a larger map. That being said, he's worked way too hard for me to go and reduce the map in size or make a new one, and to be quite honest, I like the design of the map in general, so while it's a little redundantly big, I'm okay with that. I also wanted Chapter 27 to be THE last chapter with generic enemies, so I have no intention of putting generic enemies afterwards.

Also, while Kelik is a "main character", in the grand scheme of things, I consider his plot a "subplot" of sorts. There'll be some more text etc. in the Ending of TLP that changes based on the result, if that helps.

EDIT: added spoiler tags even though meh

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Luffy, you are toying with my tear ducts and emotion.

Brb suing you for excessive emotional abuse I'M GONNA WIN THIS CASE.

Oh well. If that's the case, then I'll just let Mina kill all of my guys and see what happen. :P


What if after finishing the whole story. You could do "Alternative Reality"? With some things being changed with certain events. Like Mina's death or the capture of Seigfred?(cuz i want mina)

(Probably too much work for your taste I guess.)

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