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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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That's a sad story and all, but... does it really pertain to this? even if you lost your TLP file it's not like I can do anything and it's not contributing to the thread >_>' not minimodding just questioning why you're posting useless crap and wasting my time by making me read it

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It's relevant to this thread because TLP!

...Okay maybe it's not.

On other hand, did you see the bug post I posted last page? I don't think you really answered that.

Wrong page but I got the quote.

I dunno if it's bug, but on chapter 13B, apparently right when Sage reinforcement begins, a file crashed and kept the screen at the location of the Sage. The animation is working, but you can't move the screen elsewhere.

(Yes I was enjoying the reinforcement exp farm lol)

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Guess who just lost EVERY rom files?

/thumbs point at me




It's relevant to this thread because TLP!

...Okay maybe it's not.

It's really not relevant at all to this hack. If you want to talk about how you lost your ROM files then try the Chat or FFtF, but don't post about it here. It's spammy and completely off-topic.

Edited by eCut
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On the subject of Ch 13A or 13B. Is it correct to assume that Logan has better overall stats when promoted level 20 than Asch?

Guess who just lost EVERY rom files?


Ouch :(

On the bright side, you can do it over and get a better rank hopefully :/?

I dunno if it's bug, but on chapter 13B, apparently right when Sage reinforcement begins, a file crashed and kept the screen at the location of the Sage. The animation is working, but you can't move the screen elsewhere.

I recently had this bug too.

Edited by FlowyS
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Yeah I'll look into fixing it but again there likely won't be a patch for a while (though again I'm surprised this is happening when I'm SURE I fixed it once -_- I guess something must've either undone or overwrote the fix... oh well).

Logan's nice but he's pretty fragile whereas Asch is relatively durable and can deal some nice damage. I think Logan would probably be slightly better in the end though, at least with buffs, because he's likely to hit the 30 skill and 32 speed cap, and Asch's growths are only average compared to other TLP characters (though probably like, above average when compared to like, FE7). However, overall, Asch is IMO much more useful as he starts off useful and can remain useful until the end of the game, and also isn't held back by low strength (Logan is very week and has low con to boot which hurts his AS... and skill is only so useful a stat, and Logan doesn't do crap versus units like Generals, albeit Lancereavers can help a TINY bit...).

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Yeah I'll look into fixing it but again there likely won't be a patch for a while (though again I'm surprised this is happening when I'm SURE I fixed it once -_- I guess something must've either undone or overwrote the fix... oh well).

Logan's nice but he's pretty fragile whereas Asch is relatively durable and can deal some nice damage. I think Logan would probably be slightly better in the end though, at least with buffs, because he's likely to hit the 30 skill and 32 speed cap, and Asch's growths are only average compared to other TLP characters (though probably like, above average when compared to like, FE7). However, overall, Asch is IMO much more useful as he starts off useful and can remain useful until the end of the game, and also isn't held back by low strength (Logan is very week and has low con to boot which hurts his AS... and skill is only so useful a stat, and Logan doesn't do crap versus units like Generals, albeit Lancereavers can help a TINY bit...).

Not to mention Asch being the number 2 units with Karina as #1 until Boots!Kelik gets going or Promoted!Innana arrives.

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Walkthrough is now updated with Ch 11-13. All chapters are finally completed (at least roughly). Some chapters still will require some polish. Version 1.0 will be completed soon!

TLP Ch11+ rough walkthrough

I'll post Ch13A and 13B here.


Chapter 13A: Prey of Death[TLPCH13A]


My Turn Count: 17

New Units:

- Logan, recruit with Anakin

- Anakin, rejoin on turn 3 from E

- Itsuke, automatic on turn 3 from E

- Althares, rejoin on turn 3 from E

Notable Steal Loot:

- Elixir, steal from Level 1 Fighter

Notable Other Loot:

- Secret Book(!), visit village

- Steel Sword/Vulnerary, recruit Logan

- Fire/Energy Ring(!)/Vulnerary, Itsuke comes with it


- Turn 1, Logan charges

- Anakin talks to Logan, Logan joins

- Kelik, Althares, and Itsuke arrive from E on turn 3

- Karina talks to Kelik

Enemy Reinforcements:

- Archer and Fighter from east fort for turn 7, 8.

- Knight and Fighter from west fort for turn 7, 8.

Boss: Zekiel Level 9 Pirate

29 HP - 14 STR - 7 SKL - 10 SPD - 5 LUCK - 7 DEF - 7 RES

Items: Steel Axe, Killer Axe

Early Game: Turn 1 - Visit the village with someone other than Anakin, then send Karina north with Axereaver to fight against the Hammer and Hand Axe Bandits. Send 1 Lance user west to deal with the Swordreaver Bandits. Position Anakin 11 squares or less from Logan and prepare to recruit him on turn 2. Send everyone else east. Turn 2 - Either retreat Karina or have her counterattack Pegasus Knights if she is at near full HP. Recruit Logan and move him 2E1S to lure 2 Axe users but out of Javelin Knight's range. Continue to leave 1 Lance user for Swordreaver Bandits. Turn 3 - Watch out for enemy Pegasus Knights and try your best to survive. Don't forget you can attack then rescue/motivate! If you can, try to draw the Pegasus Knights away from Kelik's squad. Kelik will join from E at the end of turn 3. Turn 4 - This might require a bit of luck if Alathres and Kelik are low leveled. I really hope their level is high! Move Kelik 3N1W and Flamberge KO the Bandit with Hand Axe. Move Itsuke 2N to a forest and attack. Move Althares 2N1E, 1N of the forest Ituske is on and maybe attack. For turns 5, 6, and 7, try your best to survive and group your units together to prepare for enemy reinforcements on turn 7.

Late Game: It is generally best to play defensively against the enemy reinforcements that spawn on turn 7 and 8. If you can, steal the Elixir. Nearing the boss, watch out for the Brave Axe Fighter! The boss is very powerful in close range attacks but has nothing against long range attacks. Use that to your advantage and use 2 RNG attacks on him. Swords can also be used, but beware of Killer Axe's high crit rate if you decide to get close.


Chapter 13B: Predators of Death[TLPCH13B]


My Turn Count: 27

New Units:

- Asch, recruit with Kelik.

- Kelik, rejoin on turn 5

- Althares, rejoin on turn 5

- Itsuke, visit SW village

Notable Steal Loot:

- Elixir, steal from Logan

Notable Other Loot:

- Chainsaw/Steel Axe/Hand Axe/Elixir, recruit Asch

- Radiance, visit NE village

- Fire/Energy Ring(!)/Vulnerary, recruit Itsuke


- Kelik and Althares arrive on turn 5

- Itsuke joins by visiting SW village

- Asch joins by talking with Kelik

- Anakin talks to Karina

- Anakin talks to Kelik

- Logan attacks Anakin, conversation

Enemy Reinforcements:

- 2 Pirates from central forts for Turn 1, 3, 5

- 2 Cavaliers from SE forts for Turn 2, 4

- 3 Soldier from W for Turn 5, 8, 13, 20, 21

- 2 Mercenary from SE forst for Turn 7, 8, 9

- 2 Cavaliers from Logan fort for Turn 11

- 2 Knights from Logan fort for Turn 15, 17, 18

- 2 Fighter and 2 Mercenary from W for Turn 19, 21

- 1 Sage and 2 Mage from W for Turn 27 (might crash game)

Boss: Logan Level 10 Myrmidon - WILL NOT CHARGE

27 HP - 8 STR - 15 SKL - 14 SPD - 5 LUCK - 5 DEF - 4 RES

Items: Steel Sword, Shadow Sword, Elixir

Early Game: This map starts out pretty barren with but tons of reinforcements will soon show up. Karina and Kevin (if you leveled him efore) are quite strong here. 1-2 units at forests can deal with Pirate reinforcements and high DEF unit at the bridge can deal with Cavalier reinforcements. At turn 5, Kelik and Althares will rejoin. Recruit Itsuke right away and use him to hold items from Althares so he has room to steal. For the Soldier reinforcements, lure them using a 2 RNG unit in a forest because a direct attack might not go so well. Remember, retreat is an always option here.

Late Game: Enemy reinforcements will get a bit crazy after a couple of turns. A good tactic is to use counter and run tactics; high mobility units are especially good at this. Place a unit at the enemy's max range and let your units counterattack, then run away and repeat. Asch is a good unit to kill stuff with as he comes at a high level. It is a good idea to keep your high DEF units in the front and your low DEF units in the back. Once enemy reinforcements are mostly defeated, go for the boss. When fighting the boss, watch out for Shadow Sword! It grants the user +2 Str so it is stronger than it looks. The upside for you is that Shadow Sword is extremely heavy and will greatly slow Logan. If Althares is fast enough, Logan's Elixir can be stolen.

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Progress on the walkthrough is a bit slow right now because of laziness and school (mostly school). But, there is still slight progress.

That picture of Kelik posted on 1-13 in the blog feels like another side of Kelik, different from the "I'm a total cold hearted badass" in the majority of the storyline.

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Ive been playing and im stuck on Ch.25 but I can see your a fan of Valkyrie Profile like I am so Im greatly anticipating the bonus dungeon maybe some sort of Lezard cameo?

Just kidding but seriously this hack is on par with the actual fire emblem games imo

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No, there won't be any VP cameos XD. But it's an interesting idea... I'd def have Lenneth make an appearance if anyone, though. :P

Also, if you look at the variety of music, you should be able to tell that I've had inspiration from various game series, not just a few like Tales/VP (though I happen to like their music a bit because of the composer~).

For Chapter 25, if you're having a really hard time, just turtle; don't worry about the thieves, there's no uber S rank weapons in the chests, IIRC, they're cool but you should still be able to win without having them. On the boss, just tackle him with magic units and a lot of attacks and if you can, lancereavers and armorslayers and stuff. It can take a while since he's easily one of the sturdiest enemies in the game (perhaps the 2nd sturdiest), but he's not impossible. :)

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Ive been playing and im stuck on Ch.25 but I can see your a fan of Valkyrie Profile like I am so Im greatly anticipating the bonus dungeon maybe some sort of Lezard cameo?

Just kidding but seriously this hack is on par with the actual fire emblem games imo

If it also helps, I'm trying to make a walkthrough for Ch 11+. http://pastebin.com/0PVj16Jx. I remember that Hero's Flare was really really good vs Ch 25 boss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a very great hack, finished it for a second time now, love the music choices. One question though in 25x is there any thing to gain from that chapter, because i didn't get anything (at least not that i know of).

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This is a very great hack, finished it for a second time now, love the music choices. One question though in 25x is there any thing to gain from that chapter, because i didn't get anything (at least not that i know of).

Other than to expand on the story, you don't get anything out of 25x(and yes, I've gone through that map multiple times.). But yeah, you would think you'd get a really awesome item or a lot of money from killing the dragon, but no. Of course not.

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That's weird... after Chapter 19x my Itsuke completely disappeared (And took my Elfire with him!) Has this happened to anyone else? I know he didn't die in Chapter 19 because he was lagging behind the entire chapter.

Maybe he died at the beginning in Chapter 19x but I don't feel like I would forget something like that. Can anyone tell me how many untils you're allowed to take into 19x? I remember I took these units: Anakin, Kelik, Shon, Siegfried, Ace, Kevin, Tamiko, Cia, Corben, Shuuda, Mark, Emma, Karina, Lyam, Rex.

That's 15 units. If someone can confirm that you can take 16 units into 19x then I done goofed and somehow he died at the beginning without me realizing it. Otherwise he just completely disappeared from my game...

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