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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Sai will be... [...] there is no ideal situation for him...

... Then why bother to include him in the first place? Or better yet, why not bump him to a much earlier chapter where a T1 axe user would actually have the chance to grow into something usable? He just shows up arbitrarily in a mid/lategame village with no introduction anyway, so I don't see how hard it would be to re-write him into an earlier chapter, let alone be anything but beneficial to have him show up in like chapter 11 where there's lance users everywhere. Was it truly easier to add yet another Hero rather than relocate an already available Fighter?

Seriously, you've got two early-game pre-promote heroes, yet no T1 axe mains until nearly 20 chapters in. Far too late after they would've started being useful, and far too late for them to become useful.

Seriously, I probably care the least about stats, growths, and other arbitrary numbers out of anyone on Serenes (that is to say, I don't care at all), and even I find Sai to be poorly placed.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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I've explained these things over and over. If you really want to know, please do your own research. Sorry, but I'm tired of repeating myself: I get too many of the same comments and can't be bothered to re-explain myself every time. I'd have to be an angel to do that.

As a hint, the problem lies in your assumptions and lack of knowledge.

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Y'see, any explanations you may have given on Sai thus far don't change that he comes in way too late (at the point of his arrival, you most likely have a ton of high-power units that greatly outclass him), and shortly after him we get both Liquid and Gary, and a while before that we get a T1 axe main in the form of Mark. You've sandwiched Sai between a Pirate that's at least got the opportunity to grow, and a Berserker and Warrior that serve as alternatives if said Pirate doesn't turn out so great. And just a couple minutes ago, you couldn't come up with an explanation as to why Sai would even be remotely useful, and blaming my "lack of knowledge" seems like a cop-out as a result. So really, why is he even here?

Hate to say it, but all I'm really getting is that you just don't care and can't be bothered to do anything about it.

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Sorry am I in the right topic? Or even the right forum? I thought I was in a Fire Emblem forum, you know, the series where you get TONS of units, the most part of 'em being powerful and reliable characters with a mere niche of slightly useful-useless characters. I saw complaints like this so many times (especially about Rachel) and I'm really stunned about how people are complaining about a game where a lot of units are pretty good because two are three are bad. Heck, the good characters rate is much higher than the Fire Emblem's average. Sai is an axeman, you get Mark before him, you (probabily) get Asch before him, and a gazillion percentage of your units get axes on promotion, promotion they'll have much before TLP's rise of difficoulty. Before that, there's no real need of axemen aside from Mark. Maybe Chap20 is the only real problem with so much Wyverns, but you have mages. Plenty of them. Oh, that's the same chapter where Sai joins! What about doing some everlasting tradition of the franchise this game is derived of? BABYSITTING. Just give Sai the last hit on tougher enemies. You don't find this rewarding? He doesn't get good levels? he gets killed? Stick with Mark. Or with a promoted unit (you should start promoting around this moment) who can use axes. Or just use another unit because - there's a lot of them.

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So your argument is "why be upset about one bad unit when you have a lot of better units", yes? Because that's what I'm going to roll with.

The guy appears out of nowhere. I don't have a problem with that.

The guy is a T1. I don't have a problem with that.

The guy is an axe main. I especially don't have a problem with that.

The guy arrives after he would've been useful, already having at least one or two axe units. That's a problem.

There's a very low early game ratio of axe users to anything else. That's a problem.

Blazer said that he needed to think about HOW Sai would be useful. That's the even bigger problem.

Going off of my own playthroughs (oh boy, time to have my entire explanation ignored), I've encountered more than just the paltry number of wyverns you insist are present. This is before Mark joins the ranks. Cavaliers, pegs, and armors are all present en masse, and the only options are tanking with my own cavalier/armor while holding chokepoints, peppering them with mages from across barriers of some kind, and maybe the occaisional lancereaver. Do I have a problem with doing that? I most certainly do not. But yanno, it'd be nice to have an early game axe user that could give me an edge against all these lancers AND have the chance to fully maximize his potential. Asch is good, but being a prepromote limits how much potential he can fully have compared to a T1 axe user. You don't know how relieved I was when Mark finally arrived on the scene, and he was LONG overdue at that point. If someone doesn't go for Asch, for whatever reason, then they're starved of axe mains until Mark's arrival in a game with a lot of lance-based foes.

Who cares if a unit is easily screwed over in level ups? Sai arrives between titans with almost no incentive to use him.

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Sorry am I in the right topic? Or even the right forum? I thought I was in a Fire Emblem forum, you know, the series where you get TONS of units, the most part of 'em being powerful and reliable characters with a mere niche of slightly useful-useless characters. [...]

I'm sorry, but ... could you avoid entering topics by being confrontational like that? I read these threads to see interesting debates, of feedback and counter-feedback between a creator and users who played his game. Hopefully constructive debates that improve the hack in one way or the other.

Not that kind of stuff.

It's not the first time people mention how TLP lacks dedicated axe users. Promoted units can barely use anything better than Iron or Steel ranks of their new weapons. When I could have a unit twirling Killer or Brave Axes at that point in the game.

Yes, there's Mark, but what if I don't like Mark, have him RNG-screwed, or want more than 1 dedicated axe user who isn't another prepromote? Mark arrives late, after you've already faced strong lance-based opposition for many chapters. Plus, when I reach the point of recruiting him, I end up feeling forced to use him, because I know full well that he's going to be my only source of decent axe damage for a bunch of chapters. Considering that Blazer seems to have put a lot of effort into giving specific niches to each character so they'd all be useable in some way, feeling forced to pick one unit just seems inconsistent to the global goal, is all.

Also, if you want to compare to the main series... FE1/3: 3 Axe guys in Ch2, FE4: Lex in Ch1, then the Joh-brothers in Ch6, FE5: Othin and Halvan in Ch1, FE6: Lot and Wade in Ch2, FE7: Dorcas in Ch4... TLP: Asch, in Ch14, or Mark in Ch17.

It's not really comparable.

And TBA's is actually providing a pretty good idea there. I'm not sure why Blazer got so defensive about it all of a sudden.

I honestly don't remember Sai being such an important character, being just randomly "there" in a village. So that would be a pretty good opportunity to move him earlier in the story and giving the player an early axe user to train. Heck, it might make for more character development room too.

Honestly, I'm pretty down with that suggestion. I've given at least 1 chapter of use to pretty much every character in my playthrough. Yes, even Rachel the infamous. Sai was the only exception, simply because he arrives in a map where babying him is just unreasonnably annoying, and after that map, I just benched him because my other characters gained so much XP in that map, he's not even worth it anymore.

Had he been recruitable during Siedfried's campagn, I'd probably have kept him around at least until Anakin's route.

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You're really beating a dead-horse and it doesn't bode well.

And since people like to put me up to high standards, you should know that most video game companies ignore people's specific complaints/remarks about details in the game. They don't have the time or other resources to invest in fixing them. I have a life: I'm getting tired of repeating myself just because people want me to give them attention about them raising problems that have already been addressed. I even said I'd continue to think about it because I don't disagree that there's a problem but no one has presented a viable solution. I rarely ever hear perspectives that actually take everything into account somewhat fairly, and when I do, I praise such people purely off of virtue of their ability to comprehend the situation, and no, not just because they agree with me, because often times they will not agree with me, but they will give reasonable suggestions or share reasonable opinions and acknowledge that I respect them and don't just ignore them or put them aside.

Then when people like you just start throwing out ignorant remarks like

I'm really getting is that you just don't care and can't be bothered to do anything about it.

or "you can't take critique"

or "Blazer's too stubborn to change anything"

I just want to facepalm myself because you only continue to prove my point: you can't even acknowledge the amount of critique I've taken, replied to, acted on, filtered out, etc., from friends and strangers alike, despite the fact that I have no obligation or major incentive to listen to any of it--I don't get paid and a lot of the issues I fixed didn't actually make me enjoy TLP any more than I did. Some of them even made me like TLP LESS, but I try to be reasonable since people have supported me with TLP and fix things. I spent dozens of hours studying growth rates, archetypes, trends, using characters, having my betatesters also do tests, studying chapter designs, map designs, balancing, re-balancing, it goes on and on, yet you guys act like I don't do anything and am not willing to do anything. Do you really know what you're talking about then? I'm inclined to say "no", and if you don't, then you shouldn't jump in here and start throwing in accusations. You should try to get an understanding of the situation before you make yourself look bad.

When people like you or Inui fail to even show a little bit of respect... nevermind, in the grand scheme of things it's not a huge deal, but I try to show to people that I care, so it might seem like I'm overreacting (and I have, admittedly, genuinely overreacted at times: my "excuse" is "I'm human").

Anyhow, I'm not asking you to compliment me, sugarcoat your words, or agree with me. But maybe respect my choices and the reasoning behind them, please? You'd have an easier time doing so if you did your own research as well. You wouldn't waste my time: the thing you're doing that pisses me off the most. In fact, nothing else here really pisses me off but your general negligence.

Oh, and I get a shitstorm because I refuse to give a full-length response to 1 out of every 100 comments when I've already addressed the issue before. -_- The big picture is really something else...


Well, I'm not going to satisfy you and be the bigger man and give you an explanation: that'll just make you think it's okay to pull stunts like these. Being the bigger man only works when people can look back and be like "man, I was wrong to approach things how I did, but he was so mature about it, I should better myself for next time". You seem like the type that would go "stubborn dude can't take critique, should have just gave the explanation to start with instead of being an immature little prick". If you think I'm unfair for judging you, good for you: I've seen your posts in the past and in my mind, you have a bad habit of starting up drama. Unlike you though, I would never go initiating accusations of you having certain traits--I am just assuming the worst from personal experience in order to protect myself--"self-defense". It's like walking down an alley in the dark and seeing someone walk behind you: they could be the nicest person in the world but most people would be inclined to be more alert and wary of their presence. In this case though, I'm trying to protect my time more than my self, because I have a feeling 90% of my words are wasted on you anyway. These posts speak for themselves.


...And yet I still try to be reasonable and respond. My friends said I should just "ignore trolls" yet I feel inclined to give you a chance and come to an understanding with you. That's why I responded at first when I probably shouldn't have at all--to give things a chance. You failed to be reasonable, and I paid the price. Sucks for me.

Mods, you might want to lock this topic at your own discretion, and I won't mind. It'll probably do me some good: then people can't throw insults and assumptions and accusations at me. Or push their one-sided one-minded ideas on me. Not here, anyway.


And TBA's is actually providing a pretty good idea there. I'm not sure why Blazer got so defensive about it all of a sudden.

I honestly don't remember Sai being such an important character, being just randomly "there" in a village.

He's not just "randomly there". Also, I was hardly defending myself, it's just a tad irritating when people are too lazy to do their own research and start ranting about issues that have been addressed, making assumptions, complaining based on those assumptions, making more assumptions, and showing no sign of actually reasoning with people. Responding thoroughly to every comment and assuming people have good intentions and intend to actually be reasonable isn't being mature, it's stupid, it's unrealistic, time-consuming, and forces one person (me) to make-up for everyone else's lack of willingness to try to comprehend the issues themselves. Then people think that since this is a hack and the creator is an active part of the community, I have the obligation to be responsible for everything -_- that's another whole issue called "arrogance"

not sure if you guys ever noticed that despite me receiving significant amounts of help from other people on TLP, none of them ever post in these topics or deal with the public

in fact I've discussed it with a few of them and the general consensus is that I'm crazy for even responding to the comments that I do

try and figure out why they don't yourself, if you need a hint the answer is on certain posts in this page and on the previous one

if you can't figure it out then there's someone else crazy besides me >_>;

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I even said I'd continue to think about it because I don't disagree that there's a problem but no one has presented a viable solution

Except two people in the current discussion have suggested "move him to an earlier chapter so he can grow more", and I'm sure plenty others would agree with that course of action. Is that not viable? Or why does that not work?

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Mods, you might want to lock this topic at your own discretion, and I won't mind. It'll probably do me some good: then people can't throw insults and assumptions and accusations at me. Or push their one-sided one-minded ideas on me. Not here, anyway.

I'm sorry, I see no reason to do that. I'm obviously watching the topic because I know how quickly things can go sour, but there is nothing bad really happening or being said right now that would warrant locking it.

I agree that the suggestion seems viable. It is entirely your decision, which needs to be respected, but I think moving him to an earlier chapter could be beneficial.

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Except two people in the current discussion have suggested "move him to an earlier chapter so he can grow more", and I'm sure plenty others would agree with that course of action. Is that not viable? Or why does that not work?

and we're brought back to the original problem, you came to that suggestion without getting a full grasp of the situation. the issue has been discussed, the information is out there

to quote what I said to Miacis, who despite also not agreeing with me, has a better approach

He's not just "randomly there".

your solution is viable under the assumption that it's so easy to just change the plot and move around characters like they're little chess pieces on a chessboard. well, when you want to go do several hours of work and change long-established plot facts, go ahead and hack the game. Personally, I'm okay with adding in new details or slightly editing things, I've done plenty of those, but the other stuff I'm less inclined to do. It's a matter of weighing the pros and cons of each solution and right now no solution presented to me has had pros that outweigh its cons.

The problem is that occasionally people like you jump in here with little knowledge of the issue and start making accusations and ignoring everything I say and have said and then throw more accusations at me when I refuse to be an obedient dog and listen to your 1-sided opinion where you insist that your suggestion is the logical solution/path to follow and that any other solution/path lacks any acceptable reasoning behind it

also eCut you have no idea how much my face hurts from facepalming myself, a part of me really just wants to cuss TBA out for being as irritating and unreasonable as he is right now, trying to be civilized is stupid when it feels like you're the only one doing it

EDIT: hi Team Overtroll did TBA call you to back him up to make up for his lack of quality suggestions in quantity? sorry, having more people who don't know the details doesn't make an opinion based on such knowledge or lack thereof any stronger (eCut, this applies to you too unless you secretly follow TLP :|)

MODEDIT: I don't really qualify myself as part of Overtroll, so I am going to have to go with no.

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I'm sorry, I see no reason to do that. I'm obviously watching the topic because I know how quickly things can go sour, but there is nothing bad really happening or being said right now that would warrant locking it.

Somebody give this lady a medal.

Bro, don't try to hide behind a moderator and have the topic closed. That's just some little pussy bullshit.

Just say "I fucked up, but I don't want to improve the game further." It'd be over; simple, painless. None of this drama bullshit. It'd be a helluva lot better than essay-posts and getting all defensive and irritated.

well, when you want to go do several hours of work and change long-established plot facts, go ahead and hack the game

If several hours is too much for you at this point, I'm kinda laughing. That's nothing compared to the hours you spent making everything else. It's ROM hacking for Christ's sake. I've gotta side with Dei here, you could easily have moved the character to early/mid-game to make him more useful. As is, the placement is just kind of just a joke.

EDIT: Dei didn't call in anybody (and he hasn't even been part of OVERTROLL for a while). We browse the section and comment on things, ya know.

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Unreasonable? Forgive me, but I don't see how I'm being unreasonable. Yes, I'm taking a side you don't agree with, but that doesn't mean I'm just here to give you grief. Unreasonable seems to indicate that I'm not lining out the pros of doing something like that. Unreasonable is saying stuff like "move him or I'm not letting you use my halberdier anymore".

And no, I didn't go digging for information on the whole Sai issue. The topic is nearly eighty pages long, and even a cliffnotes version of that would take the space of an afternoon to sift through. Not everyone's going to go in reading everything ever. What if someone new to FE romhacks stopped by to ask about Sai? If it's that big of an issue, why not just stick it on the first page in a FAQ or something?

Regarding the whole "randomly there" thing, there's no prior mention of him, and he joins at the first encounter with him. Seems like he just happens to be there to me, honestly.

But hey, nothing's stopping you from slinging a bunch o' swears at me but a PM button if you truly want to. Nothing's stopping you from ignoring the suggestion either. I'm just offering my two cents.

Edit: And as Arch has said, I'm not officially part of the OT team anymore. I chat with members of the group individually on a regular basis, but at the time of the initial post, I only had access to a browser; no messengers.

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at your own discretion


a mod can close the topic if it gets bad without having to worry about me bitching about it, essentially

also, TBA started the drama, and I'm not into lying. blame your bud for making ignorant posts and handling the situation like complete shit. this only ever happens with you guys: I get e-mails and blog posts all the time and 90% of them actually work out fine. stop expecting other people to change. grow up and take some responsibility. blame yourself for once.

and yes, several hours is way too much. I'm not a little kid with shitloads of free time anymore. I don't want to work on old shit on TLP anymore and keep being dragged down by fixes, maybe even restarting my hacks and remaking chapters like you guys because I can never just accept that things won't be perfect and that if I ever want to be done with things anytime soon, I can't keep this shit up.

Proportionally speaking, spending one hour now is about 10% of my free time for the week, while spending 1 hour back in the day was probably 1-1.5% of my free time. There's also other issues besides time: try to not just tackle the issues you want to, son. You haven't even addressed the plot issues or issues with save data, rebalancing, and supports. Only responding to what you want is a shit way of discussing things and you know it. Pretty much the definition of "little pussy bullshit".


@eCut you agreed with the suggestion or something without knowing the details as well--that's what I meant by it applying to you. Last I checked the U.S. government doesn't run purely on majorities, they have smart people who are actually knowledgeable about the subjects making decisions because otherwise people are too biased. If you're going to go be a politician and debate with me, by all means, but do your research first, please to God, otherwise you're making me waste my time beating dead horses over and over

@TBA you're only addressing the pros not the cons

don't have time to make a FAQ

suggesting you do said research if you want to discuss it or otherwise understand that I cannot constantly deal with such matters and fill everyone in. if you expect the latter, you are again being unreasonable. try sitting in my shoes and it will become painfully clear (unless you are an angel in which we are of a different species and this discussion is moot)

regarding plot, pay attention. just because you ignore details it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone does.

plenty of things are stopping me from ignoring the suggestion. for one, it'd be rude when I listen to and respond to other suggestions. two, you might actually have something useful to say, and in fact you kind of would of had a point if only you would have bothered to realize that you're making light of the issue and acting like the solution is so painfully obvious. three, you might complain and whine if I ignore you, forcing me to continue to ignore you until you stop, and often times people don't stop/I don't have infinite patience/I can't magically block people from posting in my threads here

also the general idea of "i'm going to get other people to argue with me because more is better" is annoying because we all know it's happened before where people think that if more people agree with an opinion, it is therefore a better opinion simply by virtue of quantity.

I am so glad our government is not completely run like that

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also, TBA started the drama, and I'm not into lying. blame your bud for making ignorant posts and handling the situation like complete shit. this only ever happens with you guys: I get e-mails and blog posts all the time and 90% of them actually work out fine. stop expecting other people to change. grow up and take some responsibility. blame yourself for once.

and yes, several hours is way too much. I'm not a little kid with shitloads of free time anymore. I don't want to work on old shit on TLP anymore and keep being dragged down by fixes, maybe even restarting my hacks and remaking chapters like you guys because I can never just accept that things won't be perfect and that if I ever want to be done with things anytime soon, I can't keep this shit up.

Proportionally speaking, spending one hour now is about 10% of my free time for the week, while spending 1 hour back in the day was probably 1-1.5% of my free time. There's also other issues besides time: try to not just tackle the issues you want to, son. You haven't even addressed the plot issues or issues with save data, rebalancing, and supports. Only responding to what you want is a shit way of discussing things and you know it. Pretty much the definition of "little pussy bullshit".

Guess I struck a nerve. TBA's been a good friend of mine for years, and I trust his judgment. If you don't like what he's saying, that's one thing. But if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. You're telling me to grow up? Telling me to take responsibility? I didn't even do anything. Get out of that defensive mindset. You're just reacting and lashing out at people, it's kind of just laughable. But I guess I can't expect you to change, you're right. So keep going on your current path; you made a flawed game, now you're getting angry at others for trying to talk about fixing it. I hope you never change, bro :P:.

I'm not a little kid with shitloads of free time anymore. I don't want to work on TLP anymore and keep being dragged down by fixes, maybe even restarting my hacks and remaking chapters like you guys because I can never just accept that things won't be perfect and that if I ever want to be done with things anytime soon, I can't keep this shit up.

See, that's all you really needed to say. I totally understand a person just wanting to move on. Everything else you've said is a fucking joke.

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Is it really that hard to just not use Sai if you don't like his situation, or not play TLP if you don't like the story/mechanics/etc.? If blazer doesn't want to change something about a hack that he spent his own time working on, then I don't see why he'd be obligated to do so just because someone doesn't like something about the game. And you're not obligated to play it if you don't like something about it.

Seriously, why are all the ROM hacking threads suddenly being overtaken with useless arguments?

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Only responding to what you want is a shit way of discussing things and you know it. Pretty much the definition of "little pussy bullshit".

So I can't isolate the part I want to discuss out of an entire post. Very well, let's play by your rules.

@TBA you're only addressing the pros not the cons

That's because I'm only seeing the pros of the option. Contest my pros by offering up the cons of the situation; that's how debating works.

don't have time to make a FAQ

You don't have five minutes to make a spoiler box saying "This is why I won't move Sai"?

suggesting you do said research if you want to discuss it or otherwise understand that I cannot constantly deal with such matters and fill everyone in. if you expect the latter, you are again being unreasonable

It's unreasonable to ask for counterpoints?

try sitting in my shoes and it will become painfully clear (unless you are an angel in which we are of a different species and this discussion is moot)

If you don't have the time to make an FAQ or even a little spoiler box on the first post, I most certainly don't have the time to read through a topic this size to find out what the big problem is.

regarding plot, pay attention. just because you ignore details it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone does.

You're talking to the guy that visits every house, goes for every Talk convo, and reads every item description. Front to back. Sai still seems to appear out of nowhere with no prior mention, and joins on a whim.

plenty of things are stopping me from ignoring the suggestion. for one, it'd be rude when I listen to and respond to other suggestions. two, you might actually have something useful to say, and in fact you kind of would of had a point if only you would have bothered to realize that you're making light of the issue and acting like the solution is so painfully obvious.

Except it is so painfully obvious. Especially if this isn't the first time it's been brought up.

three, you might complain and whine if I ignore you, forcing me to continue to ignore you until you stop, and often times people don't stop/I don't have infinite patience/I can't magically block people from posting in my threads here

I have no comment here, but you said that I need to not isolate what I want to discuss.

also the general idea of "i'm going to get other people to argue with me because more is better" is annoying because we all know it's happened before where people think that if more people agree with an opinion, it is therefore a better opinion simply by virtue of quantity.

Pissing blimey, I'm not part of Overtroll anymore. I had a falling out with the group as a whole last Fall. Don't believe me? Just ask anyone there how often I disagreed with approaches to Dream of Five. I still talk to Arch daily yes, and maybe a couple other people there on occasion, but for shits sake, do you really think so little of me?

Pretty much the definition of "little pussy bullshit".

... Well, question answered.

I am so glad our government is not completely run like that

No comment.

Alright. Everything you directed at me, answered to my understanding.

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How about not being snarky and telling me when a mod can or should close a topic, yeah? I know that full-well. I commented on the current state of the topic and I didn't think it needed to be closed at the time.

I do not see how TBA started this drama, I really don't. He gave you a legitimate critique and you quickly got defensive and started making assumptions. No one is doubting that you've spent 100s of hours on this hack, planning it, balancing it, etc. I'm not saying all of the fault is yours but you can't put all of the blame on TBA and pretend like you're innocent. Trust me, I know when that's being done because I've had my own disputes with him, but it was my fault for being overly defensive.

Instead of telling him that his problem is "him being lazy to dig up an answer", you could have just said "sorry but I've put a lot of thought into my hack and when units appear and I don't plan on changing it. Please respect my decision." I am sure that people would have been more understanding to that.

That being said, everyone needs to drop this now. It's clear that BG doesn't want to and has no plans to make the suggested change, so respect that decision and leave it be. If you want to continue the argument with him then send him a PM since this topic is getting cluttered with arguments that are leading nowhere. I feel bad for anyone who isn't just watching the topic for the drama since they're getting their hopes up.

I can't say that it's off-topic since it's all about TLP but it's all really unnecessary and it's getting to the point where it is just flaming and spam.

Conclusion: anyone who makes a post continuing the argument will be getting a fresh and toasty warning. I'm not going to lock the topic since that deprives people who have legitimate questions or problems from asking them here.

If anyone has any problems with that, PM me.

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This post is NOT continuing the argument:


Sai is a kid without a lot of fighting experience so it makes more sense for him to start lower-leveled. However, somewhere a sacrifice has to be made, which is why another option being considered is simply buffing him. However, this doesn't solve one of the issues, which is the lack of an axe-user early on: it only solves the issue of him not being a great unit. In other words, this is a viable option that has been mentioned before and responded to before. (I should really think about that FAQ...)

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The previous argument was about changing the chapter in which Sai appears so I think this qualifies as a new argument.

I see your point there. Then, If it really is necessary to give an incentive to use Sai and changing the chapter he appears in is out of question and it makes sense plotwise to keep him at a lower level, why not give him something unique that will give him an advantage over the other axe users, making up for the pain of babying him, like a prf weapon/item or giving him higher caps and growths good enough for him to reach them. This are only examples, but I think if there was a way to make him more unique maybe that would give people an incentive to use him.

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^I like this idea a lot.

It's minor, but it can help on at least his joining chapter.

It'll have to be a conjunction of ideas though to make a big enough impact. Might boost his growths. Supports will help a little. I'll probably buff his base stats just a bit too.

@Seph, from a purely gameplay perspective it's an okay idea, but due to circumstances I can't just go changing things like that. I'd be betraying the trust/respect of the creator of Asch there, who's a good friend of mine and helped a lot with TLP, which is definitely not worth it.

@Warg I've been trying to think of incentives and small things I could do to make him better without simply making him OP via growths/stats and I couldn't think of much but small things.

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Or you could make an item that boosts exp gain. But I'm not sure how hard that would be.

Anyways, I use Sai for a casual run and if I'm in a patient mood. He reminds me of what Ross would be like if Garcia died.

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Or you could make an item that boosts exp gain.

More ideas that don't involve me changing established plot points and spending several hours to rework one character in the game when TLP's main story is done, yay

thanks to ASM it may in fact be possible to do that if I could only find the routine that calculates experience. I don't have too many ideas but I'll look into it. Maybe there's even some doc on it, I dunno. Giving Sai the "paragon" skill so to speak would be unique and also make sense from a character perspective (his thirst for vengeance and general drive to become stronger spur him to grow much faster), and with a dragon axe on the chapter he joins and slight buffs he could even promote into a Warrior by the end of chapter 20 or 21, making him catch-up super fast, while giving him another advantage in his experience to make him a viable unit in general. :O

The cons are that it's a difficult hack but it's not as hard as some of the other solutions so it's alright, and it doesn't help early-game which is one thing I don't think I'll ever be able to fix in this hack without sacrificing some aspect of the game or investing way too much time into. :| A part of me still wants to chuck in Gary as a bandit in chapter 7x but eh, I guess I have to get over that and just do something, can't please everyone or have a perfect solution the "perfect solution" would be to go back in time and have scrubs not neglect to make characters that are axe-users or make my own axe-user so we didn't have to insert them later into the game because we tried to fix it after half the chapters, #-wise, were done... that would be cool, I would probably do 100's of other things different too if I could go back in time with my current knowledge

EDIT: typo

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