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Best characters for their respected classes


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Saruman needs to go up a lot. He beats Gandalf easily for the first third of the game, at least until Gandalf promotes. Then, he's still got his stars which carry over until Helm's Deep. Of course, it's not like he's going to be defeated by anyone except Gandalf or a high-leveled Treebeard, and they're way higher on the tier list. Even Treebeard needs help from Merry and Pippin to easily clear the Isengard chapter. So yeah, Saruman definitely needs to go up.

And we clearly see in the Minas Tirith chapter that Eowyn can solo the Witch King with only a little help from Pippin. So yeah, she should be higher as well.

Edited by Randomly Predictable
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And we clearly see in the Minas Tirith chapter that Eowyn can solo the Witch King with only a little help from Pippin. So yeah, she should be higher as well.

Some people just seem to have a prejudice against female sword wielders.

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Saruman needs to go up a lot. He beats Gandalf easily for the first third of the game, at least until Gandalf promotes. Then, he's still got his stars which carry over until Helm's Deep. Of course, it's not like he's going to be defeated by anyone except Gandalf or a high-leveled Treebeard, and they're way higher on the tier list. Even Treebeard needs help from Merry and Pippin to easily clear the Isengard chapter. So yeah, Saruman definitely needs to go up.

All the hoops you need to jump through to recruit Saruman are a pain, though. First, you can't let Gandalf go on any team that goes within 500 feet of Isengard, then you need to Steal Denethor's Palantir, which means you have to train Pippin, and what do you get? A lousy 5 move Wizard for three chapters.

And recruiting Saruman means you don't see the Scouring of the Shire, which is one of my favourite chapters.

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Since nobody seems to have qualms about Gimli in WTF Tier, I'll move on to the complaints:

But what about the Scouring of the Shire? Granted it's only like level five Brigands and Archers, but if you have a weak Pippin or Merry it'll be hell to get through to Sharkey before all your hobbit NPCs die. Merry needs to be able to finish off the Lich King as well.

You also get Tom Bombadil in this chapter and he pretty much solos the chapter with "Arda's Song" that acts as a Brave magic weapon; he can one round Wormtongue and pretty much defeat Saruman since his bases are so insane. And by Lich King I assume you mean Witch King. And by THAT, you don't even need Merry if you've properly leveled Eowyn, and besides, his crap STR growth (lol30%) will do little against Witch King's 34 DEF.

Glorfindel has good bases, considering he's a 20/16, but he ain't going anywhere after that.

You forget he also has great growths, although that seems to be a common theme among Elves except lolCeleborn. A little layout:

HP: 100%

STR: 60%

SKL: 50%

SPD: 70%

LCK: 20%

DEF: 45%

RES: 15%

He'll gain stats and cap HP, STR, SPD, and DEF in about two levels and with a sword grade of A, he'll easily be able to RAPE the competition once you unlock him. And for reference, here are unlockable characters and their requirements:

Bilbo- Beat Level 17 of the Evil Campaign.

Glorfindel- Beat Level 34 of the Evil Campaign.

Celeborn- Beat the Evil Campaign.

Shelob- Beat Level 17 of the Good Campaign

Mouth of Sauron- Beat Level 34 of the Good Campaign.

Witch King- Beat the Good Campaign.

Galadriel- Beat the game on Easy.

Saruman- Beat the game on Normal.

Isildur- Beat the game on Hard.

Sauron- Beat the game on Intense.

Needless to say, if you beat a higher difficulty you also unlock everyone else on lower difficulties.

Going B route (movie route) in Rohan to get the elves at Helm's Deep, anyone tried for a LegolasXHaldir support? Granted if you go the book route it's pretty much useless. To go the movie route you need to get at least 5 characters promoted.

HaldirXLegolas support requires at least four turns with them to be adjacent to each other. Although Legolas has Wind and Haldir has Fire so I guess the bonuses aren't exactly mutual per se. Still, they are both primarily bow users, with Legolas starting at C and Haldir at B, but they compliment each other I suppose. Haldir is tankier than Legolas but also slower, and Haldir also has a D rank in swords as well so he isn't completely helpless at 1-range. Legolas needs to promote to even GET 1-range and even then, he only gets lolknives. Plus his shitty STR output he'll be good for chip damage and taking out beasts. Granted, he gets great SPD (Level 13/0 and two points away from capping SPD with 70% growth is just wtf) and has an almost impressive critical percentage but he needs to get close until he gets Longbows.

And since you already get at LEAST three promoted characters by the time you get to Helm's Deep (Theoden is already Rohirrim King, Gandalf becomes a White Wizard in the reinforcement turn, and Eomer is at 19/0 with a Gondor Crest in his inventory), you should at least promote Gimli and Aragorn.

Anyway, I'd argue Hama should go Low Tier at highest, he'll be constantly doubled, only has B Spears at 15/0, and has bad growths except for Strength and Luck.

If you manage to save him (Which you can by promoting Eomer before his recruiting chapter), he becomes an amazing asset at the Gap and Helm's Deep; he is a situational use, granted, but he has an amazing base DEF and will continuously grow his STR, and in Helm's Deep where 95% of the enemies lack AS, he will pretty much tank the gate along with Gimli. Afterwards, he serves as a good reserve unit if you have an empty space. You also neglect that he has an A in swords as well so he works well against the cumbersome Uruk-Hai.

Saruman needs to go up a lot. He beats Gandalf easily for the first third of the game, at least until Gandalf promotes. Then, he's still got his stars which carry over until Helm's Deep. Of course, it's not like he's going to be defeated by anyone except Gandalf or a high-leveled Treebeard, and they're way higher on the tier list. Even Treebeard needs help from Merry and Pippin to easily clear the Isengard chapter. So yeah, Saruman definitely needs to go up.

Saruman is a trial character only, however. Unless you've done the evil campaign first, in which case, he loses to Gandalf in SPD, RES, and DEF. He also lacks a dependable 1-range, which Gandalf provides. And Saruman is already promoted and has some of the shittiest growths in the game, his highest being STR at 45%. Gandalf, on the other hand, is not a complete joke; unpromoted with godly base stats and decent growths, plus some of the best promotion bonuses in the game when you get him as well as a horse, and gets a C rank in swords. That beats a B in Magic and slightly higher bases. Also, lolTreebeard and his wtf22 RES destroys Saruman. Sure, Saruman has Fire which will rape him but he already has 3 Ent NPCs to help him out. Goddamn, Merry and Pippin are seriously overrated, the only ones worth mentioning are Frodo for obvious reasons, and Sam because he is a great character by Endgame.

And we clearly see in the Minas Tirith chapter that Eowyn can solo the Witch King with only a little help from Pippin. So yeah, she should be higher as well.

Yeah, it also has do to with the fact that she gets a broken PRF weapon that deals three times as much damage on the Witch King. As well as +5 SPD and +3 DEF. Okay that warrants SOME attention I suppose, but unless you level Pippin up to an absurd level, he'll get WTFPWNed by Witchy.

All the hoops you need to jump through to recruit Saruman are a pain, though. First, you can't let Gandalf go on any team that goes within 500 feet of Isengard, then you need to Steal Denethor's Palantir, which means you have to train Pippin, and what do you get? A lousy 5 move Wizard for three chapters.

And recruiting Saruman means you don't see the Scouring of the Shire, which is one of my favourite chapters.

You're thinking of Wormtongue who is just as equally lol. You can get Saruman in the Evil Campaign in which he is okay at best.

Edited by Merlinus the Jew
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Since nobody seems to have qualms about Gimli in WTF Tier, I'll move on to the complaints:

You also get Tom Bombadil in this chapter and he pretty much solos the chapter with "Arda's Song" that acts as a Brave magic weapon; he can one round Wormtongue and pretty much defeat Saruman since his bases are so insane. And by Lich King I assume you mean Witch King. And by THAT, you don't even need Merry if you've properly leveled Eowyn, and besides, his crap STR growth (lol30%) will do little against Witch King's 34 DEF.

:facepalm: I really said Lich King? *shoots self*

What's humiliating about that is I play LOTRO and have never touched any Warcraft since WC2 XD

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Nah, it's fine. Lich King, Witch King, what's the difference?

Well, that is a rhetorical question...

But seriously, Merry and Pippin are INSANELY overrated, mostly because you get them for around the same amount of chapters you get rapists such as Aragorn, Gimli, Sam, and Gandalf. Even Boromir and Frodo can prove to be helpful, provided you keep Boromir alive past Amon Hen. Merry and Pippin are a little below average and provide only chip damage for some of the heavier hitters to finish off. However, I'll give in to the fact that Hobbits get some of the best promotion bonuses in the game (+7 SKL, +3 STR, +4 SPD, +2 DEF? wtf) and get partnered up with some seriously powerful characters.

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