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Mia/Rhys (Whoever called this a crack pairing is sick in the head. They interact far more than that pairing I'll never get Ike/Mia. THAT's the crack pairing here. And yes, Mia is definitely the man in this relationship)

What are you talking about?? They just don't belong together. At all. Not to mention it's not even a good pairing at all.

As for the bold: Or maybe they hate the notion of Rhys being paired with Mia, as well as Rhys himself.

So it was you, eh? I didn't mean to offend, it's just that, y'know, you're wrong and stuff.

What have you got against Rhys anyway? Granted he's not a fav of mine, but why all the vitriol towards 'im?

Looking at Mia's personality and Rhys's personality... I see a mismatch. A big mismatch. That is why I consider it a crack pairing. And it's mediocre at best.

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Sorry, too much of an age gap there. Rhys should be close to Titania's age though, since he knew her when she was younger. I think they make more sense because Rhys did save her life and they have interesting supports.

What? It ain't much better than Mia/Rhys, and I just chomped that one up. Also, Rhys can't be much older than Ike, now can he? As for the "interesting supports" comment... That's just your opinion. I was right to say that I'd never understand you...

And I was right to say that I don't understand you.

Rhys's age is never specified, but I can tell you it shouldn't be far from Titania's whether he's older or younger. It's apparent that he was already a good healer when Titania was much younger since he was able to save her freaking life, and being a healer takes training as specified by Mist. So it's possible that Rhys is in his thirties, just like Titania.

And really, I'm neutral on Rhys/Mia. Don't really care for it, but I don't hate it either.

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I'm really no supporter of Ike x Elincia >_>

The pairing seems to be illogical due to Ike's personality.

FE10? What personality?

True, but I was talking about FE9.

Continued list:

Enjolras X Tailto

DLV X Katua

Ether X Mia

BLS X Tana X Lara

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Second thing: FE9 ending

FE10 ending takes precedence over the FE9 ending, because it comes last. Pairing up Ike/Elincia because of the end of FE9 is like pairing up Luke and Leia and the end of Empire Strikes Back. There's evidence for it, but it's been overwritten.

Third thing (Geoffrey): FE9... look at FE9... Geoffrey doesn't even have ANY hint of liking Elincia, while Ike helped her every step of the way...

I don't think you've looked at Geoffrey's support convos.

Geoffrey: Everything about her is perfect. As her retainer, some might accuse me of bias, but it is not so! She is...invaluable. She is the treasure of Crimea...

Calill: Ooooh, I see how it is. You're in love with her! Blast! Blast and double blast! I'm always so unlucky with men! Oh, vile cupid! Why do you mock me!

Geoffrey: Wait! Wait! Calill! You misunderstood! I...er...

Calill: No, no, good sir knight! Spare me your wicked tongue! I cannot bear another lashing across my heart! ...Ah, well. It's a shame I can't have him for my own, but...I enjoy a good love story all the same! I'll lend a helping hand to this naive knight and lead him to his one true love! Princess Elincia, your man is coming!

There's a huge amount of romantic subtext in the Geoffrey/Elincia support convos as well.

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Well yeah, Geoffrey is probably in love with Elincia. But if Elincia doesn't love him back, that means nothing. Elincia seems to love Geoffrey only like a brother in my eyes. And I know how that feels, because I have loved guys like brothers myself before. Now Ike? Elincia definitely falls for him, the way she giggles and spends time alone with him. She's head over heels in love with Ike if you ask me. Why, the fact that she enjoys holding Ike's hand is enough for me to believe that. Only, she knows better than to be an Aimee.

And yet, I also think Ike loves her too, only he makes it less obvious. The reason for that is, he doesn't know HOW to make it more obvious. He's never experienced love before, so he wouldn't completely understand. Heck, Ike doesn't even know a mother's love because he barely remembers his mother. I can see why he wouldn't outright show how much he loves a woman right away. And knowing Ike, he could definitely hide this, because he's good at hiding stuff. He hid a huge golden sword for like a dozen chapters with no one knowing for pete's sake.

Still, he can't hide anything from me. Sorry, Ike! XD

Silliness aside, I believe he loves her, but is afraid to show it or doesn't realize it perhaps. This would also explain why he said nothing to Shinon's accusation of him loving Elincia. Ike doesn't know what to say at all! So he quickly changes the subject. Same when Ranulf barged in on one of his alone time sessions with Elincia. He wouldn't know what to say to "well, isn't this a romantic setting!" either.

Also, I thought of something in regards to the Sothe and Micaiah comparision I mentioned in another thread. Daein saw them as their saviors, right? Well, Crimea saw Ike and Elincia as their saviors as well. They'd definitely support the two if they were a couple, just as Daein supported Sothe and Micaiah. There is no difference between the two. Sothe and Micaiah worked together, Ike and Elincia did too. Micaiah became queen, Elincia became queen. Sothe married Micaiah, but Ike? No, he lost his Elincia to Geoffrey. Suckage!

I still believe that's why Ike left Tellius too. Because he had become so close to her and was that close to winning her heart and bam, she marries someone else.

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Second thing: FE9 ending

FE10 ending takes precedence over the FE9 ending, because it comes last. Pairing up Ike/Elincia because of the end of FE9 is like pairing up Luke and Leia and the end of Empire Strikes Back. There's evidence for it, but it's been overwritten.

Third thing (Geoffrey): FE9... look at FE9... Geoffrey doesn't even have ANY hint of liking Elincia, while Ike helped her every step of the way...

I don't think you've looked at Geoffrey's support convos.

Geoffrey: Everything about her is perfect. As her retainer, some might accuse me of bias, but it is not so! She is...invaluable. She is the treasure of Crimea...

Calill: Ooooh, I see how it is. You're in love with her! Blast! Blast and double blast! I'm always so unlucky with men! Oh, vile cupid! Why do you mock me!

Geoffrey: Wait! Wait! Calill! You misunderstood! I...er...

Calill: No, no, good sir knight! Spare me your wicked tongue! I cannot bear another lashing across my heart! ...Ah, well. It's a shame I can't have him for my own, but...I enjoy a good love story all the same! I'll lend a helping hand to this naive knight and lead him to his one true love! Princess Elincia, your man is coming!

There's a huge amount of romantic subtext in the Geoffrey/Elincia support convos as well.

lol, I respect your opinion... just like in any debate... but...


Edit: Rebuttal for your Calill convo... GEOFFREY is the only one shown having feelings for Elincia...

I haven't played FE9 in a long time again, but I don't recall any outstanding things that Geoffrey does that are in the story for Elincia, even in FE10 (those duties he did would be expected of the leader of the knights)...

FE9: Who finds Elincia? Who does she get stuck with, learning about the "outside" world? Who disrespects Sanaki for who's sake also forgetting honorifics? Japanese culture, that would be VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY (I can't repeat it enough times) RUDE without being close to that person (She forgives it like it was nothing ._.)... When she suits up for the first time with her Pegasus stuff, who tells her to stay close? On the ending of FE9, who supports her when she says she'll never be ready?

"You've done an amazing job... and I think you always will"

"Alright... come on... let's do this... together" *gives his hand*

And the only supports for Elincia are Ike and Geoffrey...

On "canon" type-ish pairings... I've seen IS throw things that are IN THE STORY... *cough* Ninian and Eliwood *cough*

I still believe that's why Ike left Tellius too. Because he had become so close to her and was that close to winning her heart and bam, she marries someone else.

Personality-wise, I see FE10 Ike as a different person... I mean... Ike and Elincia didn't share anything CLOSE to the kind of dialogue and attention they had in FE9...

Another one I like more instead of another FE10 pairing?

Mist x Rolf

Just as I said, I'm FE9 biased, and I just don't see Boyd x Mist in FE9... He says "kid" to her >.<

As for Rolf... they were both kids then... on those support convos... they have more "relative" value... besides... the "protect" thing just gets to me...

Roy x Lilina "childhood friends" thing just keeps getting to me...

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That's more crack than Mia x Rhys. :blink:


That's almost an uncle/niece type of thing. :mellow: *shudders*

Well, I didn't want to leave Boyd with no one and Mia was the best choice I could think of, seeing as I like Mist and Titania with others. xP

As for Renning and Lucia, they're not related at all. :/

Btw, no offense, but I really detest Ike/Mia. Mia seems too young for Ike. She appears to still be a teenager in RD if you ask me and Ike is at least 20 at that time. I also think they just look plain weird together whether Mia is too young or not.

I don't see any reason for pairing Ike and Mia in a story way. Getting them an A support with each other is among the best tactical decisions that can be made while playing RD HM, but that in no way means that they could have a relationship. Much as I like Mia and would like to pair her with someone, I don't think there is any male in the game that is appropriate for her. Certainly not Ike, though if Ike can't get Elincia I would rather see Ike with Mia than any other unit in the game. Not because they are a great match but because neither has any other particularly good matches (again, barring Elincia x Ike). Plus, Mia is already part of the Mercs so it isn't like she or he would have to give anything up.

I still like Ike x Elincia more.

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I still believe that's why Ike left Tellius too. Because he had become so close to her and was that close to winning her heart and bam, she marries someone else.

Personality-wise, I see FE10 Ike as a different person... I mean... Ike and Elincia didn't share anything CLOSE to the kind of dialogue and attention they had in FE9...

Another one I like more instead of another FE10 pairing?

Mist x Rolf

Just as I said, I'm FE9 biased, and I just don't see Boyd x Mist in FE9... He says "kid" to her >.<

As for Rolf... they were both kids then... on those support convos... they have more "relative" value... besides... the "protect" thing just gets to me...

It is partly explainable by a simple fact: They grew up.

Ike and Elincia were teenagers in PoR and adults in RD (more or less). Elincia grew close to Ike because she was putting all her trust into him to win back her country. And she ended developing a little crush on him. By RD, she matured and got over her girlish crush and was reacquainted with her childhood friends. And Ike, after having as much as he can take of being a noble, left to be a GM again. I forget how long it's been since they've seen each other by the time they talk again in 2-E (a year I think), but it's obvious they're just friends now. *shrugs* They grew apart and now have their own lives.

Same deal with Mist and Rolf. They played when they were kids, but as they got older they pursued other interests and grew apart. Rolf started seriously training under Shinon and Mist, um, started hanging out with Boyd or somethin'. <_< That's actually a more common fate for childhood friends IRL than hooking up and having 2.5 kids.

So it's explainable how IS went in the direction they did.

Doesn't mean I have to like it. =p

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Doesn't mean I have to like it. =p


So it's explainable how IS went in the direction they did.

Doesn't explain why they made the support system EXTRA CRAPPY and the "squealing fangirls" Ike x Soren ending ._.

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Micaiah/Pelleas (only 'cause I hate Sothe. Plus the idea of Sothe boning his mother figure is squick)

It's not like he does that anywhere in the story. And it was more like his sister than his mother, Micaiah doesn't even reach her 30s, she is around 23-28 considering the events and that her parents WERE NOT branded.

And Pelleas is too much of a oussy to be her husband.

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Doesn't mean I have to like it. =p


So it's explainable how IS went in the direction they did.

Doesn't explain why they made the support system EXTRA CRAPPY and the "squealing fangirls" Ike x Soren ending ._.

Regarding the support system... Don't tell me you think that the crapfest that is the GBA support system is better than RD's support system (Needing to stay adjacent to your support partners to build supports ftl).

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Here are mine (some in picture format because that amuses me). :P Sources for the pictures follow the pictures.


Caeda/Marth (source)- As far as I'm concerned, they belong together. They make a great couple and they're clearly in love in the game. :)

Cain/Catria (source)- They seem to have very compatible personalities, which makes this a very workable pairing in my eyes. They also have a two-sided support in Shadow Dragon, which I like to use to bolster my case. :P Definitely a favorite of mine.

Cain/Elice- Yeah... I can't really justify this with anything in-game because, as far as I can tell, there's nothing to suggest it (not even support bonuses-_-). I just think that it could be workable, although it would come with all the complications all the knight/princess pairings have.

Palla/Abel- I think that they'd make a great couple. I won't go further into this though for a couple reasons.

Linde/Merric (source) has been growing on me. I think that they'd work well together. They also get a special conversation in Shadow Dragon, which amuses me.


Roy/Lilina (source)- This is terribly cute. They complement each other well.

Roy/Sofia (source- I like their supports.

Tate/Alan (source)- They seem compatible and I think that they'd make a good couple.

Ray/Sofia (source)- I like their supports.

Cecilia/Percival- They seem to get along very well and I feel like their personalities are similar enough that they'd get along well.


Hector/Florina (source has gone down)- I like the development Florina and Hector get in the supports. It's sweet, although part of me wonders if the pairing would really work out or whether their differences would get in the way too much. I still find it cute.

Lyn/Kent (source)- I like their supports and I think, assuming that Kent could overcome his whole "You are my lady" thing, that they'd make a good couple. I feel like he probably could.

Fiora/Kent (source)- Based on their personalities, I think that they'd make a good couple.

Eliwood/Ninian (source)- Terribly cute. I love the chemistry between these two in the game.

Pent/Louise (source)- They make a good pair. ^_^

I go back and forth on Lyn/Hector (source). They have some sweet scenes together, but I'm not convinced that Lyn would ever be truly happy anywhere but the plains.


Seth/Eirika (source)- I really like their supports and I think that they'd make a good couple. It comes along with the same concerns as any knight/princess pairing, but I think Seth might well be able to overcome that.

Eirika/Innes (source)- Assuming that Innes and Ephraim don't kill each other, I could see this working.

Forde/Vanessa (source)- I find it workable and very cute.

Syrene/Kyle- I like their supports and I think that they'd make an excellent couple. Their personalities seem compatible.

Ephraim/L'Arachel (source has gone down)- ... It's funny. Ephraim needs someone to keep life interesting.

Franz/Amelia (source)- I love the way their personalities mesh and I adore their supports.

Joshua/Natasha- I like their supports. Not a great deal to say here. It's cute.

Lute/Artur (source)- Their supports amused me.

I'm currently playing FE9 and FE4, so I currently don't have too many opinions in regards to pairings although a few have peaked my interest, but I'd rather not go into them until I finish the game to see if my opinion alters any after the game ends.

Edit: Fixed some grammar mistakes.

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Eliwood/Ninian (source)- Terribly cute. I love the chemistry between these two in the game.

Go die in a hole

Seriously though, I loved that pairing until the past year >.<

Lyn x Rath

I just honestly see what people actually see in this pair, clashing personalities FTL. Lyn really deserves better, and Rath, IMO, is far too antisocial to actually hook up with a named character. If you ask me, Rath X Some random Sacaean chick, is more canon.

I go back and forth on Lyn/Hector (source). They have some sweet scenes together, but I'm not convinced that Lyn would ever be truly happy anywhere, but the plains.

Despite Al showing me videos of those special conversations between Lyn and Hector... I kind of feel the same way :/


"Hey, King Tibarn! Promise me that you'll survive. Because when this is over, you're gonna teach me to be a pirate."

Ray/Sofia (source)- I like their supports.


Innuendo ftw awesome.png

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Not really what I meant. :P

That's an actual support conversation line though:


Just.... not from Ray's :P

C Support

Igraine: Sophia, are you all right?

Sophia: ...Oh...Igraine... Yes...I'm fine... I'm just...a little dizzy...

Igraine: Don't stress yourself if you're not feeling well.

Sohpia: Yes... The outside world...it's so big... I'm a little... excited...

Igraine: Well, you've never been outside of Arcadia. You can ask me anything... I know the outside world fairly well, so I can explain things to you.

Sophia: Yes...

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Other crack pairings.


Lena/Michalis (Though I remember some tidbit about Michalis proposing to her...)




Ogma/Nagi (Now even I surprised myself here)

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Eh, there's plenty of room to stretch Marth/Maric to yaoi. You'd have to ignore some canon events like marrying Shiida, but seeing as how most crack pairings don't even have a basis it's more credible than tons of those already.

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So basically you're saying Elincia can't possibly still like Ike if she matured. Yeah, no. Doesn't work that way, bud. Besides, it's only three years. It's possible to go even longer and still have old friends adore one another. In fact, childhood friends do often end up with one another in the end, on contrary to what you say. Geoffrey and Lucia are Elincia's childhood friends, no? Elincia married Geoffrey. Heck, I've even seen people mention Lucia/Elincia, as much as I hate to admit it.

Believe me, I've studied up on the topic of childhood friendship too. I pair two main characters of my Zelda fanfiction who were childhood BEST friends, then were separated for SEVEN years. Believe me, being apart sometime doesn't mean friends will just forget one another. Ike/Elincia could still have been there.

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WARNING: I'll bombard you with insults if you try to force your opinion down my throat. =D(I'm looking at you Richard and Al)

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WARNING: I'll bombard you with insults if you try to force your opinion down my throat. =D(I'm looking at you Richard and Al)

No comment on the second one, but I also pair Kyle and Lute.

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Erk X Serra shitstomps any other Serra pair any day.

I go back and forth on Lyn/Hector (source). They have some sweet scenes together, but I'm not convinced that Lyn would ever be truly happy anywhere but the plains.
I'm not convinced that she would be truly happy away from the man she cares about and cares for her in return.

And I also wouldn't be convinced that Hector would be truly happy away from the woman he loves, and is there for him during every step of the way, either.

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Erk X Serra shitstomps any other Serra pair any day.

I go back and forth on Lyn/Hector (source). They have some sweet scenes together, but I'm not convinced that Lyn would ever be truly happy anywhere but the plains.

I'm not convinced that she would be truly happy away from the man she cares about and cares for her in return.

And I also wouldn't be convinced that Hector would be truly happy away from the woman he loves, and is there for him during every step of the way, either.

I didn't actually say that to attack a pairing you like (In fact, as I mentioned, I kind of like it even if I have some doubts about it). I just wished to express my own opinion on it. If you think that it works then that's fine, but I'm not convinced that it is the best pairing for Lyn. Lyn's default ending takes her back to the plains and I recall that she does mention that she misses the plains in the game, so it makes me wonder whether she would truly be happy in Ostia even if we assume that she is in love with Hector (whether or not she is in love is a matter of opinion and I really would prefer not to get into that right now). Now, perhaps she would be and, if that's your view, then I have no protest, but I am less certain about that myself.

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