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^Good stuff.

Just got home. I am now re-reading my way through everything Tamora Pierce ever wrote about the Tortall Universe.

In order:

Song of the Lioness Quartet

Alanna: The First Adventure

In the Hand of the Goddess

The Woman Who Rides Like A Man

Lioness Rampant (am currently halfway through this)

The Immortals Quartet

Wild Magic


Emperor Mage

In the Realms of the Gods

Protector of the Small Quartet

First Test



Lady Knight

Trickster Duology

Trickster's Choice

Trickster's Queen

and then the prequels-by-several-hundred-years and currently still being released, The Provost's Dog series



and there's a couple of short stories, but I have to track down the anthologies they're in...

Tamora Pierce writes good stuff (fantasy, done properly.) You should read it.

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I've read some Pierce also. Definitely a good author. IMO it's kinda adolescent but you might even be the right age for that. In any case I haven't outgrown all my more juvenile hobbies so I can't criticize you for not doing the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm one book I just can't stop reading from cover to cover is The Voynich Manuscript. Just kidding. I've been looking into Arthur Schopenhauer, because upon opening a compilation of his essays in a book store I found some of the most depressing outlooks I've ever read (which is interesting!). Plus, German philosophers are top tier.

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I finished The End of Eternity a few days ago. The concept it offers is kinda strange, and it's main character is strange. Mostly very well written. I found it odd how there were a few spelling mistakes here and there, though.

Since I have no fucking idea of how to review something, I'll just leave it at that.

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well I haven't read much in recent years, to be honest, however...

I mostly read The Babysitter's Club series by Ann M. Martin when I was younger (about maybe 8/9 years old?). My most favorite book from R. L. Stine's Goosebumps was Phantom of the Auditorium.

When I was around 10, I started to read various works of Shakespeare. I do have the complete works buried somewhere here at home~

11 was a big reading year, for me, I read The Circle of Magic quartet by Tamora Pierce, a few Fear Street books from R. L., started to read Circle of Three by Michael Thomas Ford (albeit I only got through So Mote it Be to What the Cards Said, I'd really like to restart and finish it some day if possible~) and also one of my most favorite novels, When the Kissing Had to Stop by Constantine Fitzgibbon.

Around age 12, I picked up additional Ann M. Martin works like the California Diaries, which I still read occasionally for nostalgia and fun.

I also was introduced to V. C. Andrews' style of writing through The Wildflowers mini-series, which was a very fulfilling read for me then and still is now. Into the Garden is my favorite book, ever.

Around 13 is when I started to read some mangas, my first being the English release of Sailor Moon Super S #1 (the start of the plot-line with the Dark Moon Circus). I also would in time read a few .hack and Suikoden mangas, as I really do like those games.

Nowadays, I mostly just read strategy guides or books along the lines of the one's I have been most accustomed to, mostly novels or mangas are about the only actual books I read (or play scripts, I love reading plays, seriously). I've read the first 5 books of Harry Potter and have no interest whatsoever in Twilight, okay? Okay. :lol:

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Couple of great books I've read recently.


The Gun Seller is by Hugh Laurie, the same guy who plays Dr. Gregory House on House. Hugh Laurie is incredible at just about everything he tries (watch A Bit of Fry and Laurie for his comedic genius).

Also check out this book if you can. A bit lacking on substance but I liked it because... well, just look at it.


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  • 1 month later...

I need to read the Dune books sometime.

Recent new reads:

Mistress of Mistresses by ER Edison. High romance mixed with poiitical fantasy and whatnot. The main character, Lessingham, doesn't afraid of anything and is like the most badass hero who doesn't chuck around magic or supertechnology ever. This is not as cool as Edison's The Worm Ouroboros which is a little less transparent at times IMO.


I finished Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony Powell. The series seemed to change for me as I went on, I want to reread it already to see if I was missing the larger themes at the start of the book or if they just weren't fully realized by the author at that time.

I'm too lazy to type any more right now...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Read Catch-22 about five weeks ago. Easily the best fiction I've ever read, and likely will ever read. Best non-fiction is still Team of Rivals.

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Life Admiral - ah, I've read Middlesex as well, and love it too smile.gif.

I'm tacking on an English minor to my degree so I've been reading a lot of varied books lately.


Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood

The Year of the Flood - Margaret Atwood

The Robber Bride - Margaret Atwood

Who Do You Think You Are? - Alice Munro

(yes, I am Canadian and like Canadian literature, and love Atwood tongue.gif)

Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic - Alison Bechdel

Watchmen - Alan Moore

(graphic novels. I LOVED Watchmen)

The Color Purple - Alice Walker

(loved this)

In the middle of reading:

Selected Poems - e. e. cummings

Ariel - Sylvia Plath (poetry collection)

Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing - Margaret Atwood

Atonement - Ian McEwan

Close Range - Annie Proulx (not really in love with this. I liked Brokeback Mountain though.)

Want to read:

His Dark Materials trilogy - Philip Pullman (read this before, but want to reread)


Yeah, a long list, trying to get back into reading after spending way too much time away from books and literature!

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Sylvia's Ariel, I thought was strange. It was Sylvia alright, but, possibly some of it is that it wasn't really gone through over, but just put together by the husband.

All good though. Can't go wrong with Sylvia. Nope, just take the Bell Jar, you'll be fine, not kill yourself no never


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It's, if one is to go to a stereotype, the girl's version of Catcher in the Rye. Especially with the random notes on fashion :P

It's essentially her autobiography, and it really shows, and I would say it's well written. I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure how much. I read it in a funk.

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  • 2 months later...

Currently, I am reading Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, Children of Dune and The Oath of the Centenera.

They are all pretty good.

The Lord of the Rings I got bored with after a while. I left it halfway through. The pace has been relatively slow so far. I suppose it is the style of writing. I will, obviously, finish it, though. Always.

Children of Dune is... odd. It shows the reality, humanity, frailty, divinity and power of the Atreides at the same time. It is good. It is odd.

The Oath of the Centenera is... hard? The only word I can think of to describe. A poor family in Spain wishes to move to Argentina because of better job opportunities. The parents die. The eldest sister marries the rat taxer. The young brothers (of 16 and under) travel alone by boat to Argentina. In the last day of the trip, their retarded sister who doesn't have her left thumb disappears and they don't find her. And it is a true story.

EDIT: Also lolincest

And... now it's God Emperor of Dune. It's... still odd.

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Hmmm... I love to read, but I am ashamed to say that I haven't read a new book in a while. I'd better go to the library soon.

Anyway, some (fairly) recently read books that come to mind are:

Maximum Ride series - James Patterson

Duchessina: A Story of Catherine de' Medici - Carolyn Meyer (Young Royals series...Good!)

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith

Anne of Green Gables Series - L.M. Montgomery

Elsie Dinsmore Series - Matha Finley

Catherine Called Birdy - Karen Cushman

Left Behind series - Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

Left Behind: The Kids series - Jerry B. Jenkins and someone else (I forget...)

CHERUB series - Robert Muchamore

An odd observation that I just made... Outside of Nintendo Power, GamePro, and some manga (It's really hard to find anything good in terms of manga. Most of it is just bleh...), I tend to read a lot of historical fiction that centers around female heroines. But I'm not a girl. Hmm...

Any reading suggestions would be nice. I tend to dislike the fantasy genre, although I haven't given it much of a chance. I am skewed more towards realistic types of stories, too.

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Roald Dahl! I've only ever read his children's works (The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, etc.), but he's great.

Currently, I'm reading Golden Arches East: McDonad's in East Asia - James. L. Watson

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