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For now, I guess it's goodbye

Lux Aeterna

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Alright, things went topsy-turvy yesterday. I was caught here a fair bit past the time I should have been asleep. By my dad.

After that, things descended in a downwards spiral. After I woke up from being sent to bed, I find out parental controls have been instated. So I can't be on past ten.

Next, I find my administrative power was stripped, so this means I can't sign on MSN. And my connection sucks, so ah, you know, AIM won't work either.

To top it all off, it's likely my actions are now tracked by my parents. They probably don't want me here, but for the moment I don't care--for those who care, you have a right to know.

But it's not over. I got my report card back today. A C. I got a C. Unacceptable. To me and to them, but this has made them go further.

They're shutting down my account, meaning I won't be able to use the computer until one, certain criteria is filled:

I get straight A's on my next progress report. It will continue, going on to the next report card, and so on, until I finally succeed.

I promise you all I'll try my best, because believe me, I don't want to leave. At the earliest, I'll be back somewhere around March.

I will miss you guys. =/ This is Lux, signing out.

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Alright, things went topsy-turvy yesterday. I was caught here a fair bit past the time I should have been asleep. By my dad.

After that, things descended in a downwards spiral. After I woke up from being sent to bed, I find out parental controls have been instated. So I can't be on past ten.

Next, I find my administrative power was stripped, so this means I can't sign on MSN. And my connection sucks, so ah, you know, AIM won't work either.

To top it all off, it's likely my actions are now tracked by my parents. They probably don't want me here, but for the moment I don't care--for those who care, you have a right to know.

But it's not over. I got my report card back today. A C. I got a C. Unacceptable. To me and to them, but this has made them go further.

They're shutting down my account, meaning I won't be able to use the computer until one, certain criteria is filled:

I get straight A's on my next progress report. It will continue, going on to the next report card, and so on, until I finally succeed.

I promise you all I'll try my best, because believe me, I don't want to leave. At the earliest, I'll be back somewhere around March.

I will miss you guys. =/ This is Lux, signing out.

What the fuck. I wonder why none of you kids could do great while at the same time being here, well, it's not like you live here, you know.

You just have to stop procrastinating if you do, I always do my assignments either afterschool or in my school.

I wonder how most parents know how to do that, you know...as in locking their children's MSN or preventing them from coming to a site, but yeah, my parents don't know much about computers. And having straight As is just too strict, usually many of the people who want to surpass themselves stress themselves and end up bad because they just want to get better at that for what, exactly? A better reputation? Because you're not going to flunk yet for just a C. I'm just sayin'.

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Argh, I...don't, actually, really know you. At all.

But it's sad to see that you're gone, as what little I saw of you was...good.

*cough*I suck at writing this kinda stuff*cough*

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