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Your Fire Emblem History


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A few years ago, I had beaten Final Fantasy Tactics and Advanced to death and was looking for a new strategy game to play on a system I could emulate. I saw FE 7 on a list of games in the Strategy genre on GameFAQs and decided to give it a try. Loved it, and emulated FE 6 and 8.

I've recently bought a Wii just so I can play FE 9 and 10. I'll get some more games for it eventually...

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I first heard of it by playing Melee. However, the characters looked lame so it didn't interest me. Fastforward a few years when FE7 came to the states. I saw a ad on tv for it and still thought it looked lame. Then a friend said I should try it and I trusted his opinion and did so. Lets just say I stole that game from him and have been buying them ever since and playing them on emulators and what not. In fact I have downloaded FE 4 and 6 on my phone (only reason I don't have others is because I own real copies. Although I might download 8 due to losing it) and really enjoy it. I suppose why I love FE is due to the mass of characters and the fact when you die that's it... you're dead.

Not to mention picking characters for my friends and I.

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10+ years ago, I bought a CD with SNES roms. Eventually I lent it to a friend, who told me of a small gem inside it - namely, FE4. Shining Force 1 and 2 were my only previous experiences with SRPGs, but I decided to give it a shot regardless.

While I couldn't get most of the story due to my nearly nonexistent Japanese knowledge, I was impressed; in fact, the lack of dialogue reading made that one midgame event - and what came afterwards - all the more surprising. Eventually I decided to play FE5 and FE6 as well - the year was 2002, so there wasn't much else to try.

Then FE7 was released in English and I joined a certain forum...

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Played Melee for YEEEEARS, rather often as Roy, never even bothered to check from whence Roy hailed.

December 2009 Gamestop had a BUY TWO GET ONE FREE USED GBA GAMES sale. So I bought FF5 Advance, Super Mario World 2, and Sacred Stones. The cartridge didn't work, so I turned it in at a different Gamestop for another FE8 and boom. Ack. January '10 I grabbed FE7 at the second-mentioned Gamestop, February '10 I ordered FE9 from their site and later in February ordered FE10 from the selfsame. March '10 I was in the first-mentioned Gamestop and saw FEDS and grabbed it. Around May I overcame my moral quandaries and grabbed VBA and FE6 and, later, the SNES games.

I actually signed up for this site in February because I was missing ...something per recruiting Shinon in FE9 or osmethne and I saw there were forums.

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Hey Supersean, I've bought something new, there are no wrong answers!


Fire Emblem?


Except that... >_>

I was interested, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Yes, reversed.

Also MK404's hacks.

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I was heading over to the game shop in town after school one day and my friend asked me to see if they had a game called "Fire Emblem"(Blazing Sword), they did. He went and bought it the next day, showed me a bit of it, and I ended up buying it myself.

It has since become one of my favourite series.

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I was intrigued with the series when I first caught a glimpse in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

I was also a subscriber to Nintendo Power, and a fan of Advance Wars. Nintendo power basically said Fire Emblem was like Advance Wars. At age 12, I acquired the game on Christmas day, 2003. Later bought 8, 9, and 10.

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I saw Marth in Brawl and decided to see what FE was like. FE1 had no translation patch at the time so I started on 3. After that I just worked through them (Finished 7 a while ago).

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Fangirled over Paladins after playing FFIV because CECIL HARVEY. Sakusa handed me a copy of FE8 and told me there's Paladins. Played. Got hooked. Fell for Seth.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I never posted in this topic?

Probably like many others, Super Smash Bros. Melee introduced me to the series. Family vacation time and I was allowed to get one GBA game for the road. Saw Fire Emblem on a shelf, thought, "Hey, that's the game Marth and Roy are in," and got it. Ironically, I started to get a bit bored of it when Eliwood's story started (Where the hell is Roy? Who is this Hector guy?) and stopped playing for a while. I saw my brother playing it a while later, saw his roster of awesome, new characters (would you guess that Priscilla in particular caught my eye?), and decided to pick it up again. It proceeded to change my life.

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Learned about Roy and Marth from Melee, I played a lot of Roy, but I didn't really concern myself with their origins.

I later got completley hooked on Advance Wars, then one day I saw a review in a local GBA magazine of a game called Fire Emblem. With such comments as "I no longer have an ass, Fire Emblem kicked it." (no, really) I was very intrigued. But not really enough to go out and buy the game myself.

Then, on my birthday, my parents mistakable bought Fire Emblem instead of Pokemon Fire Red. (I actually ended up getting Fire Red too, so it was fine.) I started it and, you guessed it, I was hooked. I finished all of Lyn's story in the one day. I later went on a holiday, and brought the game with me. I think is was my most memorable experience on the trip. By the way, I was one of those who embarresingly recall that they thought Roy was Eliwood and Marth was Hector.

I think I played through FE7 several times over the next few years. Then I just happened to see a game called Fire Emblem: Path of Radience, at my local games store. I hadn't heared of it at all before then, but I thought I might as well buy it. Great game, and it was about now I got interested in the series proper. Bought FE8 through Ebay not long later. (you just couldn't find it anywhere)

Through random internet searching, mostly for walkthroughs, I learned of the existance of the 6 Japan-only games, but it would be some time before I actually found translation pathes and started playing them for myself. I started with FE6, as it had a mostly-complete translation, and I wanted to find out what happened after FE7. I later became very interested in FE4, and would eventually play it myself, but with a somewhat-broken translation patch. (About 60% of the text was garbled) I still loved the game though.

It was about then that I discovered this site, (I believe it was a link of wikipedia) which was where I found most of my information about FE10, which was about to be released in America. Of course, it would take ages before it was released where I live. I couldn't stand waiting so much, I actually sent a letter to Nintendo Australia in protest of their release dates. I even went so far as to buy a US copy AND mod my Wii so I could use it... but it still wouldn't work. (this disk had an update, damn.) Needless to say, I was all over the game when it finally came out. Loved it.

I was a little inactive for a while, I learned about FE11, but it didn't particularly interested. But then my school hosted a Japan tour, and I realised the dates meant I would be in Japan just after the game was released. I thought buying a game in Japan would be a great experience, thankfully it wasn't a very story-intensive one so a lack of understanding didn't really setract from the game.

Since I had FE11 in Japanese, I thought I may as well import 12 to complete the duology. I was now studying Japanese at uni, and I was starting to become interested in translation. What started as a few lines here and there later turned into a semi-translation project.

...That certainly turned out longer than I expected.

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So, yeah, Melee. Good times. Got FE7 for Christmas that year, everyone except the Lords died, didn't beat the game. Then I realized the value of, you know, keeping units alive. Then I beat the game with more than three units.

Then I got FE8, FE9, and FE10. Then I downloaded FE6, FE4, and FE5, in that order.

FE7 got me hooked and I've been a sucker since. Haven't played the DS ones though, mostly because my DS is four hours away and I have no life outside of theatre.

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I first got in touch with FE via SSBM, probably like most people though my most favourite character was still Link. Some years after that, I learned that my best friend had FE7 (once I knew Roy's father was playing a major role, I just had to try it out), and so I borrowed it to try it out myself (I found out later he himself borrowed it from somebody else and never returned it <.<). I actually completed it two times while I got it from him (Eli and Hector route). After I had to return it, I was still very interested in the series, and some time after that I found The Sacred Stones in my favourite game shop. I played through it many times, but I just was missing the feeling and the characters from FE7 (luckily, I found it as well at the same game shop). Then I found FE9, again at the shop, but my sister, being the little pest she is, bought it herself and lost it some time after that (I bought myself FE9 last year's summer). Then came FE10, I tried out FE4 and 5, then 11 was released and now... I'm eagerly waiting for a European version of FE12.

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Nothing too out of the ordinary for me. I first heard about it in Smash Bros. Melee, and ended up having Roy as my main fighter (my brother would duel me with Marth and usually win.)

Then I got FE7 as a gift, and after giving it a try I got hooked onto the series. I just fell in love completely with the gameplay, music, characters... everything really.

A year later, Sacred Stones was released and I picked that up and enjoyed it too. Felt it was a little lesser than Eliwood's journey overall, but it was still a fun game.

After that, Path of Radiance was announced, and my first thoughts were "Oh my god! Fire Emblem in 3D! Must get!" So naturally, I picked it up and played through it and it turned out to be quite fun, but the ending was a bit of a let down, setting it up for the sequel and all, (I also was playing on normal mode so I didn't get to fight Super Ashnard till I played again a few years later.)

I got distracted by other things in life, and then Radiant Dawn came out a few years later. All was well until Chapter 4 of Part 1 when me and my brother saw how the new support conversations worked. One "what?" later, we realized what was actually going on, was a bit disappointed thanks to being spoiled by the conversations of the previous games, and continued playing. The difficulty spike (Normal Mode 1st again) was a bit unnerving too... can't raise weak little Meg and Fiona when the enemies at the end of Part 1 are stronger than any normal unpromoted enemy from the GBA-land. Still, the draw is there, and I'd like to play it and PoR more, but being on consoles rather than handhelds limits the time I have with them.

Then Fire Emblem fell off my radar again until right around the time Shadow Dragon was released here in the US. I had seen reviews on GameFAQs bashing it as "the worst Fire Emblem game ever!' and "killing off bricks to get other bricks" for the gaidens. But, I decided to pick it up anyway. Sadly, the gaiden sacrifice mechanism turned out to be true, but Shadow Dragon as a whole turned out to be actually pretty good. Solid gameplay, variable difficulty, and the return of distinctive phase music actually made it worth a few replays in my book. The only downside was, as I had discovered on the Internet later, was that the second, more fruitful half of Marth's journey was nowhere to be found here.

Fast-forward to last Summer, where New Mystery was announced and released for Japan, with improvements on Shadow Dragon in nearly every way. :D Eight months later, and it's present day, with no localization announcements yet :( ; but I am still very hopeful (on the 'after 3DS launch' bandwagon.)

In the meantime, I discovered the site, found out that using emulators is really the only way to get to play 2, 4, 5, and 6, barring a remake in the far future, and tried my first Drafting Tournament ending up in dead last (still had lots of fun though.)

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