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Senior Skip Day

Thunder Mage Ilyana

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Hey Serenesforest longtime no see. been busy with school and yesterday was the national senior skip day (i didn't skip though). Apparently the seniors were supposed to tell the faculty what day we arranged senior skip day to be. only about 10% of the seniors at my school went to school. Teachers are p.o. about this. how were ur senior skip days seniors?

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My senior year we had a pretty good skip day. We did it later in the year but we managed to get every single senior to participate save one. I actually cheated a bit, going to my calculus class where I couldn't afford to miss a day at that point early in the morning and then heading out. Most people just stayed at home rather than getting together as planned, but I don't think anyone expected otherwise.

This is your first post since August 12? You've been inactive for along time, good to see it wasn't for good.

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My high school always did it a bit differently; senior cut day was always the Monday after prom, because lots of people went down the shore to get wasted. I wanted no part of the drinking and the puking, so I stayed home for the weekend; I almost cut, but my mother threatened me with cleaning the house. I was the only senior in most of my classes.

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I honestly can't recall, mostly because I made a habit of ditching classes near the mid to end of my senior year because of both laziness and being obsessed over an honors-roll girl that got out two periods earlier than myself.

Now I'm going to be plumbing the depths of my mind for hours trying to remember that damn day. Fuck.

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