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FE6 HM Tier List

Colonel M

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Lilina does more damage to everything that both of them don't double (or both of them successfully double). So if she's level 18 in Chapter 16, she has 10 speed to his 12. The only things he doubles and she doesn't are a few Steel Axe Fighters, while she is winning against literally everything else on the map. That's not forgetting that to get Hugh, we need to spend money. We could very easily save ourselves 5000 gold and get the cheap version of Hugh, whereas if Hugh wants to even be able to match Lilina in speed, we need to spend more.

Meanwhile, Lilina has good supports with Gonzales and Roy. This gives her up to +4 attack and +25 crit, as well as having naturally +5 magic over Hugh. This means that she crushes him in offense. Or we could promote her somewhat earlier and have her blick stuff with Forblaze and Aircalibur while staffing.

And there's also the fact that Lilina is winning in the supports department, period. She can get viable(and fairly to very fast)supports with Roy and Gonzales for an easy 2-4 atk and 20+ crit, and she can even support with people like Cecilia for what it's worth. Hugh? All his supports are unforgivably slow(especially as he joins in Chapter 16 which is 12 maps away from the endgame), not to mention that Lugh, Chad, and Ray will have their support slots filled with each other. Niime happens to be his fastest support, but she joins in C19/C20 depending on the route, and the support still takes 20 turns to reach C rank, so at most, they'll reach a C by Ch20I/Ch20xS, and will likely not reach B rank in any significant timeframe(well, unless we support abuse, which I'm assuming is not happening). And don't let me get started on Cath.

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And there's also the fact that Lilina is winning in the supports department, period. She can get viable(and fairly to very fast)supports with Roy and Gonzales for an easy 2-4 atk and 20+ crit, and she can even support with people like Cecilia for what it's worth. Hugh? All his supports are unforgivably slow(especially as he joins in Chapter 16 which is 12 maps away from the endgame), not to mention that Lugh, Chad, and Ray will have their support slots filled with each other. Niime happens to be his fastest support, but she joins in C19/C20 depending on the route, and the support still takes 20 turns to reach C rank, so at most, they'll reach a C by Ch20I/Ch20xS, and will likely not reach B rank in any significant timeframe(well, unless we support abuse, which I'm assuming is not happening). And don't let me get started on Cath.

I already mentioned supports.

I don't think that Lugh/Ray/Chad will have their supports filled. It's not that likely that we're deploying Ray+Lugh+Hugh in the first place, and Chad is a thief and thus never going to be around to give the support.

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Roy probably won't be around to give the support bonus or build supports with Alan or Lance most of the time, and it doesn't help that much. Roy's support with Lilina is the fastest in the game, and both of them have similar move. It also gives Lilina good bonuses, so getting Roy a support with Lilina will help more if you're using her. Roy can still do something like C Alan / C Lance or a B with either one of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm starting a new file and planning out my team, and I'm a noob to FE6. I've looked up the units I want to run, and I was wondering:

Are Oujay and Fir really that bad? I've heard a bunch of people say they're really good, and I can support them with other units I'm planning to run. Should I just go with Dieck/Rutger, and if so, why? I don't play for turncount, I'm more of a defensive player, so that's not a worry.

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I'm starting a new file and planning out my team, and I'm a noob to FE6. I've looked up the units I want to run, and I was wondering:

Are Oujay and Fir really that bad? I've heard a bunch of people say they're really good, and I can support them with other units I'm planning to run. Should I just go with Dieck/Rutger, and if so, why? I don't play for turncount, I'm more of a defensive player, so that's not a worry.

Fir is in Upper Mid. What makes you think she's bad? She isn't as good as Rutger, but she is still good. As for Oujay, I hear he's good if trained, but worse than Dieck to a greater extent than Fir to Rutger.

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The Halberd makes Chapter 4 a lot easier and Marcus always would like a second Silver Lance.

I don't think Marcus can get D axes for Ch4 in an efficient run but I guess you can do a Lottery.

Edited by Mekkah
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I don't think Marcus can get D axes for Ch4 in an efficient run but I guess you can do a Lottery.

I don't think he was talking about giving Marcus the Halberd.

I'm starting a new file and planning out my team, and I'm a noob to FE6. I've looked up the units I want to run, and I was wondering:

Are Oujay and Fir really that bad? I've heard a bunch of people say they're really good, and I can support them with other units I'm planning to run. Should I just go with Dieck/Rutger, and if so, why? I don't play for turncount, I'm more of a defensive player, so that's not a worry.

Fir isn't bad. It's just that Rutger is goddamn Jesus in this game.

Oujay, on the other hand, is bad. While he joins a lot later than Dieck and at a lower level, he's worse off in every single stat except Speed and Luck. Dieck also has more CON for Axes later on, and a decent support list, way better than Oujay's.

It depends on what mode you're playing, though. On Normal Mode, Rutger and Fir are pretty meh, while Oujay is more viable.

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On normal, Oujay is actually pretty good. He shows up just before the axe fest, so training him really is not hard at all since he can dodge fairly reliably, IIRC. Especially if you aren't actually trying to play efficiently. From there he's a solid unit.

Edited by Rewjeo
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In Normal Fir isn't half bad either since Wo Dao allows her to get some easy kills early on until she gains enough speed to reliably double with heavier and stronger weapons. AS for enemies is pretty bad anyway (in normal) so it doesn't take that long.

Edited by Brighton
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Oujay and Fir aren't unusably bad. They are often compared to their superior class counterparts even though the existence of those shouldn't be all-determining of their worth. However, the fact is that they're more trouble than they're worth. You can train them, but don't expect anything extraordinary for your efforts.

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The comparison is especially apt when you consider that Hero Crests are ridiculously rare in this game, and there are 6 units that want them: Rutger is probably getting the first one since he is our boss murderer. Dieck also wants one early because of his sick base stats and the fact that the sooner he picks up Hand Axes, the sooner he can become a legitimately excellent unit, since he really wants that 2 range to leverage his durability. If you're building the Dieck x Lot support, Lot wants one for the retarded promo gains that Fighter -> Warrior gets (seriously, +8 HP and +3 Def with a full Def support, as well as +3 STR/SKL and +2 Spe? Sign me up!). If you're using Gonzales, he's going to be capping his HP and Strength pretty damn fast, and the +5 Skill from Berserker promotion helps his Hit issues a lot. Since you only get 3 Hero Crests early enough to matter (Ch7, Ch11A/10B, Ch16), this means that Fir and Oujay are WAY down on the list, since by the time they show up they don't provide anything to the team that other members of the team don't already provide.

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  • 1 month later...

Been awhile here...

Anyway I'm seriously considering Lot>Fir. Lot has a lot of early game use and can build up supports with Dieck and Thany. In Chapter 4, he is immensely useful because he can OHKO Cavs and he is forced for the first 5 chapters, and he's always useful for throwing a handaxe or fighting some Loldiers. Later on, he has great durability and gets bows for wyvern sniping. Acceptable?

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I originally had Lot > Fir, but I went back on it for some reason. My guess is someone got really pissed at how some potential unit got over a utility unit or something. Hm, I'll open up the cases for this one again since I'm willing to go back to Lot > Fir anyway.

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The 2nd person of the class group you get is often the best of the set, but there are always abnormalities. In order of superiority in the common class trios and duos or more in FE6:


Percival>Marcus>Zealot (Yes, Marcus is SECOND! Zealot is pretty much Sigurd, as in good starting stats, but ATROCIOUS growths)




Dieck>Oujay>Echidna (of course, Echidna's best in axes, but she's still a hero)


Thany>Tate>Yuno (In my opinion, Yuno should NEVER be used)

Chad>Astol>Cath (Graded in dodge rate and ability to take a hit. Cath is best in the 1st, and Astol is best in the 2nd, but Chad has both in between)

Lilina>Lugh>Hugh (Hugh would be 2nd if not for his variable starting stats)

Clarine>Cecilia (FTLOG, Cecilia starts in a DESERT FOW LEVEL!!!)

Karel>Fir>Rutger (Karel is a Gotoh that gets an addition to all stats upon level up, so that makes him an automatic 1st)



Sophia>Ray>Niime (Sophia's an Est, meaning automatic 1st)

Miledy>Zeiss (Miledy is balanced, while Zeiss is a winged General)

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The 2nd person of the class group you get is often the best of the set, but there are always abnormalities. In order of superiority in the common class trios and duos or more in FE6:


Percival>Marcus>Zealot (Yes, Marcus is SECOND! Zealot is pretty much Sigurd, as in good starting stats, but ATROCIOUS growths)




Dieck>Oujay>Echidna (of course, Echidna's best in axes, but she's still a hero)


Thany>Tate>Yuno (In my opinion, Yuno should NEVER be used)

Chad>Astol>Cath (Graded in dodge rate and ability to take a hit. Cath is best in the 1st, and Astol is best in the 2nd, but Chad has both in between)

Lilina>Lugh>Hugh (Hugh would be 2nd if not for his variable starting stats)

Clarine>Cecilia (FTLOG, Cecilia starts in a DESERT FOW LEVEL!!!)

Karel>Fir>Rutger (Karel is a Gotoh that gets an addition to all stats upon level up, so that makes him an automatic 1st)



Sophia>Ray>Niime (Sophia's an Est, meaning automatic 1st)

Miledy>Zeiss (Miledy is balanced, while Zeiss is a winged General)

U Trollin'?

But seriously, that list is horrible, and you should feel bad. There are too many things wrong with this for me to even begin.

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The 2nd person of the class group you get is often the best of the set, but there are always abnormalities. In order of superiority in the common class trios and duos or more in FE6:


Percival>Marcus>Zealot (Yes, Marcus is SECOND! Zealot is pretty much Sigurd, as in good starting stats, but ATROCIOUS growths)




Dieck>Oujay>Echidna (of course, Echidna's best in axes, but she's still a hero)


Thany>Tate>Yuno (In my opinion, Yuno should NEVER be used)

Chad>Astol>Cath (Graded in dodge rate and ability to take a hit. Cath is best in the 1st, and Astol is best in the 2nd, but Chad has both in between)

Lilina>Lugh>Hugh (Hugh would be 2nd if not for his variable starting stats)

Clarine>Cecilia (FTLOG, Cecilia starts in a DESERT FOW LEVEL!!!)

Karel>Fir>Rutger (Karel is a Gotoh that gets an addition to all stats upon level up, so that makes him an automatic 1st)



Sophia>Ray>Niime (Sophia's an Est, meaning automatic 1st)

Miledy>Zeiss (Miledy is balanced, while Zeiss is a winged General)


Also pardon me for stealing this from Narga here but....ignore?

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Fuck Canon, I have to pair Roy with Sophia for best ending ever! No one trains Lilina anyway. And obviously it's more fun.

Edited by Parasect's Meaty Chip
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The 2nd person of the class group you get is often the best of the set, but there are always abnormalities. In order of superiority in the common class trios and duos or more in FE6:


Percival>Marcus>Zealot (Yes, Marcus is SECOND! Zealot is pretty much Sigurd, as in good starting stats, but ATROCIOUS growths)




Dieck>Oujay>Echidna (of course, Echidna's best in axes, but she's still a hero)


Thany>Tate>Yuno (In my opinion, Yuno should NEVER be used)

Chad>Astol>Cath (Graded in dodge rate and ability to take a hit. Cath is best in the 1st, and Astol is best in the 2nd, but Chad has both in between)

Lilina>Lugh>Hugh (Hugh would be 2nd if not for his variable starting stats)

Clarine>Cecilia (FTLOG, Cecilia starts in a DESERT FOW LEVEL!!!)

Karel>Fir>Rutger (Karel is a Gotoh that gets an addition to all stats upon level up, so that makes him an automatic 1st)



Sophia>Ray>Niime (Sophia's an Est, meaning automatic 1st)

Miledy>Zeiss (Miledy is balanced, while Zeiss is a winged General)

This is basically what I was going to say, fantastic. Karel > Fir > Rutger is especially accurate.

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Fuck Canon, I have to pair Roy with Sophia for best ending ever! No one trains Lilina anyway. And obviously it's more fun.

No! RayxSophia forever? Who cares if I have to use the second worst unit in the game and a mediocre unit? This is MY canon.

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