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Best/Worst in the series: Round 38

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Renault actually has some use...his base Atk isn't so bad when he comes with decent Spd & a Divine tome...he won't get slowed down and he will double falcon knights that wield steel lances.

He is also quite durable: Just where the hell do you see a Bishop with 46 HP & 15 Def not named Riev? Rhys is worst because of durability.

Eh. Doubling steel lance pegs fails to impress me. And you'd have a point on the durability aspect... except this IS FE7 we're talking about, where enemies hardly even grow after the first few chapters. As it is, Renault's problem is the classic case of "day late and a dollar short". Well, that, and for his high level, he's terrible statistically.

Edited by Richter Renard
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I wasn't trying to impress anyone...I'm just saying he has a bit of use rather than be completely useless as most make him seem, at least he could heal the units you have bothered taking to the top of the map.

His 19 Crit & 20 Atk...he could oneround a few enemies with a critical, not that he is crtitcal-reliable...

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HE has a point you know. Healing > nothing.

Best: Saphy (I'd say Moulder but Saphy is just so much more important in her game.)

Worst: Corpul (EPIC EST and by that I mean EPIC FAIL.)

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Best: Serra

Worst: Those 4 girls in FE3 book 2's final chapter. Can they actually contribute to anything?! Although they probably don't count, they're basically just plot devices rather than playable characters. In that case, I'll vote Boah.

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I want to say Micaiah, since she's almost identical to a Bishop/Saint, but she technically isn't...

Best: Serra

Worst: Oliver

Micaiah for best or worst?

And yeah, I suppose starting with light magic rather than staves precludes her from this list.

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Micaiah for best or worst?

And yeah, I suppose starting with light magic rather than staves precludes her from this list.

I agree and disagree. She is used as a healer but she technically is a Light Mage. I would count her.

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I'ma going with,

Best: Natasha. Natasha does funny things to my insides.

Worst: Renault. Renault is just...blah. Even more blah than Moulder the Boulder, and Moulder is all brown all the time.

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I'ma going with,

Best: Natasha. Natasha does funny things to my insides.

Worst: Renault. Renault is just...blah. Even more blah than Moulder the Boulder, and Moulder is all brown all the time.

Moulder is a goddamn pimp.

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Moulder is a goddamn pimp.

Moulder IS a goddamn pimp, that doesn't mean he's interesting to look at in low-res.

I'm sure the 32-bit lay-deez of his world find him something else, though.

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I'ma going with,

Best: Natasha. Natasha does funny things to my insides.

Worst: Renault. Renault is just...blah. Even more blah than Moulder the Boulder, and Moulder is all brown all the time.

Moulder is a goddamn pimp.

Moulder IS a goddamn pimp, that doesn't mean he's interesting to look at in low-res.

I'm sure the 32-bit lay-deez of his world find him something else, though.

YES, moulder is the most borring looking sprite. He is not just brown, he is the same sepia brown from the fash back cutscenes. I don't know why you're calling him a pimp, unless your confusing him with FE6 Saul.

Though Renault is not boring, you just have to work a bit harder to see his involvement in the story. If you see all his supports, use him in Ch. 32x to see his start of map dialogue (you can restart afterwards since the boss is a magic seal) and see his boss convo with Nergal then his mysterious charter will be revealed, some reading between the lines will be necissary.

Finally, Natasha. I have already voted her #1 as well, her colour pallette just fits so perfectly. What kind of magic do clerics learn on promotion? Light magic. And what colour is white magic? Yellow! And what colour is her hair? That's right YELLOW! which combines with the white of the clerics robes to create the epitome of all that the class is ment to represent. All other clerics/bishops/preists/monk/etc. ARE A cleric/bishop/preist/monk/etc. while she IS a cleric/bishop.

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