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Best GBA Lord



56 members have voted

  1. 1. so who's the best both story line wise and stat wise?

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Ephraim is still the only lance lord, but Hector isn't the only one who can use axes. Ike can too, though only when he reaches Vanguard class in RD. Still, he is an FE lord through and through.

Anyway, I'm stuck between Ephraim and Eliwood. Ephraim is best for me when it comes to stats, but Eliwood is just <3 all around. I do like both storylines a lot though.

Celice & Eliwood can both use lances.

You srsly think Vaida is ugly?


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.

Shes epic fugly. Are you into slezy/ older women?

Edited by Bryan
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Hmm Hector or Ephraim...

It's kind of like Nino vs. Lilina oddly enough, except they're awesome instead of suck. I'll go for the Lord in the harder game. Plus I find Hector a more interesting character, Ephraim is too much "lololol I win at everything forever".

It makes me sad that Eliwood has no votes.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Why don't you people just knock it off? Seriously, why bully him just because his opinion is different from yours?

CATS, I'll go ahead and say for you that I never thought Lyn was all that attractive. She's pretty meh, imo.

I also disagree that she's the best lord ever. That'd be Ike for me. <3

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Okay. I'm sorry if I offended you or something if you really like Lyn. It's just that I really don't.

@ Ether: Eliwood bangs dragons? You win the topic, and I'm changing my vote.

Screw it, I'm voting for Eliwood too.

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Oh, hey, Red Fox was cute instead of mean in this thread! <3

My vote goes to Ephraim. Ephraim Route Ephraim is so insanely broken that he could compete with Seth probably.

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Oh god.

I think the best would be Ephraim. Hector comes second closely, the only thing holding him back is his late promotion in Hector mode. Eliwood mode Hector could be > Ephraim.

Goddamn did i say that?

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Hector: 56.2 HP / 28 Def

Ephraim: 55 HP / 21.25 Def

Doesn't seem like "just as well on durability" to me. But oh well, Ephraim faces fail enemies, so w/e.

Damn you, Siegmund. If only Hector had Swanchika...

Yes, because Def & HP IS durability.

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Exactly! He is almost good all around...his Res isn't bad at all, it's even better than Hector's, he also doubles much more reliably while bearing 25 Atk at 20/1 with an iron lance, he still doubles with a steel.

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stat-wise Ephraim would be first and hector second.

storyline-wise Hector would be first and Ephraim would be last together with Eirika.

Hector wins...(IMO)

also, Ephraim has best animations (until he promotes, I hate horseriders), Lyn is the hottest (from these lords) and has the best early prf weapon, Eliwood is second in storyline-wise.(again, just my opinion)

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I think Ephraim is the cutest on this list. :3

Then Eliwood.

I guess since Ephraim is over Eliwood in stats and animation (yus, he's got awesome animations!) while I like both storylines, I'll vote him. xP

But I still love Eliwood, don't get me wrong. x3

Edited by Eternal Bond
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Ephraim easily for stats, but his main attribute is being blindly stupid. So, Hector.

And if you're looking for ugly go no further than Serra. Or Meg.

1. I find this absolutely ironic.

2. You spelled Astrid wrong.

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