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My Goodbye


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Don't hate, it should be obvious I was just trying to pull Alan's strings and while defending a canon pairing (RoxasxSoluna). Nothing personal against you or RP.

And what do I have to do with anything?

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What I said about Nini IS true. He also didn't join to see his internet persona get killed. But goddamn, he not only was killed, he had to rant about it. Even now he still gets killed and you don't see him getting /wrists about it.

The mentality is different.

@bold: It's like one of the best memories in that thread. Imagine the combination.

Wait a second.

How did I get dragged into this?

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Wait a second.

How did I get dragged into this?

Roxas ragequit because of this:

Now? It's gone from engaging concepts to "*THammer's Roxas*", "*Shoots Roxas*", *Decapitates Roxas*", etc.

Sounds familiar?

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Don't hate, it should be obvious I was just trying to pull Alan's strings and while defending a canon pairing (RoxasxSoluna). Nothing personal against you or RP.

Well, don't, leave me outta this.

In fact, why not stop "pulling his strings" altogether?

And if that's not good enough, don't insult me while you're at it.

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If we're all nobodies to you, then we all mean nothing, why care about trying to tell us what you think?

You're not quite intelligent enough to pull this off, I'm sorry.

For one, the extent to which I care of this particular topic limited to critiquing the type of topic and the reasoning. I was also speaking of one mod in particular, whose ability to mod posts isn't noteworthy, not the whole board. I offered you my perspective, and you didn't understand it.

And to be completely fair, if nobody means nothing to people, then why do people care Haiti was hit with an earthquake/Hurricane/Natural Disaster of the Week? Simple answer is that, for most people, it doesn't work the way you suggest.

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For one, the extent to which I care of this particular topic limited to critiquing the type of topic and the reasoning. I was also speaking of one mod in particular, whose ability to mod posts isn't noteworthy, not the whole board. I offered you my perspective, and you didn't understand it.

And to be completely fair, if nobody means nothing to people, then why do people care Haiti was hit with an earthquake/Hurricane/Natural Disaster of the Week? Simple answer is that, for most people, it doesn't work the way you suggest.

You're not quite intelligent enough to predict what I was going to say, I'm sorry.

I can say the same thing. The extent to which I care of Shuuda is limited to critiquing him. I offered you my perspective, and you didn't understand it. If I care too much, then the same thing goes to you.

Would you honestly care if Shuuda died? They care because thousands of people died simultaneously (funny you should use that example, because not only are the people dead, the country is pretty much completely destroyed). People die everyday. Caring about one nobody dying of, say, cancer, is just pathetic.

Edited by Seph
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Predicting what you'll write and reading what you have written are two different things. I was doing the latter, unfortunately for this statement. And thus, I refer you back to my post.

Yawn, typical reply I'd expect from someone who can't think of anything to say.

Funnily enough predicting what I said had nothing to do with my reply, other than the first sentence.

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Yawn, typical reply I'd expect from someone who can't think of anything to say.

Funnily enough predicting what I said had nothing to do with my reply, other than the first sentence.

I could make many a point to disecting the rest, but you clearly are so ready to get at someone that I choose not to bother picking through the logical falacy you present there, or even here.

Further, ragequit or not, that is the subject matter of the topic, not your insecurities.

If your truly going to try and read what and why I act the way I do, then you should start by figuring out why I chose to wait before I read what you said and chose to post a rebuttle a day or so later.

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I stopped reading there. That's what everyone says.

Maybe so, but that's because half the time it's the honest answer.

Like now.

And yet you post a rebuttle as if you have something to lose if I'm right. As if I could be right.

I'm fighting for faith in humanity. What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish?

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Maybe so, but that's because half the time it's the honest answer.

Like now.

And yet you post a rebuttle as if you have something to lose if I'm right. As if I could be right.

I'm fighting for faith in humanity. What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish?

Blah blah blah repeat of the previous post.

The bolded part has got to be a joke. If not, haha, fighting for faith in humanity on the Internet. Talk about caring too much.

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I'm fighting for faith in humanity. What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish?

I'm going to beat myself up later this afternoon for getting involved where I probably should just stay silent and shut up, but I feel that I'm much the same way. Nonetheless, (again, I'm going to hate myself for saying so, but) I advise you to listen to Seph this one time. If you don't want to turn into trollbait and a butt monkey, I'd hope that you take my advice and drop this argument now. This isn't the place where you're going to get people to join your cause.

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