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How hard is Hector Hard Mode?

luigi bros

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I'm playing this game again, and I always do Hector Mode. For once I'd like to do Hard Mode. So how hard is it? How big is the restriction on number of units? And how hard is it compared to FE11 H5, FE5 Elite Mode, and FE6 Hard Mode?

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It's easier than all of those, especially after the earlygame is over. For unit slots, sometimes you aren't able to fit more than 4-5 dudes, but often enough it goes up to like 8-10. Earlygame, everyone is forced like normal.

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Surprisingly easy once you've gone past the earlier chapters. As long as you know what you're doing, it shouldn't be that much of a problem.

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Battle Before Dawn is likely to be the chapter to kill you, though. I never did complete HHM, just because of that one, evil chapter. Seriously, can that stupid prince not survive 6 turns until I get there for once?

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If you aren't ranking and aren't afraid to make use of Marcus and Oswin early on, the entire game isn't very hard. Difficulty only goes up when you try to do things other than just beat the chapter, like trying to get the Guiding Ring off the boss on pirate ship, or getting all the chests in ch 17, etc.

Edited by Reikken
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The one problem I see with all these replies is that they are all from experienced players who know the game well. For someone who's going into it for the first time, it likely will not be very easy for you. Enemy density gets higher, enemies are stronger, deployment slots are more limited, item locations and etc. change. If you're a person who likes using weaker units and training them to be good, it will likely feel even more difficult for you. Once your team starts promoting it will get a bit easier with some tougher maps thrown in, like Cog of Destiny.

Also, Reikken's response is pretty good. But any game is easy if you know it as well as some of the people here do.

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I know the game well enough. I've beaten FE6 Hard Mode. I've chosen to do Normal Mode. The most fun part of FE is raising units. I don't want that restricted.

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I know the game well enough. I've beaten FE6 Hard Mode. I've chosen to do Normal Mode. The most fun part of FE is raising units. I don't want that restricted.

Then i guess you dont arena abuse

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Doesnt that kill the fun of raising the units like you said earlier

I arena abuse all the time

I can't explain it. I guess the fun, is in overpowering enemies, but at the same time, raising units. It's hard to explain.

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You know, i never did HHM. Never. Im afraid of it, personally. I like to do too much unranked craziness to do a hard mode run. I would assume if i was playing HHM, i wouldnt be able to go: "HEY! Lets use Isadora!" Or "NO OSWIN ALLOWED RUN!" And stuff like that. :/

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I haven't beaten HHM so far (mainly because I lack the motivation to do so), but I played it up to chapter 19 or something and then quit.

Just simply beating the chapters isn't very hard (except for chapter 19, which is super-annoying with FoW and overpowered nomads and stuff), but getting all treasure while still keeping all units alive isn't, which is one of the main reasons I dislike it. FE6 Hard Mode is much harder to beat, but it isn't as hard to get all the treasure. Beating FE5 on the other hand isn't very hard either, but keeping your units alive is. Same with FE11's H5 mode.

So in summary, HHM is easier than all of the other hard modes you mentioned, it's just annoying at times.

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The one problem I see with all these replies is that they are all from experienced players who know the game well.

In my defense I said it's easier than the other things he named, I didn't say it was easy for a game in general :P

But yes, make lots of use of Marcus and Oswin.

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In my defense I said it's easier than the other things he named, I didn't say it was easy for a game in general :P

But yes, make lots of use of Marcus and Oswin.

I don't know, I think I found FE6 HM easier than HHM, especially after the early chapters.

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Personally I found FE6 Normal mode to be quite challenging compared to HHM. But that's probably because of my lack of experience with FE6 in general. Can't wait to get onto FE6 HM.

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It really isn't, it is more likely to get screwed with around 70-80 in FE6 than it is in FE7. And FE5...yeah, getting hit at 99% or missing is no joke or anything rare.

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It really isn't, it is more likely to get screwed with around 70-80 in FE6 than it is in FE7. And FE5...yeah, getting hit at 99% or missing is no joke or anything rare.

You just got an unlucky string of RNs. And getting hit by 99% hit attacks isn't rare at all.

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