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Question for Female Playthough

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And if you're that worried,save Resolve for her.

Yeah, depending on how much bexp you can give her and how much exp you got for Ike, you might be better off giving Resolve to Ena. You'll likely need to remove either boon or Renewal, I suppose.

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you forgot a female -.-

since Ike will prob not be trained (not female), you could run from the BK and get Ena

(which iirc is one of the only female units you have to do real dmg against Ashnard)

if you really want to do a female run ofcourse >.>

Ena is in fact the only female who can damage Ashnard. And it would be cheating if you raised Ike with BEXP and had him defeat Ashnard.

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One must pose the question then: is it feasibly possible for Ena to solo Ashnuts? He didn't seem all that bad, but I had a 20/20 Ike to do him in with.

Note feasibly. I don't count it as feasible if you have to crit six times running at ~10% or "can technically chip away 1 health more than renewal can do while spamming heals" etc.

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Bah. I was going to do this as my next run of PoR, since I did the same for SS.

Why Miracle on Marcia, out of curiosity?

So if she got hit by Bows she could hopefully survive to be healed next turn seeing as she isn't getting the Full Guard.

Mia'd prefer a robe over a shield,since she can get it in the base the chapter after she joins,and it gives her enough durability to handle the cavaliers to the south in her first full chapter.

She'd do okay with a shield too,but the robe is much better for her.On that note,since being at low health gives her her best offense,she's the best person to give miracle to.

You were the one who said Mia likes Draco Shields...lol but Mia's low health helps Wrath activate with Vantage's help, that is if Mia gets hit...she does dodge a lot (not as much as Tanith though)

you forgot a female -.-

since Ike will prob not be trained (not female), you could run from the BK and get Ena

(which iirc is one of the only female units you have to do real dmg against Ashnard)

if you really want to do a female run ofcourse >.>

I was planning on getting Ena since it is a female run. I'm actually missing two females Lucia and Elincia, I've never been a fan of Lucia however i was thinking of using Elincia and feeding her kills.

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So if she got hit by Bows she could hopefully survive to be healed next turn seeing as she isn't getting the Full Guard.

You were the one who said Mia likes Draco Shields...lol but Mia's low health helps Wrath activate with Vantage's help, that is if Mia gets hit...she does dodge a lot (not as much as Tanith though)

I was planning on getting Ena since it is a female run. I'm actually missing two females Lucia and Elincia, I've never been a fan of Lucia however i was thinking of using Elincia and feeding her kills.

Well,I said durability boosters.A shield is fine,but a robe is preferable,is all.

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I frankly would just sell the Secret Book since pretty much no one misses in FE9.

You might want to stick Wrath + Resolve on Ena. Wrath is nice on Mia of course, but she can do fine without it and defeating Ashnard will be very tedious without crits.

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You could give the Secret Book to axe users (Titania, Jill, Astrid if you choose that as you're her second weapon after promotion). They could always use the extra boost, especially Jill. I don't know if she has bad SKL growth or I just get SKL-screwed with her, but she never got higher then 7X% hit percentage with axes, even with supports.

Edited by El Rey León
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Miracle on Marcia is like :unsure: Seriously, why?

So if she got hit by Bows she could hopefully survive to be healed next turn seeing as she isn't getting the Full Guard.

If shes not dodging those arrows, theres something wrong.

I should try a playthrough like this. Ive yet to do one in PoR.

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EDIT: Nephenee is better of with Wrath & Luna for good activation rates, her Spd isn't bad since she's getting Spdwings already.

Umm...shouldn't Ena be better off having those Speedwings, as she will need them for the Final Battle?

Why are you giving Lethe Nihil? Personally I found Nihil rather useless in PoR, seeing as negating enemy skills means crap if there are next to no enemies with skills you'll be cancelling.

I probably would give Ena that skill. Useful for the Final chapter, as she can solo the enemies with the skills with it! Then again, point taken.

Mia'd prefer a robe over a shield,since she can get it in the base the chapter after she joins,and it gives her enough durability to handle the cavaliers to the south in her first full chapter.

She'd do okay with a shield too,but the robe is much better for her.On that note,since being at low health gives her her best offense,she's the best person to give miracle to.

I would prefer to give her Astra, or Ambush+Miracle, as her Str gets pretty poor without the fixed growth rate system, and that you will need to save the Energy Drops for Ena.

And if you're that worried,save Resolve for her.

Actually, it's a must to save Wrath and Resolve for her. Because you will be screwed as only Ike, Nasir, Ena, and one of the Laguz Royals can harm the final boss. His stupid blessed armor is preventing everyone else from getting a crack at him.

You might want to stick Wrath + Resolve on Ena. Wrath is nice on Mia of course, but she can do fine without it and defeating Ashnard will be very tedious without crits.

Well, Ena will need Wrath+Resolve or just Resolve, saved bouns points, or feeding her lots of kills in the second to the last chapter in the game, and Resolve to stand a chance. Also, unless you've saved a Speedwing for her and are playing with fixed growth, you will not get her 27 speed that is needed to keep her from getting double attacked in the first phase, as using the Demi band is taking 2 of it away from her and that she will need to stay transformed all battle long, and that you cannot get help from a royal laguz until you've down him for the first time. Wrath is needed to end the battle quicker as Ether has already stated that it is optional. But then again Ashnard doesn't double attack Ena for some reason in the first phase that is if Ena is below the health needed to survive his second attack until he uses the Medallion. When he does, that's when you will need one of the Laguz royals' help that is if you don't get her enough speed (as her skills won't activate unless that she is about to 1/3 of her heath after his first attack), as Ashnard will have 1 more point in speed (Making it so that Ena will need 28 speed with the Demi Band to keep her from getting double attacked), and also 5 more points in Str after using it!

It may also be advisible to save the Energy Drops for her as she will need the extra str for her regular attacks as Ashnard recovers about 7-8 heath per turn needing them to have her do enoug DMG with regular attacks to out do his cure. Useful in the second phase as you most likely won't get her enough speed to keep her from getting double attacked unless with the fixed growth system and saving the speedwings. If she cannot out do his curing each turn, then you will need help from a royal laguz to get through the rest of the battle. Then again this is only strategy for the Hard Mode. In Easy and Normal you can just have Ena solo him, as Ashnard has less stats in the easier difficulty settings since using a Royal Laguz in the Easy/Normal mode would be considered cheating.

I frankly would just sell the Secret Book since pretty much no one misses in FE9.

Indeed. Other than Gonzales and Sophia, you never have any need for those stupid things.

Edited by Ayanami
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In my all-female PT I had Bexp saved up and spend an hour getting Ena good level ups so she could easily kill Ashnard. Fun fact even WITH the Demi-band she doubled Ashnard.


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It's called boosters and faforitism.

It's legit the only stats I didn't bother with are Str, mag and Lck. Str would be 1 point below the cap if she got it perfect with both boosters.

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She can't reach said caps even with stat boosters.

20  9   17  15  14  23  21 
/35 /20 /31 /31 /40 /36 /30

Are you sure? 15 spd at base with a cap of 31 (35 is with transform bonuses). 10 levels is 25 spd and you get three speedwings (one in endgame, two earlier on). That's doable.

17 skill and 31 cap, so 10 skill points and two stat boosters. Done.

23 def, so 33 def and two stat boosters. Done.

Next time run the numbers.

Oh, and to Silith, you don't play HM, right? On HM, Ashnard has an extra transformation when you beat him the first time and then his stats increase. 30 spd Ashnard means that for Ena to double she needs to either unequip the demi band and use a laguz stone, or to have Resolve.

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Are you sure? 15 spd at base with a cap of 31 (35 is with transform bonuses). 10 levels is 25 spd and you get three speedwings (one in endgame, two earlier on). That's doable.

Saving the first two, because it is very unlikely that you will retrieve the endgame one since Bryce is by Ashnard and that he will move whether you approach him or not.

Oh, and to Silith, you don't play HM, right? On HM, Ashnard has an extra transformation when you beat him the first time and then his stats increase. 30 spd Ashnard means that for Ena to double she needs to either unequip the demi band and use a laguz stone, or to have Resolve.

I also forgot that he gets an increse in 20 HP as well.

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I'm pretty sure Berserk Ashnard has 28 spd.

I actually feel Mist can make good use of the secret books, especially when she starts using inaccurate magic swords.

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I'm pretty sure Berserk Ashnard has 28 spd.

I actually feel Mist can make good use of the secret books, especially when she starts using inaccurate magic swords.

Yep, 28 Spd for Ashy. Ena needs 34 Spd after transforming to double him. Too bad that Ike can't, though. 'Cause it sucks when you have a Str-screwed Ike to take out Ashy (20 Str at 20/20 and I'm not lying).

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At that str, Ike can't beat Ashnard by himself without using skills or Reyson.

Yeah, I know. And he didn't Aether the BK so I got stuck with Ena.

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