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Battle of the Populars: Round VI



17 members have voted

  1. 1. Your favourite of these two great Metal Gear mechs:

    • [IMG]http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4126/rex.png[/IMG] Metal Gear REX
    • [IMG]http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/5964/rayi.png[/IMG] Metal Gear RAY

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So into the Metal Gear franchise we go. Choose your favourite of these two, and say why you chose what you did.

Myself: REX, because it can take alot of shit in comparison to RAY. RAYs were being killed left, right and centre in MGS2; their durability doesn't cut it for me. REX's only weak spot is the radome dish on it's left shoulder (which can take a beating itself), once that's destroyed, the REX must be piloted with the cockpit open, or else the pilot wouldn't be able to see. The cockpit is then the weak spot of it. Sure RAYs can swim and are more agile, but what good is that when it comes to avoiding a nuclear missile fired from the railgun of a REX?

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Actually, I considered voting Ray just for Gray Fox :(.

Indeed REX did kill Gray Fox, but that's what makes him awesome as well. It took someone like Gray Fox to finish off the radome, forcing the cockpit to be opened.

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I've never played an MGS. I lost interest in the demo of 1 because I was too young to really get it.

How far did the demo let you go?

You're missing out on a great game there. Get Twin Snakes for the Gamecube. It's basically a remake of the original. Better cutscenes, graphics, etc. but still the same good game.

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REX, obviously. Nothing else can compare. Especially since it was Liquid who piloted it. Liquid is the best played villain in all of video gaming, and the best villain in all of MGS.

You're missing out on a great game there. Get Twin Snakes for the Gamecube. It's basically a remake of the original. Better cutscenes, graphics, etc. but still the same good game.

Don't. Twin Snakes sucks, and not just because the music is replaced (and sucks). Go get the original no matter what anyone tells you and if you can't, then wait until you can.

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>implying even tenth of the people who had/have a PS2 have a PS3

>implying if they don't have a PS3 they need a PS1

>implying the PS2 isn't superior to the PS3

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REX, obviously. Nothing else can compare. Especially since it was Liquid who piloted it. Liquid is the best played villain in all of video gaming, and the best villain in all of MGS.


>implying the PS2 isn't superior to the PS3

It is possible that the PS3 will eventually be superior to the PS2.

Unlikely, but possible.

Edited by SeverIan
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go die

OK. I do think Liquid is a good villain, but I really like Ocelot more w/in the MGS frame, and outside of MGS I'm pretty sure my favorite villains are the Ur Quan from Star Control I and II.

I'm not sure how MGS4 would change my perceptions if I played it, assuming that I considered Liquid Ocelot to be Liquid and not Ocelot (I guess that makes sense since Liquid is the one "in control").

Can we be friends? :wub:

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Machine Gun, Short Range Laser Cannon, Short Range Missiles, Big Feet, Impervious to small arms fire, Impervious to heavy arms fire, makes roaring sounds, Was the only means of killing Gray Fox, wasn't completely destroyed only cockpit fried, is in Russian hands :awesome:


Slower than hell, walks like a drunk guy on stilts, can't use the rail gun on Snake, too many blind spots, not enough stomping power(took two pushes to kill Gray Fox), Never fired the damn nuke :(



Looks like a Xenomorph with wings, the energy cannon is in it's mouth, no radome, it has a tail, it can swim, there's a ton of'em, it makes roaring sounds, it can catch a burning harrier in its mouth then swim away with the damn thing, it fires rockets and crap off of its back, the machine guns are in the wing tips, it walks like a chicken :awesome:


Has the armor of a Sherman tank, wastes time roaring at you when it could be stepping on you, even three of them at a time is not enough to kill Raiden(WTF?), the blue one couldn't kill Fortune, its feet look like glue hardened tentacles... or a tree stump, it wobbles too much, the tail isn't a melee weapon, Gray Fox could've beat all twenty something of them... all at once <_<

And the winner is... ... ... ARSENAL GEAR :newyears:

Come on... it carries like twenty something Rays inside it, and it not only is one of the final bosses, you have to run around inside it like its Majin Boo! Epic Gear right there B)

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That laser cannon you mentioned in RAY's mouth, isn't that like a hyper pressured water cannon, capable of cutting metal, since it cut it's way out of the tanker? I'm sure Otacon said it shoots water, not a laser beam.

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That laser cannon you mentioned in RAY's mouth, isn't that like a hyper pressured water cannon, capable of cutting metal, since it cut it's way out of the tanker? I'm sure Otacon said it shoots water, not a laser beam.

It cuts metal with water? :blink:

RAY wins....

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