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Whats your team so far


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REX (Typhlosion lv 42, pretty much solo'd the game with him)

RED RAGE (Red Gyarados lv 31)

FAKE TREE (Sudowudo LV 21)

SKYWING (Pidgey LV 15)

Rocky (that Onix you get in a trade really early, LV 6)

KRABBY (Krabby lv 21)

Just before Radio Tower Takeover. I actually beat it yesterday (REX was lv 49) but I forgot to save :(

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Still right at Goldenrod cause of my DS being broken, but I plan on using a team of




Feebass (beauty is about 5/8 maxed)

Not sure what the other slots will be.

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That's a pretty good team for this game.

As of now, I've got...

REX- Typhlosion LV 49

RED RAGE- Red Gyarados LV 31 (he was actually lv 30 at Radio Tower)

Nothing else is new, but I've replaced Krabby with an ExpShare!Eevee until I need to head for Whirl Islands.

I have no idea how the hell I'm going to beat Blackthorn Gym like this since Ice Punch isn't a TM anymore (and I refuse to go raise something from, like, level 15 since that's just boring). Any ideas?

Edited by Reinfleche
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I have no idea how the hell I'm going to beat Blackthorn Gym like this since Ice Punch isn't a TM anymore (and I refuse to go raise something from, like, level 15 since that's just boring). Any ideas?

Wait until next Friday and get yourself a Lapras and raise it by 12 levels for Ice Beam.

You may want to give it TM 25 for Thunder to help with the Seadras and that one Kingdra. Rain Dance will bring its accuracy to 100 instead of 70. :)

My team post Ho-oh, pre Victory Road/Elite Four. Planning on capturing the Rare Dogs before continuing.

Explotaro (Lvl 38 Typhlosion)

Ein (Lvl 35 Espeon)

Aria (Lvl 31 Ariados)

Lapiz (Lvl 35 Lapras)

Laurice (Lvl 36 Ampharos)

Free Slot Pending

There's only so much Oh-T could do. I mainly use the thing to fly around now. I have a separate set of HM slaves for exploring being composed of a Shuckle, Poliwag, and Budew (through trade), and now Oh-T apparently. I still plan to train them in Kanto at some point but for now... eh.

I'm thinking of giving that last slot to Heart (Ho-oh).

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Right now I'm in the radio tower kicking some team rocket ass.

my team so far is

Aerodactyl lv32

Nidoking lv 34

Togekiss lv31

Feraligatr lv31

Gengar lv32

Shiny Rattata lv13 (he's on my team as an HM whore. I caught him in just 2 hours within starting the game :P )

I have a lv 26 Marshtomp I take in and out of the pokewalker.

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That's a pretty good team for this game.

As of now, I've got...

REX- Typhlosion LV 49

RED RAGE- Red Gyarados LV 31 (he was actually lv 30 at Radio Tower)

Nothing else is new, but I've replaced Krabby with an ExpShare!Eevee until I need to head for Whirl Islands.

I have no idea how the hell I'm going to beat Blackthorn Gym like this since Ice Punch isn't a TM anymore (and I refuse to go raise something from, like, level 15 since that's just boring). Any ideas?

you could always try Swinub

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you could always try Swinub

Eh, a bit late. I somehow beat her with Typhlosion and the Red Gyarados.

My current team (that I actually use in battle, not the HM guys)


REX (Typhlosion LV 51)

Dratini (w/ EXP share) LV 26

I'm battling Will right now. It saddens me to see how he's been transformed into a clown.

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Yeah, but I was thinking it would be better to save that for someone like Articuno. Or something.

Both REX and Lugia are level 52, Dratini evolved into Dragonair, and I think I should've listened to people when they said Lance's Dragonites were better. All I have left is Lugia, but I think I can win since he's on his last Dragonite (and I think he still has Charizard, but that's what Hydro Pump's for).

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Right up to Sudowoodo. Might have to go back and get some more balls.

Nidorino (Oxiclean)

- Thunder

- Dig

- Headbutt

- Double Kick

Scyther (Dualsaw)

- Wing Attack

- Pursuit

- Rock Smash

- U-turn

Geodude (Kaboom)

- Rock Throw

- Magnitude

- Rock Polish

- Selfdestruct

Quilava (Billy Mays)

- Flame Wheel

- Ember

- Fire Blast

- Headbutt

I'm debating on dropping Geodude as his Spe is pretty scrubby, but I might give him a chance as a Graveler first. All of these are Level 21 btw, though Nidorino is 20 with almost a level up.

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I'm debating on dropping Geodude as his Spe is pretty scrubby, but I might give him a chance as a Graveler first. All of these are Level 21 btw, though Nidorino is 20 with almost a level up.

dropping geodude due to speed issues is pretty silly, given thatt he doesn't really care if he gets hit first due to immunity to pretty much every physical attack out there. the level difference between trainer pokemon and your pokemon shold help the sluggish boulder move first but as I said, it isn't really needed. Too bad you've missed geodude's natural rollout iirc since it's pretty good for clearing out trainers who have a ton of pokemon.

current team

Lv 38 Meganium

Lv 37 Graveler

Lv 34 Magmar

Lv 33 Gyarados (red)

+ a murkrow and krabby as HM utility mons

up to the radio tower

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Excluding utility dudes, my team is now:

Lugia Lv 58

Rex- Typhlosion Lv 53

Saphira- Dragonair Lv 41

I've beaten 3 Kanto Gyms so far (Janine, Blaine, Sabrina) since I basically did all the plot events and I'm going back to do the Gyms.

I don't have Rock Climb, and I don't even know where to get it (or if I should have it at this point).

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Zangoose lv 63 - Lifeorb

- Swords Dance

- Close Combat

- Shadow Claw

- Return

Jolteon lv 49

- Tbolt

- Twave

- Substitue

- Tackle - filler

Snorelax lv 52 - Leftovers

- Crunch

- Brick Break

- Equake

- Return

Heracross lv 50

- Arial Ace

- Close Combat

- Brick Break

- Equake

Rhydon lv 47

- Horn Drill - lol

- Rock Blast - soon to be equake

- Stone Edge

- Brick Break

Dragonite lv 56 - Choice specs

- Tbolt

- Ice Beam

- Surf

- Dragon Pulse

I just beat Gary and am gonna start to EV train and breed the Jesus team

btw if anyone has equake maybe we could work something out, I have a hacked pearl with lots of items, I just ran out of equakes lol

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Just beat Red.

Lvl 60 Typhlosion

Lvl 60 Togekiss

Lvl 60 Ampharos

Lvl 60 Starmie

I wanted to beat Palmer in the Battle Frontier, so I caught a Modest Starmie at Lvl 40, spent about half an hour EV training it, and it pretty much swept the Battle Frontier up until Palmer (who was also swept by Starmie). Red was a joke, despite me being about 25 levels lower then him.

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Bought the game two days ago...

Attempting to face Morty with my extremely underleveled team.

Croconaw (Q-Bert) 21

Magnemite (Magnemite) 13

Togepi (Nora) 18

Gastly (Foggy) 20

Machop (Jun) 13

Magby (Magby) 16

Reason for my underleveledness...

Consistantly switching out pokemon with better (ivs, abilities, nature) ones, even though they're lower level than the ones that were on my team. I'm extremely paranoid about those kinds of things :wacko:

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Typholsion Lv47(Quills)

Gengar Lv46(Spook)

Raiku Lv44(Thunda Kat)

Luigia Lv45

Red Gyarados Lv41(Red Demon)

Hitmonlee Lv44

Taking on the pokemon leauge, aww yeah!

Lance is gonna raep me...

Who was i kidding, i kicked his ass! I'm the champ now, yess, kanto here i come!

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4 badges. Just beat Eusine.

Lv27 Pidgeotto

Lv25 Quilava

Lv26 Togetic

Lv26 Gyarados

Then I have Geodude and Furret as HM slaves. I trained Sentret to Lv15 to evolve him - better HM slave.

Going in for the 5th badge soon.

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