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Anime vs. Western Animation.


Anime vs. Western Animation  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you prefer?

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I'd have to say anime, but I have little experience with western animation. Other than the cartoons I used to watch 10+ years ago, and which I hardly remember now, I don't really watch any western shows.

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though the western animation has some good cartoons, Looney Toons comes to mind.

Edited by Alakazam
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What Dracohon said, although the cartoons in the 90s were really great. God I miss Looney Toons, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, Batman, Superman and other superhero animated series and whatever other great shows they had back then.

Edited by 21_21
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The popular 80s shows were usually better than the 90s ones (animation wise). Transformers, for example, started out pretty bad but became mind-numbingly awesome in the movie. Though a lot of shows had many Japanese animators and such (I know this is the case with shows like Bionic Six and Transformers, and it's probably the same for a lot of other Hasbro cartoons) so I don't know if that makes them anime or Western...or maybe both.

In any case, I don't really prefer any style. As long as the art direction doesn't make me cringe (purposefully distorted proportions, etc.), then both are fine and can be great. The best I've seen of both worlds have so far been Transformers: The Movie (and maybe some Disney movies) for Western, and Vampire Hunter D for anime.

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Probably western animation, but largely due to the huge guys like Disney. Yeah, Japan has Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, but the fluid motions and just overall excellent animation of Disney movies puts them ahead IMO.

When it comes to just regular old cartoons, tie. The style is usually way too different for me to be able to compare them (like comparing Rocko's Modern Life to your typical anime).

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On a site like this, you should know that the sampling bias is going to skew your results pretty significantly. I personally prefer western animation (Captain Planet and Doug for the motherfucking win) but you have to realize that the majority of the people who would frequent this kind of site are also the type of people who watch a lot of anime and secretly wish they were Japanese.

[/gross generalization]

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Western Animation. Anime upsets me. Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli is the only style of anime i still love. Thats one company out of a shit ton.

Disney animation is amazing. We also have sillier stuff like Ren and Stimpy and SpongeBob. Good ol Looney Tunes!

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I certainly prefer the anime art style over western cartoons, whose art styles are something I can never get used to (barring Disney whose artwork is most excellent).

Plot-wise, anime wins out for me too. I grew up on Asian dramas. Before you make assumptions, I was born and raised in China. And the only TV shows worth watching, for a little kid, are Detective Conan, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and those said Asian dramas. Chinese cartoons at the time of my childhood was not worth watching. Also, anime plotlines in general are more similar to those Asian dramas I know and love, while western cartoons are nothing similar. I found western cartoons to be far to random for me, seeing that I can never find a main plot in most of them.

Of course, I'm not denying Western cartoons' merits. I can see why people would enjoy them and I personally do like Looney Tunes, Disney, and Tom and Jerry. But anime in general is just far more enjoyable for me.

Plus, hot men with long hair and oversized swords for the win. *shot*

(I would love to see Vagabond to be made into an anime. The artwork in the manga is simply amazing. Though, the style is far more mature than most anime styles and it would be more difficult to animate)

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Futurama, South Park, Family Guy, Ugly Americans, Drawn Together>Almost anything anime can offer.

Futurama is nice but...the rest, uh...I'm kind of wondering if you've actually seen any anime, besides the usual popular stuff.

If you're into crude humour (judging by the cartoons you listed), then:

Or if you just want awesome:


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Anime, for a few reasons:

1. I generally prefer over-arching story lines, which American animation, to my knowledge, usually does not have. Before I even knew what anime was, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Dragonball Z were my favorite cartoons. So yeah.

2. Shows like Family Guy and The Simpsons exist, but in general I find America has this "Cartoons are for kids" mentality, and while that isn't really a problem, I'm not a kid anymore. A lot (maybe even most) of anime is aimed at the teen/adult demographic.

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Anime, for a few reasons:

1. I generally prefer over-arching story lines, which American animation, to my knowledge, usually does not have. Before I even knew what anime was, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Dragonball Z were my favorite cartoons. So yeah.

2. Shows like Family Guy and The Simpsons exist, but in general I find America has this "Cartoons are for kids" mentality, and while that isn't really a problem, I'm not a kid anymore. A lot (maybe even most) of anime is aimed at the teen/adult demographic.

I like Avatar, though they still had a fair amount of self-contained episodes. I can't really think of very many cartoons not for kids that have long story-arcs, though. Avatar, Transformers, that type of stuff has arcs, but is still for kids. A lot of the "adult" or more teen-oriented shows are basically, like you said, lacking in story arcs. And things like Family Guy don't even have arcs in an episode a lot of the time. Just random stuff thrown together. At least Simpsons usually tells a story for ~22 minutes (though maybe not as much now).

I definitely prefer the type of shows that have a continuous story from episode to episode (live action or otherwise), though things like ST:TNG are exceptions to that since even though it was episodic I loved it anyway.

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I like Avatar, though they still had a fair amount of self-contained episodes. I can't really think of very many cartoons not for kids that have long story-arcs, though. Avatar, Transformers, that type of stuff has arcs, but is still for kids. A lot of the "adult" or more teen-oriented shows are basically, like you said, lacking in story arcs. And things like Family Guy don't even have arcs in an episode a lot of the time. Just random stuff thrown together. At least Simpsons usually tells a story for ~22 minutes (though maybe not as much now).

I haven't seen Avatar, but from what I hear, it was heavily anime-influenced anyway. And then some of the Transformers series I believe are officially classified as anime (In fact, now that you mention it, I also used to watch Transformers: Armada, though not as much as the other 3).

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I haven't seen Avatar, but from what I hear, it was heavily anime-influenced anyway. And then some of the Transformers series I believe are officially classified as anime (In fact, now that you mention it, I also used to watch Transformers: Armada, though not as much as the other 3).

I got more of an anime vibe from Avatar than things like Transformers: Beast Wars and Beast Machines. I didn't watch much of the others. Just one or two episodes.

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Anime for the win. Western is a bit... I don't know, hard. The way western cartoons were drawn looks weird. lol Dexter, he is short and looks like a box. Too square I guess.

And anime story line is more interesting. Historical, fantasy, musical, etc. They have everything. :)

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Avatar, Transformers, that type of stuff has arcs, but is still for kids.

You best not be dissin' Transformers. It may be intended for kids, but it's still pretty grim at points (movie especially) and generally has great story lines.

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Yeah, most anime isn't great or even good, but the same can be said of any medium, really. Books, movies, video games, you name it.

You should watch some of the good (non-weird) stuff. I'd give you some recommendations but I don't feel like it now and besides, my recommendations will be obvious. If you want shows that aren't weird, there are lots of pretty normal slice of life stuff out there.

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Once in awhile I'll pick up on an anime series I can get into, but that's not often. Plotline is awesome... if it's a good plotline.

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