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New stats for Alferis up:


Affinity: Thunder

HP 4, Str 3, Skll 3, Spd 3, Luck 2, Def 2, Res 0

Simplified Stats HP 12, Mgt +3, Hit +3, Evd 4, DEF/RES 2/0

Skill: Hawkeye

Weapons: Tomahawk, Iron Axe

Items: Vulnerary, 15 gold

See previous page for backstory.

Edited by Dark Sage
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... Am I the only one that's depressed that my myrm has the exact same Evade as your Bandit? ;_;

Stats look good.

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We lack a actual bandit class, but that can be scribbled over and changed to a warrior without problems. If that's done, approved.

Actually I gave bandits stat caps and you made a tier 2 skill for berserkers, so they essentially exist.

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That's not how this rp works. We don't wait for games. We're building a story basically. The stat battles are just to help us get stronger until we face the demon king. Everything that happens in between battles is just as important.

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My suggestion: Make it active twice a battle, but have it be so it's an auto crit with piercing properties, IF it connects.

Also, gave Dani a Bolting tome.

Edited by Snike
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Not Boosting Eric's stats, but giving him Resolve/Miracle, if the former can't be added yet.

Dani nets Vantage/Wrath.

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Name: Derek

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Derek is just as tall as Eric, and more heavily-built. He has amber eyes, and long, unkempt green hair. Usually seen wearing plate mail under a coat not unlike the one Eric wears. Always has gauntlets on.

Element: Anima

Class: Mercenary

Crimson weapon?: No

Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 Luck: 2 Def: 3 Res: 0

Simplified stats: HP: 12 STR: 4 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 DEF/RES: 4/0

Weapons: Steel Blade

Items/gold: 20 G. No items.

Skills: None

Backstory: The son of Duke Arckson, the brother of Danielle, and Eric's best friend. He searched Septimus for his sister, and made his way to Halton, where he bides his time by joining a group of mercenaries.

Edited by Snike
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I knew I missed something.

Also, 3 characters might be a bit difficult, but I can manage it. If not, there's always plot injuries.

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Yeah, so, uh, Eric leveled in the battle. Here are his stats.

HP 2->3

SKL 5->6

SPD 5-> 6

HP is now 9. Hit is now 6. AS is now 6. Avoid is now 6.

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Derek is Dani's brother. Travis is the enemy hero that kidnapped Dani and makes Captain Planet references.

I made that point in the Feedback. At the same time... Also, why in hell would he KO his best friend and his sister? XD

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