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Yes, he can has a skill.

Just for clarification, you can't select Guard with a Mercenary, right?

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I suppose if they are applicable,then they could...

as for Mercs using Guard(renaming,since it shares it with another skill),I don't see a problem,but you might want to ask Snowy(Gogo arbitrary list)

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Exactly why I'm posting here. Either Guard, or Charge is going to be Derek's skill, depending on if the latter is approved.

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This isn't my new submission. I'm looking for input first.

Isotov's Stats: HP: 3 STR: 1 MAG: 4 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 1 Res: 4 (Mag 3+1=4)(Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 9 Damage: 5 Hit: 3 Evade: 4 Defense: 1 Resistance: 5

Element: Fire

Skill: Miracle

Activation: Passive

Effect: Once per battle, you may automatically succeed on a saving roll.

Irina's Stats: HP:4 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 4 RES 0 (DEF 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 5 Hit: 3 Evade: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 0

Element: Wind

Skill: Hawkeye

Activation: At the start of your round

Effect: Increase your SKL by 1 for every point of luck you have for one turn. While this skill is active, your luck may not aid your evade.

Viveka's Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4 (Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 2 Hit: 2 Evade: 7 Defense: 0 Resistance: 5

Element: Thunder

Skill: Vantage

Activation: Passive.

Effect: During one round of combat in which you are counter-attacking, you may attack first with one counter.

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Chase, now with 50% more nomad!


HP 3 (capped!)

Str 3 (capped!)

Mag 0

Skl 4

Spd 6 (capped!)

Luk 4 (capped!)

Def 3 (capped!)

Res 0

Simplified stats

HP 9, Atk 3+1, Hit 4, Avo 8, Def/Res 4/0 (effectively 3/-1 because of bows).


Adept (may possibly be changed to charge)

Edited by Lightning
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Okay. Seeing as how it seems like Phoenix is okay with it, introducing Pary!

My character:

Name: Pary (Pronouced Par-ee)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance: A tall man, his face shows years of hardships. His deep green eyes, and goatee show a man of high etiquet. His brown hair is kept short, and wears a brown cloak, having long tossed aside the typical white of the clergy.

Element: Anima

Class: Priest

Crimson weapon?: Maybe

Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 Luck: 2 Def: 1 Res: 6

Simplified stats: HP: 9, STR: 3, Hit: 3, Evade: 5, DEF/RES: 1/6 (or is it 7?)

Weapons: Mend, Barrier (1/2*Mag +1 +1/2*Roll, this can be a max of 6, or 3. It's rounded down), "Staff", Divine

Items/gold: 20, Pendant

Skills: Charisma

Backstory: Pary had been in the clergy since he was very little. he had been an orphan, and was taken in by the head Priest when he was just a child. When he was in his teens, a new cleric came to stay at the church. Pary fell madly in love with her, and had proposed marriage to her. She had accepted, but died of illness the following winter. Pary saw this as the goddess's punishment for breaking his vows of chastity. He was deeply sad, but accepted his fate.

As his church was in Jerdon, he managed to escape to a neighboring country when war broke out. His friends and clergy members had not been as lucky. He cursed the goddess, for taking his bride, his home, and his family. He renounced his ties with her, and took out to find a purpose.

One day when he was traveling, he ran into an old decrepid Cathedral. Going inside, the walls were scorched, and a women layed in a pool of her blood. He tried mending her wounds, but she only managed to say a few last words. "Tell Iso...I love him, and that I'm sorry." Nearby, he saw another body, horribly mangled by flames.

He set off to find this "Iso", to explore a way of meeting this so-called "goddess".

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... ... ... apparently I can't explain stuff for jack on Saturdays :/

I don't mind him finding her body, but her still being alive would make it absolutely impossible for the situation to unfold the way it did(because she died right in front of Iso). I should also mention that about ten other people were in that cathedral that died minus the fried demon corpses.

You could easily have him pick up one of the group's journals or something to learn Iso's name.

Edited by Phoenix
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Name:Teh awesoem Sage

Age:Generic Age


Appearance:Cloak,robes,wears red.



Class:Fire Sage

Crimson Weapon: No

Stats: Hp:4 Str:1 Mag:6 Skl:7 Spd:6 Lck:2 Def:0 Res:1

Simplified: Hp:12 Damage:6 Hit:7 Avo:7 Def:0 Res:1

Weapons: Bolganone(Burns your shit to the ground...or rather,the ground burns your shit to itself...),Recover(Fully heal one target),Fortify(Heal all allies)

Items/Gold:3 Vulneraries,5 Gold

Skills:Arcane Power,Miracle

Backstory: A sage in service at the Kleine Manor.He was so awesome,the group decided to keep him.

Note:This is meant as a joke,but I won't stop you if you want to approve him,lol.

Edited by Ether
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Appearance: Black shirt, wears a green cape and a green mini skirt.

Element: Wind

Class: Wind Mage

Crimson Weapon: No

Level: 2

Stats: Hp:3 Str:0 Mag:3 Skl:5 Spd:4 Lck:2 Def:1 Res:4

Simplified: Hp:9 Damage:3 Hit:5 Avo:5 Def:1 Res:4

Weapons: Arcwind, Tornado

Items: Vulnerary

Skills: Charisma, Miracle



Appearance: Black shirt, wears a yellow cape and a yellow mini skirt.

Element: Thunder

Class: Thunder Mage

Crimson Weapon: No

Level: 2

Stats: Hp:3 Str:2 Mag:5 Skl:3 Spd:4 Lck:2 Def:1 Res:4

Simplified: Hp:9 Damage:5 Hit:3 Avo:5 Def:1 Res:4

Weapons: Arcthunder, Bolting

Items: Vulnerary

Skills: Charisma, Miracle



Appearance: Black shirt, wears a red cape and a red mini skirt.

Element: Fire

Class: Fire Mage

Crimson Weapon: No

Level: 2

Stats: Hp:3 Str:1 Mag:4 Skl:4 Spd:4 Lck:2 Def:1 Res:4

Simplified: Hp:9 Damage:4 Hit:4 Avo:5 Def:1 Res:4

Weapons: Arcfire, Meteor

Items: Vulnerary

Skills: Charisma, Miracle

Gogo awesome mages! :newyears:

Edited by psychout50
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No. She cant be level two.


Im serous dont read it unless you want some major spoilers.

Not done yet.

Class: Demon (Use this till i think of a class)

Sex: Female (Dunno is Demons have a sex. No not that kind because they cant)

Age: Appearance looks like she is in her early 20's. She is probably a couple century's old

Stats: Pending

Skills: Heavy blow

Appearance: She wears a robe similar to Epidels covering most of her face. It reveals one of her eyes. She has red eyes and jet black hair.

Weapons: Miracle

Demon powers and shitz:

Mindfuck: When she looks into the eyes of a person she can read/alter their memories. She can also take control of them. She can only do this to people that havent been in the presence of a CW.

Fire: Can cast fire and burn shit

Teleport: Self explanatory.

Backstory: Ruby is Helenos' top agent. She comes to Helenos' need only if it is urgent. She could care less about her, she only does it for the thrill. Her Sword, the Miracle blade has killed off many rouge demons and mortals alike. Her loyalty has swayed from time to time. Branded Morgan (Will Retcon if valid reason is given)

Gold: 20

Personality: Will be revealed in the RP.

Edited by Kai
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