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Lord of Azure Flame *sign up/information topic*


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3 Evangelion Rebuilds

Name: Alf

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: He is a muscular and is pretty big for his age. His face is heavily scarred due to burns he suffered from a demon, so he always wears a mask. He wears simple everyday workclothes with boots.

Personality: He is a friendly and kind-hearted man but is also emotional . He is well meaning but has a bad habit of putting his foot in his mouth and can unintentionally antagonize people. He is also not a very good judge of character and this combined with not the greatest judgement in the world makes him prone to bad decisions.

Affinity: Thunder

Crimson Weapon: lol

Class: Warrior

Raw Stats: HP 5, Str 6, Mag 0, Skl 5, Spd 6, Luck 2, Def 4, Res 0

Simplified Stats: HP 15, MT 6, Hit 5, AS 6, Evd 7, Def 4, Res 0

Weapons: Iron Axe, Tomahawk

Skills: Resolve, Hawkeye, Rage

Name: Reika

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Reika has long black hair with a sleeveless shirt and a skirt.

Affinity: Dark

Crimson Weapon: Yes

Class: Rogue

Raw Stats: HP 4, Str 5, Mag 0, Skl 7, Spd 8, Luck 2, Def 2, Res 0

Simplified Stats: HP 12, Mt 4, Hit 7, AS 8, Evd 10, Def 2, Res 0

Weapons: Calamity, Steel Knife, Sai

Skills: Crimson Weapon, Heavy Strike, Lethality

Name: Sadie

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short cropped blonde hair, hazel eyes, slim build and a beautiful face. Wears plain red robes with a pouch at her belt.

Affinity: Anima

Crimson Weapon: ROFL

Class: Wind Sage

Raw Stats: HP 5, Str 0, Mag 5, Skl 5, Spd 6, Luck 3, Def 3, Res 4

Simplified Stats: HP 15, Mt 5, Hit 5, AS 6, Evd 7, Def 3, Res 4

Weapons: Elwind

Skills: Resolve, Arcane Power

If I made any mistakes let me know

Edited by Dark Sage
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Class: Rogue

Level: 1.51

Affinity: Dark (Mt, Evade)

Skills: Lethality, Critical, Full Tilt

Raw stats:

HP: 12 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 9 LUK: 0 DEF: 3 RES: 0


HP: 12 Mt: 5-1 Hit: 7 AS: 9 Evade: 9+1 Def/Res: 3/0


Class: Axe General

Level: 1.00

Affinity: Fire (Mt, Hit)

Skills: Crimson, Bastion, Charge

Raw stats:

HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LUK: 0 DEF: 6 RES: 0


HP: 18 Mt: 6 Hit: 5 AS: 5 Evade: 5 Def/Res: 6/0

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I checked these more than ten times each but there might still be something off. Let me know if there is so I can fix it.


Irina Orlov

Affinity: Water

Level 2 Wyvern Knight

HP: 8 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LUK: 0 DEF: 8 RES: 0

HP: 24 MT: 7 Hit: 4 AS: 4 Evd: 4 Def: 8 Res: 0

Skills: Daunt, Thick Hide, Miracle

Exp: 22


Isotov Orlov

Affinity: Fire (same)

Level 1 Fire Sage

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 6 SPD: 6 LUK: 0 DEF: 1 RES: 4

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 6 AS: 6 Evd: 6 Def: 1 Res: 4

Skills: Crimson, Arcane Power, Resolve

Exp: 39


Viveka Falk

Affinity: Thunder (same)

Level 1 Falcon Knight

HP: 5 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 8 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 3

HP: 15 MT: 3 Hit: 5 AS: 8 Evd: 10 Def: 0 Res: 3

Skills: Vulnerary, Momentum, Charisma

Exp: 40

Edited by Phoenix
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Helios, Wind Sage, ICE affinity (AS/DEF/RES), Prayer, Crimson, [Arcane Power]


L2/1.76, HP: 6, STR: 0, MAG: 6, SKL: 1, SPD: 5, LUK: 0, DEF: 5, RES: 5


HP: 18, MT: 6, HIT: 1, EVA: 5, AS: 5, DEF: 5, RES: 5

Tessa, Valkyrie, THUNDER affinity (AS/EVA), Arcanium, Hawkeye, [sol], [staff Healing]


L2/2.17, HP: 4, STR: 4, MAG: 4, SKL: 2, SPD: 9, LUK: 8, DEF: 0, RES: 0


HP: 12, MT: 4, HIT: 2, EVA: 13, AS: 9, DEF: 0, RES: 0

Edited by Balcerzak
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I don't know how to do this, sufficeive to say I have never been in this situation before, returning to a RP I had already left. I've been really conflicted about this. I left this RP in Phoenix's hands and left because I thought it would make you all happy. I don't know if I was right or if I was wrong. However, standing aside to let this grow on its own hurts too much. I want to play a part in this again, even if it is only a small bit.

If you are willing, I would like to regain control over Esphyr and Mana... even though she is a NPC. If not... I'll just have to figure out some new way to contribute.

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I believe I already told you I'd like to finish the rp with Esphyr myself. I'm finally getting reactions from her and so am unwilling to give her back. You could make more PCs and apply to the rp again and see how that goes or pick up Altion again and see if you're approved.

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Name: Duval

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: A tall and lean man with long black hair and a thin, tapered face. Duval wears a white version of the traditional TISME robes in order to symbolize his dedication to healing instead of the more destructive arts. He carried a sash about him covered with pockets and stuffed to the brim, often overflowing, with various trinkets. Most prominate are various artifacts relating to dragons. Small bits of paper detailing draconic exploits, scales (fake and real), figurines, maps, even one or two rare items made by the dragons themselves. Several tomes dangle from about his waist, attached by string. These books are magical tomes, books on dragons, and cheap romance novels respectively. A pair of glasses hang about his neck designed to serve as magnification lenses for reading.

Personality: Obsessed with dragons and truth Duval is usually fairly relaxed except for when words about anything concerning dragons reaches his ears. With a eager pursuit he will hunt down any information he can on the dragons, frantically trying to figure out all he can from what scraps are available. When he's not eagerly chasing tales about dragons he can often be found reading various books and is more than willing to enlighten others as to their content, even if they didn't ask. He doesn't mean ill though, he just loves talking about the things he enjoys... and doesn't know when to be quiet.

Affinity: Light

Class: Bishop

Crimson weapon: None

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 1 MAG: 8 SKL: 4 SPD: 5 LUK: 1 DEF: 2 RES: 4

Simplified stats: HP: 18 MT: 8 HIT: 4 EVADE: 5 AS: 5 DEF: 2 RES: 4

Weapons: Light Tome, Heal staff

Skills: Healing Aura, Stealth

Backstory: Joining TISME as a small child, Duval eagerly learned all he could within the halls of TISME and showed a aptitude for healing magic above all else. As he started to grow up he developed an unhealthy obsession with myths and legends of old; man and dragon fight against, and sometimes alongside, each other throughout ages forgotten. His curious nature was stirred and he quickly started to gather up what relics he could about the dragons of the past, though many were long gone. Upon his graduation he left the confines of TISME to start chasing down the stories of dragons to see if they held any degree of truth to them. Recently he has heard tales that Helenos, the dragon subordinate of the Lord of Azure Flame himself, had not died and was, in fact, very much alive. Returning from the north where he had tried to discover a dragon cave, he has started to head south, seeking to find out if the rumors are true and if, hopefully, he will have a chance to study a real dragon.

Edited by Snowy_One
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  • 6 months later...

Rebuild from Ch22.

Name: Eric Sagesse (Formerly known as Henry)

Class: Hero

Affinity: Ice (AS, DEF/EVD)

Level: 1

Skills: Wrath


Heroic Stand

Raw stats: HP: 6 STR:6 SKL: 6 SPEED: 8 LUK: 0 DEF: 2 RES: 0

Simplified stats: HP is 18, Might is 6, Hit is 6, AS is 8, Evade is 8, Defense is 2, Resistance is 0.

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Name: Adena

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tallish, around 5'10", dark blue hair, brown eyes, http://images3.wikia.../cc/Cecilia.jpg This.

This is what she looks like, except with different coloring. (clothing colors change to: underdressthingy is light green, and overtunic is dark green, edging and armor remain gold/white)

Personality: Friendly and outgoing, but doesn't like to talk a lot about herself. Will prefer to redirect the questions back on other people. This has

nothing to do with a tragic past or anything, she just cares more about learning about other people than she cares about talking about herself. Cares

about protecting people she views as friends as well as people she views as allies. Takes no nonsense though. Just because she likes to look pretty

doesn't mean she's frail.

Affinity: Water (Mt & Def/Res)

Class: Valkyrie

Crimson weapon: No

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 6 SPD: 6 LUK: 0 DEF: 0 RES: 5

Simplified stats: HP: 15 MT: 6 HIT: 6 EVADE: 6 AS: 6 DEF: 0 RES: 5

Weapons: fire tome, heal staff


Sol: Activation: Twice per battle, before your attack.

Effect: The user may gain HP equal to 1/2 of the damage inflicted on the target.

Resolve: Activation: Passive.

Effect: Multiplies unit's primary offensive stat, speed, and skill, by 1.5 (rounded down),

when unit is 33% health or lower. This speed does not increase evasion.

Overcast: Activation: At the start of your turn

Effect: Before rolling your attack, you may choose to lower your Skl by X amount,

and for that attack, you will gain X Mag. Increase may not exceed 4 points. Only attacks are boosted by this skill.


Raised in a small family, with only a sister, Adena had a peaceful childhood. As she got older, she was sent to TISME to study both the art of healing

and fire magic. She was part of the group studying healing via anima magic, but when she heard about the disrest going on in the world, she went home

to Elyisimia to serve in the military there.

Horse: Snips, (looks like the one in the picture) easy going, not startled easily, been with Adena since she went to TISME.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Irina Orlov

Affinity: Water (Mt/DefRes)

Level 2 Wyvern Knight

HP: 8 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LUK: 0 DEF: 8 RES: 0

HP: 24 MT: 7 Hit: 4 AS: 4 Evd: 4 Def: 8 Res: 0

Skills: Daunt, Thick Hide, Nihil

Weapons: Lance(Killer Lance)

Exp: 22


Isotov Orlov

Affinity: Fire (Mt/Hit)

Level 1 Fire Sage

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 7 SPD: 6 LUK: 0 DEF: 1 RES: 3

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 7 AS: 6 Evd: 6 Def: 1 Res: 3

Skills: Crimson, Arcane Power, Arcanium

Weapons: Fire Tome(Proxima)

Exp: 39


Viveka Falk

Affinity: Thunder (AS/Evd)

Level 1 Falcon Knight

HP: 5 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 8 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 3

HP: 15 MT: 3 Hit: 5 AS: 8 Evd: 10 Def: 0 Res: 3

Skills: Charisma, Momentum, Vulnerary

Weapons: Lance(Cloud Breaker)

Exp: 40

Lemme know if anything is a miss.

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