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I put it in my sig for now,since Snowy said specifically he was going to build one of them,and that was more than enough for a support conversation.If he doesn't think that is enough to be the convo,we'll write one up when he gets back,since it is enough interaction,that much is clear.

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Yeah, it would be best to check.

Anyone going to run at Eric? Possibly knock him out/ injure him in some way?

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Rein, you're going to have to do a lot better explaining this. Lay out a picture of the situation, describe what we're seeing here.

"Think large tunnels" doesn't tell me jack. Are they naturally occurring, or are they rough-hewn stone that is obviously the result of human construction. How high are they. What is the entrance like, is it wide-open, hidden by brush and trees? How deep underground does it take ups, is it a steep slope and a harsh descent, or is it much gentler. Are there stala(gm/ct)ites, pillars, pools of water. Paint us a picture man.

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Also, if we're thinking "Tunnels" and not natural "Caves" You better have a good reason as to why the tunnels were made (if made by human hands, as seems to be the case). And why the creators (clearly not a single individual) no longer know about these caves. (Such a a vital network would have been passed on from generation to generation)

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@Lacuna: Again, if they were adapted, by who? And why do they no longer know about it (According to Chase). Expect to find enemies of some sort in there unless I get a valid reason as to why they're so well hidden, and without monsters.

@Rein: If you want to keep it secret, I guess you could, but I'm still going to make something happen while we're in there, unless "I" get a reason as to why it's not possible

@Kai: Nyahahaha! Now you know how everyone else felt when you spammed an attack every few minutes and killed everything off before others had a chance to respond :P

Edited by Nadesico
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They could have been adapted by various generations of bandits. They logically wouldn't tell very many people about it, and would probably have been killed off by law enforcement at some point. Chase isn't necessarily the only one who knows about them, but he thinks he is. I do think we'd be more likely to run into monsters than human enemies in them, though.

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Good for you, I don't exactly know "Why" Reika needs to fight you :/ And I won't guarantee it either, I'll try to convince Snowy to make Reika+D/J give out "basic' enemy exp if they do appear as enemy units. But at present PvP yields no EXP.

But my main point here is, why do I need to make Reika fight Helios? :/

@Lacuna: I'm happy as long as they're not as "safe" as Rein explained them to be, (think he said something like 99% safe or something before.)

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Uh, kay, For future reference, when you plan to make some sort of plot/history with one of my characters please let me know beforehand.

Firstly, I never said Reika wanted revenge

Secondly, if she did she wants just as much revenge on Morgan and Aiya

Thirdly, I haven't been told anything about a Helios v Reika and it isn't part of my plans, while my plans are adaptable, I'm not going to make changes once they're set in motion (Fortunately Reika's return is still a fair while away)

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Also,gogo tanks(although Aiya got unlucky and didn't act like one...still,those hits would have 1HKO'd half the group,so the fact that 2 barely took her down says something) for getting the first two level ups. ^_^

Anywho,Lightning still hasn't given explanation or dimensions of the damn tunnels,and those are kind of important...>_>

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So after all of that she doesnt want revenge :/

She wants revenge, just not on Helios specifically. :/ Her contempt is directed at the whole group (Remember she dislikes Halton soldiers as default, one captured her, and Morgan did just as much as Helios. Well maybe more, she robbed her XD

So if I were to pinpoint Reika's hatred at an individual it'd probably be the shamaness first, Aiya second, then Helios :/

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And Damian may be near Helios,if not over him,considering she hates Halton soldiers on principle,and he is an officer.Not only that,but he semi impeded her plans with his family ties,and did quite the number on two groups of her bandit buddies. Once she finds out he's with Aiya,he's likely to jump above Helios on the revenge scale.

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