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Hmm revenge scale, definitely not, hatred scale though possibly (It's not like Reika wanted Aiya XD) Bandit buddies don't really count cause she was just using them to get at the group.

Nothing to prove that Helios was a noble, and that would still only net him the same status as Aiya due to her hatred for soldiers and nobles pretty much being equal.

Either way, no plans on Helios vs Reika, if you want to work one out, we can over PM if you have a certain scenario in mind. And no matter how hard Helios or anyone tries, It'll probably still be Morgan vs Reika (haven't discussed since Cynthia's stated Morgan dislikes Reika, and she doesn't really get a say in who I decide to attack XD)

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Or have someone be sadistic and send in reinforcements.

Side note: It's not an insult. It's mercy. Also, IIRC, Nade was the one who made the character. Why are you defining her?

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What you mean this little thing here?

"I am also the prince of the kingdom of Tora that was destroyed not to long ago". "You have every right not to believe me"

Did you forget the beginning of this part?

"Right, and I'm the Queen of Elysimma" Reika snorted, from what she had heard Tora and it's royal family had been destroyed more then 25 years ago, just like most other kingdoms, for this man to be prince, one of the royals would have needed to survive and give birth to him, and from what she had gathered, the demon lord been pretty thorough in his attempt to genocide the rulers of each kingdom and their relatives.

This brings me to the question or rather argument from 24 hours ago, how is Helios aged 21 have access to the funds of Tora, when Tora was destroyed 25 years ago, I can accept reconstruction, but if it's being reconstructed, Helios not being there doesn't make sense, and there's nor reason for him to turn to assassination work :/

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Yay! I just got my grades for this semester back! Archaeology: B, Public Speaking B+, Science A-, and Philosophy A! My dad agreed to but my a game whenever I get grades of at least B+ or higher! I GET A FREE GAME!

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@Kai, So err, what, Tora went boom in a civil war? Or did they get invaded by another kingdom?

Kai online = Active Feedback, dead RP.

Though today, it's more Rein's fault :/

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Just saw this video on youtube. I don't know why, but I started to think of this RP.

<_< :lol:

Sense sleeping for seven hours has caused me to fall nearly half a day behind, I'll just let someone else jack Irina and Iso around with the group while I get started on Katie. I'm also going to do and FE10 style Esphyr since she's so heavily interactive now. Is her shirt white now, or is it still red? :/

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Invaded by the worshipers of the demon king

They tried to destroy the crimson tome <_<

@ Nady: If i post again that would be a double post

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:awesome: Nice one, Snowy.

Kai, read the backstory. EVERY nation, other than the main 3, were destroyed. Some might be holding a pretense of stability, but they're mostly ruined. In my character's case, Jerdon had been rebuilding, when it was destroyed, about a year and a half ago. >.>

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Uh huh, depends on your definition of "worshippers"

-Demons haven't amassed and attacked a nation since the demon king fell 25 years ago.

Or at least that is the impression Snowy's given me so far in PM's.

@Snowy, Confirmation/Correction please?

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Dun know yet. Bayonetta, Red Dead Redemption, SMG2, or ME2.

And red.

Let me give you a bit of help with that.

Bayonetta: Haven't played.

RDR: Only get it if you like GTA. If you hate GTA stay away from it.

SMG2: Haven't played ... I think :/

ME2: Don't get ME2 until you beat ME. Yeah, so much stuff carries over that half the game sucks without ME one.

Thanks. I'll get started then :)

EDIT: One more thing! Anyone of my characters with a Russian name is from Zaftra. Small california size country close to huge mountainous regions that was also destroyed. Survivors are scattered all over the place. Largest concentrations would probably be in Halton?

A cookie for anyone who guesses the Zaftra reference without doing a google search.

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Wouldn't be too big an issue, just have another nation invade instead of demons. And pass Reika's ranting off as false (You didn't have time to correct her since she was stabbing you XD)

I find it highly unlikely that kingdoms with Crimson weapons would be left alone by it's neighbours anyway.

Though as Snike pointed out, only survivors was the 3 kingdoms, so I don't see the logic in a CW being given to a destroyed nation, and if demons stole it, I don't see the logic in demons giving it to a royal house (has access to army) and then swarming to take it back.

As for demons destroying nations afterwards, Morgans comments up until now have indicated Demon appearances to be rare/recent. And someone even contested if Demons existed. Due to having never seen one/heard of one.

And with the exception of the Mesh, only demons mentioned so far are Ivanko fighting them off. I really doubt they'd be forming armies and besieging castle either way.

But again, need to wait for Snowy on this one.

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The demons didn't really care and just wanted to hide them where ever they could. Hence the choice of people whom were not exactly mature enough to put of a resistance. Anything beyond that, I think Naddy got it right.

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What nation would attack it then?

According to Snike, there was only 3 nations that were standing at that time

How many years ago was this 'attack'?

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Urgh! Marmajubletta! >_<

Snowy! By "MAGE" uniform(dress version) do you mean a one piece(Lute), two piece(Nino), short school girl skirt type(Ilyana), or just make my own version and call it a day? :mellow:

EDIT: Read the description a few more times so ignore that^^

New questions:

Looking up the word concentric ... ah ... I see what you're going for now.

So eight circles (total?) So that means four on each shoulder, and should I assume there should be room left over for ... future circles?

Circles are on her skin? Tattoos basically?

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You better get ready for a wave of hate, BTW.

Maybe it was just a group of bandits? Or, a minor nation. I said that all but 3 nations were destroyed 25 years ago, not that there were only 3 at present time.

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