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Whatever their numbers I fail to see how we can win this XD Not without Ether being active 24 hours a day anyway XD Maybe Eric is right, and we can get Helios captured and killed XD (Screw the rules? :P )

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Suggest new chapter before fight breaks out? Surely we can get a little distance in before running into trouble, and this chapter's fairly long already.

Aww, but that means my health is reset! D:

@Nade: Maybe the point is to lose, but lose magnificently? Or have someone throw a life raft out to us?

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Dammit, Snowy! Why the hell are the rings yellow?! It's like painting teal onto blue! Can't make it out as anything other than a blotchy circle spot! Crapazoid! 2523.gif

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Oh, hey guys. About finished with work, can probably focus a bit more here for a few minutes before I collapse and sleep.

That said, I tweaked my About Me page, and there's some Tessa info there. Most of it was already posted in places previously and just collects there for reference, but the Personality bit is new, and me trying to sort things out and to keep her from seeming schizo or bipolar or whatever. (It might just be rationalizations though, I can never tell.) The Abilities bit is new, and kind of sniped from Lacuna, but I haven't really finished thinking that over, so that's all grain of salt material at the moment.

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No, I'm pretty the point is for us to just lose XD Hence the reason I suggest killing Helios

And great, a crazy mage, a love triangle and now a suicidal swordsman, maybe I should have taken my chances with the tunnel group XD

:huh: Phoenix lost it, :/ Well lost more then he'd already lost. Laughing, in pain, and now speaking in some weird dialect,

@Bal, Don't worry about Tessa seeming Schitzo or bipolar, we have enough crazies in the group to make her look normal

Edited by Nadesico
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Hmmm, no Cynthia huh, guess we'll have a quiet weekend next week.

Snowy taking forever to post makes me think he's preparing the next chapter. XD

@Bal, damn, and here I was hoping Tessa would later reveal the last part to Kamilla and Reika and they could kill the group in their sleep.

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~reads the Tessainfo~

~falls over laughing at the last bit~ Good one, sir.

You have Cynthia to thank for that one, actually. I'm glad you enjoyed it though.

@Bal, damn, and here I was hoping Tessa would later reveal the last part to Kamilla and Reika and they could kill the group in their sleep.

Maybe next RP, Nadesico, maybe next time. :P

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Converesly, I've been having dinner. Anyways, I'm not really sure what a new chapter would accomplish right now. Plus. I thought these were Naddies soldiers. If not, I can assure you that they will not be stated this time.

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Nyii, I was going to post a legitimate answer to that post, but I'll take that remark as a gift of power! XD They're my soldiers now, stop your yapping all of you and get in line. I'm going to kill you all! XD

In other news, you could start a new chapter (For the cave goers (Chapter name Cobalt Caves?) And the rest of us continue to use this thread? It seem more organized that way and would prevent confusion IMO.

Also, can If we do split the threads, can I stat the soldiers (They yield no exp) since I really doubt some of us willingly be captured. (CoughKaicough) and it's easier to swarm him and shut him up then convince him he can't somehow magically escape the soldiers.

Unless of course you plan to take over looking after this group (Esphyr's in it after all)

Edited by Nadesico
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I can't kill (obviously)

I can harm -_- (Just not permanently)

Anything of the sort involves capturing them?

What exactly are these soldiers supposed to do then? Point their finger and gawk at the group?

No offense to Cynthia but a quarter mile is nothing in terms of distance, and they'd have a good idea of the groups location considering how Pegasi were in the sky (Direction) and there's a trail of dead things heading for the caves.

If you're suggesting the group can run off unharmed, then I must conclude Elysimma's forces are extremely stupid.

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The point was that the group was very close to the caves when the Pegasi attacked.

The corpses are probably a good indicator of where the group was. They might go for the caves, they might not.

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Odds are, they go for the forest, and Group A will be capped.

As for injuries, make sure they're directed @ Eric. >.>

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I can't injure you according to Snowy's permission, but then again I don't follow restrictions anyway <_< This is what happens when I indicate my plans too directly, guess I should be quieter about them from now on, and spring things on the group like the fire attacks.

As for group A (Cavers) I was assuming they got away safe and any soldiers that went in got lost and ended up coming back out the same place they went in.

I don't know what you have planned for Group A, Reins indicated that there's something in there, meaning there's going to most likely be a battle for them, don't see why Group B should be penalized with one less fight in that case, and there's not much one can do after being defeated and captured, or are we to chat amongst ourselves in a cell for awhile while you're all in the caves?

I personally don't mind not controlling the soldiers, but if you're going to allow a group split, then at least come up with something for both sides.

Edited by Nadesico
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You could PM me (or just tell everyone, since you lack teh secrecy anyway) about what you actually plan to do with the soldiers specifically. If it's a battle, the other group should also have one for exp purposes, if not, then no cave encounters.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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It makes sense, but let's leave it up to Snowy and Cynthia to decide.

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I made up a story plot for Tora

Tora was corrupt. One of the head counselor took power and decided to wage war on Halton. They started sending soldiers to Halton. They surrounded the borders blocking of trade. Mark's father was questionable about this. He took a bunch of men and rebelled against Tora. They was killed. His father was a Septemian knight hence they were notified of this and decided to put an end to this. They invaded Tora and killed the king whom they thought was responsible. Helios was never told of this. He was fed a lie to keep quiet. The Septemian knights killed the knights surrounding Halton too.

As long as it is alright with Snowy. Halton never wanted to start a war so they waited it out. Damian was probably young at that time hence he wouldnt know.

@ Lacuna: Kamilla

Edited by Kai-Sama
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I made up a story plot for Tora

Tora was corrupt. One of the head counselor took power and decided to wage war on Halton. They started sending soldiers to Halton. They surrounded the borders blocking of trade. Mark's father was questionable about this. He took a bunch of men and rebelled against Tora. They was killed. His father was a Septemian knight hence they were notified of this and decided to put an end to this. They invaded Tora and killed the king whom they thought was responsible. Helios was never told of this. He was fed a lie to keep quiet. The Septemian knights killed the knights surrounding Halton too.

As long as it is alright with Snowy. Halton never wanted to start a war so they waited it out. Damian was probably young at that time hence he wouldnt know.

Stuff like that should be kept for future reference, though at this point, Helios is too annoying for actual party members to care much about his backstory :P

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