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Mental Note: Stop interacting with Kai, he leaves immediately after I interact with his character, and he's gone for a good 15 hours afterwards <_<


I'm assuming we're going to get a few things sorted, then time skip our travel to Ilyphina soon as well. :/

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Kind of sucks Kai isn't here.

Edit: Also kind of sucks that the boss was ROFL-critted. -_-;

Edited by Snike
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This is why I don't trust you people, what are the odds, that you roll a 6/6 on the exact enemy you need to roll it on? I won't make a fuss out of it this time since it was noexp enemies, but while the chances are 0, I deny the validity of such roles without proof.

(Might be an idea, Crits don't affect bosses unless you're using trackers. Need to give incentive for those that are actually being honest (punished) for using online trackable sites due to the dishonesty of others)

Again, no big deal this time, but I personally think "cheating." What actually happened isn't any of my concern, nor the RP's as I'll probably be the only one to comment on it in this manner.



:/ You need to spend more time offline.

Get a life outside of this RP? XD

Not that I can say much <_<

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@ Nady

It's not like I don't have other things to do, I just prefer this ... for some odd reason :unsure:

You're more concerned about people getting critical hits than anything else? That's what your whole dice roll fuss is about? The criticals? I'll just be honest with you. I only objected to using a tracker site because I felt that it would be more complicated than using a non tracker site. Yeah, I'm that lazy, but on the flipside, I've had many chances to cheat, and even contemplated the consequences, apparently they weren't that bad because no one could prove I'd cheated. Once again though, I'm too lazy to do it. Too lazy to fudge numbers? Yes, just copy-paste and get to posting. I wouldn't have cheated anyway because that would be wrong, but at the same time, I'm just too lazy to try to cheat and make it look legit. Just too lazy :facepalm:

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That's why people skip the legit part and just post.

Before I continue, I'd like to state this is a discussion between Phoenix and myself, and is not intended to change the outcome of anything RP related, my point was illustrated in the post two posts up and I'm not going to say anything else in accusation. Anything discussed henceforth is purely the sake of discussion.

My concerns aren't criticals, but people being desperate/bored enough to want a strong character. If there wasn't incentive to fudge rolls, then it most likely wouldn't happen. I honestly don't know why anyone would want to strengthen their character in such a minor form of entertainment (no offense to the RP) but I do recognized competitive attitudes from certain individuals.

For example, players which were guilty of "quick-sweeping" enemies earlier before the 5 post rule specifically catch my attention as such people, this is not exclusive to Kai, and if people like Bal/Cynthia got a 6/6 critical, I wouldn't question it at all. As much as I hate to say it I "trust" (Which goes against Nady nature) them enough to not do such things. I'm inclined to believe others as well, but I won't list them, otherwise I'll be accusing everyone not on the list.

In particular, I'll go with you (Phoenix). Keep in mind I'm not accusing you, but merely using you as an example. Several factors make me think you are cheating, one and the most hardest case to argue being

-The number of characters, if you're trying to upgrade on of your characters it'd be great to have a second character who damages all your enemies for you before striking and getting double exp for the kill.

-Assurances that you are honest are equivalent to nothing. I mean you can claim to be honest, fair and all. But I can also claim to kind, caring and soft-hearted. Mines just an easier lie to detect then yours. If you're honest you're being honest, but if you're a liar, then chances are what you're saying isn't true. So it's impossible to make a clear judgement. The word of someone, doesn't count anymore. (And most likely never did)

-People who are trying to spawn battle encounters. I'm just as guilty, if not more then you are (definetely more) but people who call for stat battles are looking for exp, aka improving their characters strength.

-Age, I don't want to say age will determine your honesty, but I've probably lied more time then I ever will in my teens. Of course, I'll continue lying, but the number of lies I told when I was younger (1~10 was no where near the amount I told from (11~19) and probably any other decade in my life. (Unless of course I become a politician)

-Character who spammed their attack turns before the implementation of the 5 post rule.

-A statistic I want to check, will take at least a day (since I'm lazy) PM you it when I'm done.

If you look at this and think "Most of these apply to me" then there's a possibility I am referring to you, but I'm just addressing these question to Phoenix (not Snowy or Cynthia, or anyone with actual power) and therefore would like to remind everyone I am just expressing my opinions. My accusation was above, this is just to argue/cause activity)

@Snike: You might get an angry Kai for that last post. (I'll reply, but most likely not for another few hours, you're probably off soon anyway)

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Interesting points there.

My actual reason for making the maximum number of characters was to expand my own reach within the rp, and explore support options and such. When it comes to stat battles, I generally try to attack as soon as possible to get the one kill that I can get for the chapter. Kill hogging for exp isn't my thing, but both my original characters are behind, so I figured I would use them together to at least get an almost guaranteed KO. I don't have much faith that an enemy I attack first will be finished off by me in the end if I have to wait til enemy phase to attack again, so I fearfully double team -_-

Well I am honest ... I never lie online because I've got the miraculous ability to say nothing if I can't come up with a truthful answer. I know that's no defense for dice fudging, but I feel I have to say it nonetheless.

The battle spawning wasn't meant to turn into an stat battle. I was just trying to get the group captured. It's also fun to control an entire battalion ... well ... unless you're around :sob:

I'm 21. I'm pretty much set in my honesty complex. I lie to people about once or twice a month max, and it only happens when I'm in a rush to answer a query and I instinctively twist things up to paint myself in a better light. That's about it. Also I hate politics. Don't bring that up again <_<

I spammed attacks once. Like I said before though, was trying to get that kill in before somebody took it from me. I wasn't too sure on the double teaming rules yet either iirc.

As far as criticals go, Irina is the only character I have who's ever gotten them, and they never happen anymore for some reason. I should probably activate her Hawkeye skill once in a while too. She's missing three stat points just for having it XD

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Well, yeah, I figured you might have viable points against all of those, that last point: Which I said would take awhile, will be completed by the next mass-RP session we have. If I think my research has yielded good enough results I may even pass it on to Snowy and Cynthia as an argument "For" trackers. But I can't say for certain yet, Only finished 10% so far, and it seems convicting enough if this pattern continues.

I can think of another productive way to use my time doing the same thing, something which would actually be helpful, but you know Nady, she'd rather point the finger then offer the hand.


Not important (If it was I'd PM you)

But can Kamilla have a Loathe with relation with Chase?

Before anyone says I'm bringing my personal opinions into this.

Kamilla doesn't like criminals

She been threatened and pierced twice by Chase (threats on her life)

She's been slashed in the arm(?) earlier at the inn.

She doesn't think Chase very smart ("I'm a wanted criminal, don't kill me!")

Enough arguments for a strong dislike. (Though she's argued with pretty much everyone)

If I need to cite more then I will, but for 2 and a bit chapters, I'd say that a loathe XD

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Like I said, I'll use a tracker if I'm forced to, but if I don't have to I won't, because I'm just that lazy. Well ... lazy when it comes to using dice rolling sites. I'm quite the athlete when it comes to the rp itself B)

Also ... why can't you be just a bit nicer? Sometimes I read through your posts and start seeing a bit of neutrality coming on, then you crush it by the end of the post in some way shape or form :/

Damn ... there's got to be signs of cuddliness in there somewhere. (Braces for incoming meteor shower XD )

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This is my kindness, I'm not learning how to hack right now just to trace your whereabouts and send weapons of mass destruction your way.

Nady is never neutral, neutral is boring, dull and doesn't mean anything. She will pick a side regardless of how hard or pointless it may be.

As for signs of cuddliness, whatever foul abomination that is It's not something I'm willing to discuss through a public medium -_-

And even if I were to discuss such matters, I can only speak on behalf of classmates/shrinks and teacher who thought they knew me better then I knew myself. So the accuracy of the comments regarding that are..... sketchy, to say the least.

Yay 30% :)

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You can't hide the truth from the Phoenix!

My new personal goal is to witness your cuddliness first hand muhahahahahahahah XD

EDIT: 30%? You're still going to make a case aren't you? :/

Edited by Phoenix
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