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Being on the receiving end of Nady's fury isn't much fun(though good exercise), but watching Kai get flayed alive is funny XD

@ Predictability

Knowing there's a sniper about to take a shot is nice, but dodging the shot tends to be more important IMO.

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You're proving you know what I'm going to say but saying "Nady bait" at the end of your posts?....


Phoenix bait

Snike bait

Balcerzak bait

Kai bait

Cynthia bait

Lacuna bait

Ether bait

Snowy bait

Lightning bait

Now I know everything you people you all are going to say. I iz smart, or something :/


Anyway, in regards to the RP, I'm tempted to ask if we can retcon, Snike/My posts about leaving at dawn and make it earlier :/ Cause at the rate time moves, you'll all be hanging, or about to be hanged by the time we arrive :/

(Nevermind not having anything to post for the next 3 days)


@Phoenix's Predictability comment XD

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It was just the order of names that came to my head, Kai's only up there since he's annoying :/


It's not really a matter of busting the group, it's more about being stuck walking in the middle of nowhere for a few days while stuff happens (or doesn't happen) in the capitol.

Up to Snike though, I'm following his lead until the capitol.

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OK, retcon it is, I guess. Have them leave after an hour of rest?

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Your choice, we left Selizara a bit after sunset....

Wait, wait, how far Istample from the capital? I sort of remember someone saying something about 10 miles, in which case we could get their by early morning anyway :/

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Yeah, ten miles would land us there by almost 10, if we left at 6 (dawn)

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:/ Actually :/ That's your interpretation.

"No time to dilly dally then!We will meet up at Selizara,it's an abandoned fortress about five miles from the capital.You should have no problem finding it,now let's go!" Damian hurried the group up,leading his group into the forest away from the soldiers,as the other headed towards the caves.

"I think we are near the edge of the woods." Damian said,noting the change in light.

"Once we get out,Selizara is about 10 miles towards *whatever general direction the capital is in*,so we can reach it today."

So worst case scenario, Istample is 15miles from the capitol XD

Assuming the closest case, Istample is 5 miles from the capitol XD

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So, in other words, do I retcon, or do I not?

Edit: Yay! coloring works in Unsenti! Now to splice...

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:/ Actually :/ That's your interpretation.

So worst case scenario, Istample is 15miles from the capitol XD

Assuming the closest case, Istample is 5 miles from the capitol XD

I'm sticking with ten miles (fortress to capital) for realistic travel time until someone gives good reason otherwise -_-

As for five miles from istample to the fort, that makes little sense given the little time it took to reach it.

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I was under the impression we time skipped.


Aww why can't I just use those words? Nady not want to think, *Gets our thesaurus*

Whichever option we take It's 5~15miles (Phoenix is 12?) So I actually think we can arrive in 4~5 hours.

That said, dawn isn't the same as sunrise (It's before) So we could get there.... around 1~2 hours after the group made their escape, if we hurry.

Roughly 4 Miles per hours, combined with "dawn" not being very clear as a time period.

So I think we should be fine without a retcon, probably arrive just as the soldiers are done packing up, or right after they've gone back into the capitol.

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@ Ether


@ Nady

We did time skip, but it's more realistic if the fort is further away than five miles, and getting to the city by midnight traveling at roughly trotting pace is more realistic at ten miles too(it was nighttime before we left the fort).

I got nothing on Istample other than not understanding how they got there so quickly if it's five miles from the fort.

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You wouldn't be able to get to Ilyphina by midnight, nuh uh, just not possible. Not when a good portion of your soldiers are injured. Furthermore, the excavation of injured soldiers and accounting for the dead alone should have taken a good few hours.

Also it's 10 miles to the fort XD Not 5 :P

Roughly calculating I'm going to say 3.5 hours between Istample and the Capitol. (12miles)

Considering how without any obstacles a human can see an average heighted human from 3 miles away (as a speck) I'd say Eric/Kamilla can see the capitol soon, (Elysimma was barren flat land wasn't it?)

I'm going to eat up 1 hours (started before sunrise)

And then add another hour as time spent running away from guards, getting hit, recovering etcetc.

That's now an 1 1/2 hours left, of which I'm going to speed up now :P

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You wouldn't be able to get to Ilyphina by midnight, nuh uh, just not possible. Not when a good portion of your soldiers are injured. Furthermore, the excavation of injured soldiers and accounting for the dead alone should have taken a good few hours.

Also it's 10 miles to the fort XD Not 5 :P

Roughly calculating I'm going to say 3.5 hours between Istample and the Capitol. (12miles)

Considering how without any obstacles a human can see an average heighted human from 3 miles away (as a speck) I'd say Eric/Kamilla can see the capitol soon, (Elysimma was barren flat land wasn't it?)

I'm going to eat up 1 hours (started before sunrise)

And then add another hour as time spent running away from guards, getting hit, recovering etcetc.

That's now an 1 1/2 hours left, of which I'm going to speed up now :P

Keep in mind ...

The injured were in wagons, not on foot.

Identifying people had to wait, and the corpses weren't taken with, so minus two hours from accounting for the dead.

We didn't reach Ilyphina before midnight, remember? We got attacked and scattered before we made it there.

Do you seriously think they couldn't make it ten miles in roughly four hours if they traveled straight there? The only factor slowing them down that I saw was the rain, and the pace they were moving at (just fast enough for the foot soldiers to keep up).

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Identifying the dead, and accounting for them are two different things, Unless all the soldiers were conveniently lying within reach of a soldier who was unaffected. Finding them would take awhile.

"A wagon" sure, "wagons" no :/ the overall speed of the group would have been at a walk pace anyway due to not all soldiers fitting into the wagons. (Some would have to be left behind and I refuse to believe there was enough wagons for the entire army, even with their decreased numbers. The ones walking are uninjured soldiers (btw) just to be clear, but rain would hamper progress significantly, especially after such a crushing loss of troops.

As for not taking the corpses :/..... The point of them pulling them out was what? XD

Also, wagons filled with injured people, tend to not be moving very fast... for obvious reasons.

I'm not too fussed over this though, I've already indicated dawn in the RP, and have pointed out that Eric/Kamilla should be able to arrive in about 2 hours. I just didn't want to spend another day (tomorrow) waking up and watching people not post.

We might even be able to join up with Aiya's group or Kelas before 2 hours depending on which direction they fled in. Either way, I'm expecting to be able to start flaming you all with Kamilla within 24 hours XD

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Answer: Yes, or at least that was my interpretation of

"Maximillian's students focused the power of thunder upon the cage, shattering it."

I got the impression it was one big clap of thunder that shattered it, but I suppose it could have been lots of little ones. :/

Either way I'm going to say I heard thunder, if that's no acceptable, the rain cloud that passed are off somewhere thundering about, and if that's still not okay, I'm willing to say it was Kamilla's imagination.

Either way, not important IMO

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Belated: Regarding Irina: I think she sees the necessity of escape, but is bound by care for the rest of the group. She doesn't want to go until she sees that they can also run. (Just what I'm seeing here, anyway.)

Though if the unconscious person that just got dumped by her feet goes entirely unnoticed, I'll be a bit more dubious. (Her brother's supposed to be the oblivious one, after all.)

Amari headed toward Kiev, dodging soldiers as she ran through the chaos. She leaned to let Kelas slide to the ground in front of the wyvern-girl

argblarg ~is more dubious~

Anyway, thanks, Ether...

~tries desperately to catch up on what's going on~

(Where I've been all day: Visiting family. Since we're doing the whole sob story thing, I may as well add mine.

First we went to my grandparents' place. My grandfather hadn't been thinking much today, and had taken my grandma to the drugstore. It's really hot out. She could barely walk back from the car to their apartment. My mom was concerned that she'd gotten a (nother) stroke. ...She didn't. We think.

From there, to my aunt and uncle's for dinner. With various cousins/cousins-in-law/cousins' kids/cousins' friends/cousins' friends' kids present. All kids under the age of ten. And I remembered why I don't like this house: My uncle trophy-hunts. I either forgot how much seeing bits of dead animal in each room bothered me before, or it bothers me more now. I'm not even one of those PETA types; I don't see anything wrong with killing an animal for food. But just hunting them for the lulz? He had a damn zebra skin on the floor in one room, for cryin' out loud! And then I had to go through the "how's college" deal with every adult present, and since they're my relatives they're comfortable with asking how my grades went. Well, I couldn't really tell them that I have to repeat two classes, so I just sort of sat there awkwardly. Then my baby cousin was passed around for everyone to squee over, and I was the designated Scary Cousin, as I always am. Little kids, they come near me, I smile at them, they start crying. It's kind of pathetic.

And now I'm home. Woo.)[/whining]

~wanders off to make sense of the RP~ ...we're screwed.

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At least you people have a sob story <_<

Only change in my day was that I found out that one of the kids I teach like to doodle on his kanji practice sheets, and that he has a love of those little helicopter/tank gun etcetc shooting thingies <_<

...we're screwed.

If ever in doubt, that summarizes what's happening pretty well in all cases :/

Though not so much this time, Damian took Cynthia's bait and half the group are fleeing now, still wondering how a Viveka/Conrad recruitment is possible. :/

Oh and you have the go ahead for a

Arrin/Kelas support


Arrin/Tessa support.

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