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Nyahaha first one back :/

Phoenix :/ There is no solution to the pardoning stuff :/ Admit it, and move on :P

Well, the Kelas front along with Cynthia and Snike could do with some activity?

Most likely join up with Isotov at the church :/

Thought that puts us through another rollercoaster from hell.

Sponsored by me! .... though I admit Phoenix is the cause of this scenario this time round

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You're more likely to run into Stephanie at the church. She'll be heading out of the inn soon to avoid the damage charges that she DID cause, and her first stop will be the church. Then there's the fact that Iso's about to be hauled away thanks to Ixion's cunning-ness.

@ Nady

Solution or no, Conrad is going to have two bitches now ... along with his strategist Viveka :awesome:

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I'm assuming those two characters are going to be you characters :/

Since I doubt everyone wants to be in a position where they have to worship some old guy.

If you do come up with a solution, let me know and we'll test Nady proof, if it isn't you can make adjustments.

Otherwise you can just try to roll it along and test if it's Nady proof on the spot XD

We'll see how fast we can get there (Stephanie might not even be there XD)

Since I need to wait and see if Morgans going to knock Kamilla out and throw her in an alleyway :P

Edit: Kanami has idea!!!

We can get Conrad to give us a pardon by handing over everyone with a Crimson weapon, and make them his "bitches." That's got to be adequate payment XD

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Of course I do, it's like attacking you all from behind a safety net. For plots sake though I don't mind you knocking her out or doing whatever though. (The permission to fiddle with another character thing). Since it's sort of necessary here.

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I don't know if I should even bother with a solution now. I'm discouraged, not to mention that Lacuna reminded me of something that made me sad a long time ago ;_;

I'm just going to see if Iso ends up in jail or not. I'll decide what to do from there. Irina might also get shot down again if Murphy doesn't take a nap.

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I doubt anyone can complain about that rule really, and it's not one you can overturn unless you want to screw the RP over more then I have already. Nevermind that most of us have used it at least once by now.

As for my characters, both Kamilla and Reika are up for plot deaths if certain conditions are met. Mainly since most of you RP your characters based on your disapproval of me, and the others genuinely don't get along with Kamilla (and Reika) If you want to try an attempt at her life, let me know via PM. And you might actually get your wish and kill my annoying critters XD

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I doubt anyone can complain about that rule really, and it's not one you can overturn unless you want to screw the RP over more then I have already. Nevermind that most of us have used it at least once by now.

As for my characters, both Kamilla and Reika are up for plot deaths if certain conditions are met. Mainly since most of you RP your characters based on your disapproval of me, and the others genuinely don't get along with Kamilla (and Reika) If you want to try an attempt at her life, let me know via PM. And you might actually get your wish and kill my annoying critters XD

That is more tempting than a thousand dollar bill lying on a crosswalk :mellow:

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Well I assme the rule just prevents PCs from killing each other, dying in combat is another matter entirely.

Morgan isn't quite ready to kill Kamilla yet, but you're getting there. And Morgan does not want to kill Reika unless absolutely necessary (CW and all).

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Nyahaha, *Dances around the protective barrier of that rule*

I'd cut it shorter but seeing as how there's probably nothing else to do at this point in time, I guess I'll continue my ranting through Kamilla XD

And this case I'm trying to stay more in character then just cause trouble. She didn't exactly join the group willingly, and now has a chance at getting away. If she just complied and went along with Morgan and her demands it wouldn't make sense at all. But more importantly I don't wanna! I want to cause trouble

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So, relations between Elyisima and Septimus are antagonistic? Basing this off of Kamilla's little outburst.

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Not sure, but I think they get along, but I doubt Elysimma would send their military over the border just to check, and Septimus is where Kamilla comes from, so she'd feel more at home there.

In terms of the outburst, well, I still don't see the logic in why we headed to the capitol since the "pardon theory" is..... well and truly impossible now. Only reason I can think of is Conrads weapon, but only a few seem intent on gathering the crimson weapons. *shrug*

Trying to figure out how to react to being dragged away into an alley by Morgan :/

Edited by Kanami
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Well, the main group got a bit high, and, uh, yeah. Eric was going to the capital anyways, when this happened. -.-;

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Hmmm, I need to think of a way to get Kamilla to remain due to some incentive, cause the "I'll kill you" threat isn't going to work for very long if she's being detained by the group which pretty much goes through hell at each passing turn. (Ie She'll die anyway)

Meaning I'll have to give this some thought :/ If anyone has any ideas, would appreciate them, since for once in this RP I'm clueless on how to solve this problem :/

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Hmmm, I need to think of a way to get Kamilla to remain due to some incentive, cause the "I'll kill you" threat isn't going to work for very long if she's being detained by the group which pretty much goes through hell at each passing turn. (Ie She'll die anyway)

Meaning I'll have to give this some thought :/ If anyone has any ideas, would appreciate them, since for once in this RP I'm clueless on how to solve this problem :/

Nady has no ideas? What the ... anyway ... Kamilla just needs a personal stake in this group. A friend or something important to protect/look after.

@ Lacuna

Ixion could suppress her memories, but why would he do anything to help the group? :P

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I'd be all for knocking Kamilla out and dragging her around, except dragging her around looks incredibly suspicious, so that's not really an option.

I think I can cook something up.

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Kamilla just needs a personal stake in this group. A friend or something important to protect/look after.

I thought of that earlier and tried to establish that with Eric earlier, but he heartlessly betrayed me and prioritized his interest in the Crimson Weapons XD Looking at Lacuna's character roster, I can't exactly find anyone who that could happen to either :/ Thanks alot Snike

@Memory Wipe,

That would give solve the problem, but then, there'd be no reason for wanting to keep her there with the group XD

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Technically, she's only there because she wants to repay Eric. That might hold for a bit, but after that, nothing really comes to mind.

Edit: What do you want from Eric? A Sue? He did speak up for her, though. Not as strongly as he could have, but he did here:

"... Also, Miss, I don't think killing her would do us any good. You people ARE wanted for kidnapping her, and if they found her dead, a death sentence would be inevitable."
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Viveka will always have the same basic view of the group that Kamilla does(idiotic criminals), maybe she's an option? :/


Happy 200th page everybody! B)

Also ... Happy 4000th post every body ... :blink: ... cripes ....

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