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These threesome things don't tend to work out without more sexual tension clouding normal reasoning. Hence, nude scenes for incredibly swift tension build up.


@ Cuddles

And ... here ... we ... GO ....

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Regarding Damian/Esphyr,

I'd side with Birdbrain, but since I don't like him and Cynthia has said otherwise I'm going to say it's fine at the moment.

The characteristic trait of Aiya being so accepting might be awkward to western standards, but concubines, lovers and second wives aren't exactly uncommon in history, and as long as Aiya isn't the dominating/jealous type I don't see to much of an issue, even if it did extend to the point of where the trio turned into a happy three-way.

Esphyr's connections have been pretty limited to Damian as of late, and Aiya's acceptance seems perfectly plausible, at least more then the Katie/Iso pairing of complete trust in three days.

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It's obviously not going to happen yet.

Aiya is willing,Esphyr isn't ready yet,and Damian is apprehensive, because Aiya just fhrew him a flaming,spiked,lead curveball...or something...

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Though I will say this Ether, are you trying to turn this into a romance RP? XD Nearly every post I read of yours is all pink and bubbly colored with hearts being excreted in all directions XD

Though I can sort of understand the reason behind Damian being King Pimp :/

Looking at other males in the group.

Arrin: Little kid, Cougar character anyone? XD

Eric: Pretty disattached from the group, limited interaction overall.

Chase: Other then fact he hold a knife to everyones throat, no big deal. Oh criminal status may be a turn on/off for some.

Mark: Appears and disappears as often as Eric, think his main flaw is being a Kaiperson.

Helios: Angsty mage with superiority complex.

Isotov: Angsty mage with superiority complex No2 XD

Ian: Unknown to most of the group

Conrad: No ones really met him other then Viveka

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@ Cuddles

I can see a difference between Iso trusting Katie in three days(not that Katie trusts Iso, because it hasn't be specified) and Esphyr "Loving" Damian in a week. These all seem like western standards to me, at least outside nobility standards.


Forgot to add that Iso is very close to trusting Kelas as well. Morgan too, but not as a friendly trust. He more or less will grow to trust her to look out for the interests of the group as a whole.

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If those are western standards then what's your issue?

Esphyr has (pretty much) the exact same argument as Isotov does

Isotov: Lost a whole bunch of people, and only approaches people that feed him he cares about

Esphyr: Isn't used to being treated kindly by her employers, and hence has grown more attached to Damian

If you're going to complain about Aiya/EsphyrxDamian, then Iso/Katie will undoubtedly come under intense scrutiny as well :/

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Well,Snowy constantly points out how different he was from other employers,and Damian and Esphyr have had truckloads more interaction than Iso and Katie.

As for the romance,ATM I have nothing to slaughter.

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If those are western standards then what's your issue?

Esphyr has (pretty much) the exact same argument as Isotov does

Isotov: Lost a whole bunch of people, and only approaches people that feed him he cares about

Esphyr: Isn't used to being treated kindly by her employers, and hence has grown more attached to Damian

If you're going to complain about Aiya/EsphyrxDamian, then Iso/Katie will undoubtedly come under intense scrutiny as well :/

And here I thought there was a tiny difference between a threesome with a zombie Miranda, and a threesome with without any zombies :P

But seriously, I'm not bringing this up to shoot Ether's scheme down. I'm bringing it up, because if I don't, people will say I didn't care initially later on, people like you. So to prevent that, I needed to give an opinion when I noticed. It's not that I think what's going on is impossible, only odd and lacking any interesting content.


@ Ether

Iso and Katie joined in chapter 3. On top of that. They can't really talk very often due to her plot importance, and Iso's need to stay away from the group's arguing.

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Yeah the other males in the group tend either not to exist enough or have way too many emotional issues. I if Lev shows up again he can try to pick up whoever Damian hasn't had already.

Not like the ladies in the group are really great finds either:

Esphyr: Made of angst

Morgan: Frigid bitch

Irina: Dumb as rocks

Tessa: Loli

Kelas: Looks kind of like a dude apparently

Kamilla: Bitch who now acts like she's 5

Reika: Have fun being stabbed in your sleep kthx

Katie: Mute with daddy issues

Iso's obviously not that interested in Katie, he hasn't mentioned her the whole time as TISME, even when wind mages and teachers were being brought up.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Yeah the other males in the group tend either not to exist enough or have way too many emotional issues. I if Lev shows up again he can try to pick up whoever Damian hasn't had already.

Not like the ladies in the group are really great finds either:

Esphyr: Made of angst

Morgan: Frigid bitch

Irina: Dumb as rocks

Tessa: Loli

Kelas: Looks kind of like a dude apparently

Kamilla: Bitch who now acts like she's 5

Reika: Have fun being stabbed in your sleep kthx

Katie: Mute with daddy issues

Iso's obviously not that interested in Katie, he hasn't mentioned her the whole time as TISME, even when wind mages and teachers were being brought up.

Ixion is present, and he doesn't want to make a scene in front of him because he'll get knocked the f*ck out Dark Druid style.

Other than that, great chick analysis. That looks like the search results on Plentyoffish.com


Don't forget Viveka. She'll be on the list as perky homicidal super model

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Iso joining later doesn't change the fact that the pair hasn't had as much interaction.

Not the point.

Ever since Katie joined she's been involved in more than half of the group scuffles. Ever since Iso joined, he's been trying to avoid contact with everyone but his sister, Katie, Kelas, and anyone else with a K in there name :lol:

Less interaction is due to less time for it, and crazy interruptions.

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"People like me" will bring the issue up when it seems to be leaning too dangerously towards impossibility.

And it's not trust in three days. It's trust overnight.(Met at border, tried to establish C on the road to Istample (prePercy) Wit their interaction being a few quick quips between them as they travelled, and Iso trying to steal food.

So to prevent that, I needed to give an opinion when I noticed. It's not that I think what's going on is impossible, only odd and lacking any interesting content.

...... You couldn't have possibly said that, that's like me complaining that Arrin is causing the group too much trouble, or that someone (other then Iso) is causing too many fire incidents.

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@ Cuddles

Didn't I already admit that the c support came too soon? At least we got a posting template out of the deal.

Anywyvern, your debatebait won't work on me. I'm going to simply get a drink and start being cute again :D

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Ever since Katie joined she's been involved in more than half of the group scuffles. Ever since Iso joined, he's been trying to avoid contact with everyone but his sister, Katie, Kelas, and anyone else with a K in there name :lol:

Less interaction is due to less time for it, and crazy interruptions.

That's only outlining reasons on why an Iso/Katie shouldn't exist :/

... which side are you on?

And I demand that the EsphyrxDamian thing be dropped, Ether and I are still on hostile terms, and siding with him is ruining my appearance and reputation.

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That's only outlining reasons on why an Iso/Katie shouldn't exist :/

... which side are you on?

And I demand that the EsphyrxDamian thing be dropped, Ether and I are still on hostile terms, and siding with him is ruining my appearance and reputation.

I'm on the side that produces interesting content :mellow:

You've put yourself in a situation where you have to choose between siding with me, therefore looking inconsistent, or siding with Ether, therefore looking inconsistent. You poor fire cat.

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Ummmm.... Yea... Can we timeskip? Or should I do a blackout?

I figure someone ought to at least react to Kamilla screaming on the ground right beside them, but Tessa is bedridden at the moment, and I'm not entirely sure how far away she is from the action, to be honest.

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Timeskip plz.

Anyway, I'm not getting involved in Aiya/Esphyr/Damian, because I fidn the evidence for EsphyrxDamian sufficient as far as I'm concerned what Ether and Snowy do with their own characters is their own business.

Iso avoiding contact with anyone except those who gave him food in his joining chapter is very limiting for his character development. I'm pretty sure you just made that up as a managing tool because you have too many characters*

* I guess it could look hypocritical becuase I just made 3 characters, but their NPCs, not people who travel with the party. There's a difference.

Morgan really doesn't care what Kamilla does at this point.

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No biggie there, since I side with myself, Ether just happened to be on the same side.

*Is wondering why she's a fire cat but guesses she won't complain*

Inconsistency is not something you should be mentioning Birdhead, it'll do you no favors.

Furthermore I thought you were the one who brought up the issue of "interesting" being different for everyone?

@Kai, You just want to see DamianXEsphyr XD

@Snowy, What Bal said :/

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Anyone interested in Mark and Ian vanishing?

I really dont think i can handle them anymore

@ Nady: You read my little fanfic i see.

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Morgan really doesn't care what Kamilla does at this point.

Morgan had already left the area and returned to Tessa and Arrin, so I hadn't really meant you. I was mainly referring to the two that were swapped and any residual bystanders.

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@Kai, Ian vanishing for good might not be too big an issue, but if you have on Helios left, you might want to start making friends with someone or you'll just be dealing with everyone hating on you XD

If you're thinking, "I'll scrap Mark/Ian and make new characters" don't bother, they'll most likely be no different from the existing two.

And I don't read your fanfic, I read Ethers comment earlier in Feedback today, and just assumed :/

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