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Cynthia gets red -_-

Timeskip plz.

Anyway, I'm not getting involved in Aiya/Esphyr/Damian, because I fidn the evidence for EsphyrxDamian sufficient as far as I'm concerned what Ether and Snowy do with their own characters is their own business. No one ever said this about Snowy and I :/

Iso avoiding contact with anyone except those who gave him food in his joining chapter is very limiting for his character development. I'm pretty sure you just made that up as a managing tool because you have too many characters* That food thing again. Neither Katie nor Kelas poisoned him, so they're off his suspect list. It would have happened that way with any other character, even Kamilla or Helios. It's not a managing tool because it would be ineffective. Iso will trust everyone in the group eventually and talk with anyone because sooner or later, everyone's going to prove they aren't assassins/assholes well except for Helios and Reika I guess.

* I guess it could look hypocritical becuase I just made 3 characters, but their NPCs, not people who travel with the party. There's a difference. Wait, how's that hypocritical? Well that aside, the npcs aren't hard to manage because they're almost never around. When they are around, nothing interesting or dangerous is going on. Managing them is TOO easy, BORING easy.

No biggie there, since I side with myself, Ether just happened to be on the same side.

*Is wondering why she's a fire cat but guesses she won't complain*

Inconsistency is not something you should be mentioning Birdhead, it'll do you no favors.

Furthermore I thought you were the one who brought up the issue of "interesting" being different for everyone?

I didn't know dogs used scratching posts :unsure:

And I meant interesting to me.

@ Kai

You can't handle two guys and an evil Marty Stu? :/

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@Ether, If Esphyr or Aiya get pregnant and have a kid, Can I nanny one of them? I promise to turn him/her into one of the best pyromancer in the RP XD

because I fidn the evidence for EsphyrxDamian sufficient as far as I'm concerned what Ether and Snowy do with their own characters is their own business.

Read the whole thing, not just what you want to see.

I'm not a dog or a cat :/ I'm a Nady, and they use human scratching posts all the time :/ You're just fortunate they're an endangered species.

Interesting for you? You'd say that after whining to Snowy and ruining my fun? :/ No one cares about what interests you. If you didn't make long boring monologues between your own characters and actually interacted like you said we were supposed to earlier, you might have be able to enjoy something :/


No one wants to deal with the ticking time bomb Kamilla?

Edited by Kanami
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No one wants to deal with the ticking time bomb Kamilla?

Just got back. Gimme a second, and Eric will be there just in time to receive abuse.

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@ the archtype comment: Dani isn't meant to be a love interest for Eric. Back up, maybe, but not the main one. >.>

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I heard it bites

And how can you get back from the library so fast?

It's called plot speed. Plus, he'd probably be done with his book by then.

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Interesting for you? You'd say that after whining to Snowy and ruining my fun? :/ No one cares about what interests you. If you didn't make long boring monologues between your own characters and actually interacted like you said we were supposed to earlier, you might have be able to enjoy something :/

Catering to you is like catering to Al-Queda. Every five minutes you have to blow something up. Keeping you sated will make the Demon King a minor stepping stone on our road to saving the rp's world.

It's a choice between remaining in character, and support whoring. I choose the former, and hope that things turn out for the best.

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@Kai, why not? Everyone else decided they'd pop out, out of nowhere XD

@Birdbrain, "In character" is your excuse for everything, ironically "character" is exactly what Irina doesn't have XD

And I believe the title support whorer fits you better then anyone else :/

And Nady's scratch, bite, maul and anything else that's dangerous.

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@Birdbrain, "In character" is your excuse for making character controls, ironically "character" is exactly what Irina can't develop XD XD

And I believe the title NPC God fits you better then anyone else :/

And Nady's hug, kiss, hump anything else that's smexy.


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@Birdbrain, "In character" is your excuse for making character controls, ironically "character" is exactly what Irina can't develop XD XD

And I believe the title NPC God fits you better then anyone else :/

And Nady's hug, kiss, hump anything else that's smexy.

Saying Irina "can't develop" character is your own fault. You're 100% responsible for the way she was made and if character controls prevent you from making her as interesting as Ian. Then you have no one but yourself to blame for that. In turn, she lacks character due to your inability.

NPC God? :/ Having lots of something doesn't make you a god :/

Anything that's smexy? Well there goes everything in existence then :/

@Kai :/ XD :/

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It's a choice between remaining in character, and support whoring. I choose the former, and hope that things turn out for the best.

Interacting with people is support whoring? I think Morgan has interacted with every PC in the game thus far, but I definitely wasn't trying to whore supports.

Kai's able to recognize that Helios pretty much does everything and his other characters just take up space. Are you encouraging him to keep Mark and Ian around?

I guess I enjoy interacting with other RPers, while you seem to like talking to yourself a lot and having a lot of characters. I'm personally fine with just one character myself.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Red again -_-

Interacting with people is support whoring? I think Morgan has interacted with every PC in the game thus far, but I definitely wasn't trying to whore supports. I was trying to point out that running around trying to talk to ANYONE who's available(because they're available) at the time is just stupid.

Kai's able to recognize that Helios pretty much does everything and his other characters just take up space. Are you encouraging him to keep Mark and Ian around? If for nothing else, than at least for fun.

I guess I enjoy interacting with other RPers, while you seem to like talking to yourself a lot and having a lot of characters. I'm personally fine with just one character myself. My intention isn't to have my own characters talk to each other all the time. My intention is to make sure everyone knows where they are and what they're doing. The extra dialogue is just for fun. I appreciate Bal's posting style and how it updates the situation a bit, but I can't mimic it, and don't really want to just to avoid having my npcs chat it up for a few posts. That's harmless anyway.

@ Cuddles

I never said it wasn't my fault. I was just specifying what the issue was. When I made Irina, I didn't realize that chicks on flying lizards weren't prime interaction targets.

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