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Side note: Trying to interact leaves Eric standing there watching someone have an epileptic attack. Fun. Waiting on a response from someone.

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...Note to self: Next time family attempts to con me into coming to a baseball game, I should actually say no rather than mutter. Muttering does not work and now I have a headache.

Oh man, things happened... (Oh shit Reika)

@timeskip: Would be in favor, though might attempt to get the Officialful Arrin/Tessa C Support Conversation in first... maybe (Kelas is already in timeskip-safe mode)

@other things that happened: Okay then.

~goes off to see what else is going on~

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Hmm, well I suppose the only person who's going to react to Kamilla flailing around is Eric :/

Very well, I can go with that too :/

In bed, several rooms down the hallway, surrounded by no less than two people who would scowl at me or scold me if I tried to do anything, provided I was even aware of it.

I'd love to help, honest, but I can't make it work this time.

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XD Thanks Bal, not too big an issue, if Kamilla playing 5 year old isn't enough to get attention I know other ways to get it :P

Guess I should contact Cynthia, since Kai's most likely already leaking the information I sent him :P

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@ Kai

That was a loooong whatever the hell I just typed that should not be mentioned here even though it is already in my profiles under a spoiler tag that will be ignored because you guys are elstupido curious little critters.

@ Cynthia

Enough with the food.

@ Lucy

Hi :)

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Because you're addressing me and my characters are both very attackable right now, and because you control the main villain and (spoiler spoiler spoiler) and I don't friggin trust anyone? XD

No I don't trust anyone ... that's Cuddles' fault too.

Don't worry though, Kelas and Arrin are safe for the moment. How can Shanice hurt them from inside Kiev's chompers?

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By appealing to Arrin's as-yet undemonstrated penchant for rescuing cats? XD

(Also: If I ever have Arrin utter the line, "But it looked so sad, sitting out there in the rain!" I need to be shot.)

(Given the number of times I have needed to be shot, and the fact that I am still alive, I'm starting to question whether that red stuff I drank a while ago was actually tea or not.)

(I'm totally not an alchemical attempt at creating a human being.)


~is shot~

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When was that? Cause I think back in Ch1 we opted to spam Sign-up instead of Feedback, and people started joining as soon as I left XD So I'm guessing it's the blank between the time I left, and Kamilla's introduction.

Is anyone against a timeskip at this stage? (Arrin and Phoenix seem to be doing something?)

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Nighty night Snike.

*Is regretting not waking up earlier today*

'Nother boring day then :/

*Makes mental note to stick close to Tessa And screw up the Arrin/Tessa support if she wants a reaction henceforth*

*Shakes her fist at the others (except Snike)*

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Goodnight, Snike.

I mostly posted in a way that will be immune to timeskip difficulties. Iso could be reading for hours, and there's no telling how much or how little sleep Irina got.

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Well, I'm sort of wanting a timeskip since everyone was for a timeskip earlier, and I opposed it because I didn't want Kamilla flailing around for X hours. Only to get noticed as everyone's leaving. If at all

Getting bored of TISME, going to make Kamilla head out and investigate the town for awhile I suppose.

@Phoenix: Shanice being in the actual academy is a bit fishy :/ Headmaster would have noticed an odd presence, and there's got to be some sort of security system right? XD Despite the fact we got in without any hassle

*Contemplates making a random Npc mage girl who see's Shanice and chases after him yelling "Kitty! Come back kitty!"* :/

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I didn't think there was any way for Shanice to enter the building itself, but I also wouldn't expect the barrier to stop pigeons or the like from perching around the area either. Can you imagine how many bird corpses there'd be if they all ran into a giant ... *snickers* XD anyway ... this is mostly for comedy.

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~can't help self~

Shanicekitty (concealed): Meow!

Kelas: Arrin... are you carrying a cat? What the hell? We can't keep one, we're always on the move!

Arrin: But it looked so sad, sitting out there in the rain...

Isotov: Let me see that... Dammit! It's that thing again! (attempts to kill Shanicekitty)

Arrin: I'LL SAVE YOU KITTY ~ends up on fire~

(Why do I always kill Arrin in these short skits?)

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