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Reika could leave and eventually reconcile with the party due to unforeseen plot event.

Maybe support bonuses could be removed for the time being, since they seem to be imbalancing mroe than anything else.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Unseen plot events? Like her getting her memory wiped? Cause that's the only possibility I see XD

Ah well, Snowy's fault for not being online *Reika flee's*

What did we establish with supports in terms of stats upgrades?

I was always under the impression .5+ counted a 0, but apparent it gets rounded up <_< No wonder everyones trying to whinge their way to a C

-Is stacking allowed? Eg Damian using his Aiya support for extra stats, then using Esphyr for more stats? Doubt it but want to make sure beforehand)

-Personally I'd say giving Esphyr/Damian an auto-B was one of the worst decisions made in this RP, imbalances too much, but I doubt anything can be done for that now anyway.

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What did we establish with supports in terms of stats upgrades?

I was always under the impression .5+ counted a 0, but apparent it gets rounded up <_< No wonder everyones trying to whinge their way to a C

-Is stacking allowed? Eg Damian using his Aiya support for extra stats, then using Esphyr for more stats? Doubt it but want to make sure beforehand)

-Personally I'd say giving Esphyr/Damian an auto-B was one of the worst decisions made in this RP, imbalances too much, but I doubt anything can be done for that now anyway.

As far as I understand the current system.

Rounds up. I was always curious why, because that almost makes Bs irrelevant once you have a C...

Stacks. Damian gets boosts from both Aiya and Esphyr.

Auto-B does seem to probably be the largest contributing single factor, especially once it got to A, (which was actually the noticeable difference as opposed to everyone else at C level, due to rounding quirk).

Edited by Balcerzak
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I do think it would make sense for supports only to come into play when both parties are declared to be near each other and conscious, though. (For example, if Kelas and Arrin did have a support, it wouldn't be in effect now because they're out of each others' line of sight, and Kelas is officially out of the fight for now.)

(They don't though.)


Edited by Darth Lacuna
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I do think it would make sense for supports only to come into play when both parties are declared to be near each other and conscious, though. (For example, if Kelas and Arrin did have a support, it wouldn't be in effect now because they're out of each others' line of sight, and Kelas is officially out of the fight for now.)

(They don't though.)


Problem with that though is most characters tend to be together, since they attack in the same post, and they seldom provide enough information to determine where everyone is. And due to Cynthia/Snowy posting one chunky battle even if they are apart, everyone comes together on the battlefield at one time or another anyway.

@Bal They stack? :facepalm:

*Is going to have to be more strict when agreeing with support requests then.

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Hence I why I would suggest just removing them, at least for now. It's not as if not getting combat boosts *should* hinder interactions. Damian/Aiya getting to A within 5-6 chapters just threw game balance out of whack. Though they do provide a nice way to get bonuses, as characters improve very infrequently under the current system.

Alternatively, just drop Damian/Aiya down to C level. I guess it picks on Ether, but it makes things more even. And looking at it logically, Damian/Aiya are about as close as Irina/Isotov. I think I know why FE doesn't include many auto supports now, even when it seems like they should.

I don't think making support requirements less harsh is the answer here. You'd just end up with underpowered Helios ebcause no one likes him. Entertaining yes, fair no.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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A bit? XD

Nady is going to wipe out an endangered species and admit she was wrong and apologize to Phoenix, Esphyr/Ether was too soon, Most characters are establishing their 1 support, and Ether's already established his second (excluding the two ones he started off with) And he's mid to lower-mid in terms of activity :/

Ah well, Still think that it should be B & S that give you stat points, not C&A.

Funny how Snowy is at the center of Support disputes XD


Cynthia XD

Entertaining = everything.

If you drop Aiya/Damian to a C expect a hissy fit.

I don't think temporarily abolishing supports will work, if they're going to be removed then it's better to do it permanently then quarrel when they should return. And seeing as how most people would complain if they were abolished, the only clear way to go is dropping Aiya/Damian to a C, or at least a B.

Edited by Kanami
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This is what I quoted from Snowy:

3.8 A support is a bond between two player characters that symbolizes how well they have become connected. Supports come in four different levels of C, B, A, and S. A C-level support shows a level of friendship beyond simple aquantence, but not yet a 'true' friend. A B-level support is a strong friendship, A A-level is either love or a INCREDIBLY strong friendship, and a S is... well... pretty much either husband and wife or a friendship on par with Jesus and Peter (or Mario and Luigi or something similar). In order to obtain a support, the two characters MUST have time alone together and must engage in some activity that allows for trust to be built between them. Upon such an activity, I will give a judgement as to if it is worthy of a support level or not (be sure to indicate it in some way). You may have only 1 A/S level support, and one B or two C-level supports which actually give you bonuses. However, this does not limit you in how many in-character relationships you may acquire. Additionally, a support can be lost if one of the supporters breaches the truth of the others.


In order to determine what bonuses you acquire, from a support, find the two elements on the table below, then combine them together and round up. Multiply the bonuses by the support level (1, 2, 3, 4) and vioala! Supports!

Fire: +0.5 MT per level

Ice: +0.5 Def per level

Anima: +0.5 Res per level

Wind: +0.5 Hit per level

Thunder: +0.5 Evade per level

Dark: Each 1 allows you to reroll your dice for a saving throw.

Light: Each 1 increases the amount potions and staffs heal you by 1.

Another option:

3.8 A support is a bond between two player characters that symbolizes how well they have become connected. Supports come in four different levels of C, B, A, and S. A C-level support shows a level of friendship beyond simple aquantence, but not yet a 'true' friend. A B-level support is a strong friendship, A A-level is either love or a INCREDIBLY strong friendship, and a S is... well... pretty much either husband and wife or a friendship on par with Jesus and Peter (or Mario and Luigi or something similar). In order to obtain a support, the two characters MUST have time alone together and must engage in some activity that allows for trust to be built between them. Upon such an activity, I will give a judgement as to if it is worthy of a support level or not (be sure to indicate it in some way). You may have only 1 A/S level support, and one B or two C-level supports which actually give you bonuses. However, this does not limit you in how many in-character relationships you may acquire. Additionally, a support can be lost if one of the supporters breaches the truth of the others.


In order to determine what bonuses you acquire, from a support, find the element of the character you're supporting with on the table below, then round up. Multiply the bonus by the support level (1, 2, 3, 4) and vioala! Supports! (Basically you can only use one stat bonus, and that is based on the affinity of the person you support with)

Fire: +0.5 MT per level

Ice: +0.5 Def per level

Anima: +0.5 Res per level

Wind: +0.5 Hit per level

Thunder: +0.5 Evade per level

Dark: Each 1 allows you to reroll your dice for a saving throw.

Light: Each 1 increases the amount potions and staffs heal you by 1.


Iso and Irina C Support

Iso gets +0.5 HIT ONLY. No +0.5 MT

Irina gets +0.5 MY ONLY. No +0.5 HIT

Would this balance it a little better?

@ Cuddles

You're sorry? ;_; *wipes tears*

Ahem! So what do you think of my half assed attempt at fixing the problem?


*high fives Lacuna*

Edited by Phoenix
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@Lacuna: Nice Pegasi article.

@Phoenix, I'm sorry I apologized? XD

I'm not sure how your fixes work.

If we round 0.5 up (1)

and then multiply by 1~4

C1 B2 A3 S4?

That screws things up even more doesn't it?

Other then that, it's just saying "no stacking" isn't it?

EDIT: I didn't see the example,

So if I support with a fire, (I'm Ice) then they get my bonus of 0.5Def, and they I get the Mt? Hmm not bad, would help in balancing

Edited by Kanami
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@ Cuddles

Thanks :D (I think I'm way to excited that I haven't been verbally slaughtered today)

@ Lacuna

Point, aim, shoot, rinse and repeat.

In all seriousness, what's the point of waiting for the others to get back online? Cynthia, give them another enemy phase so we can wipe them out ... please? :unsure:

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*Disregards Phoenix's cooperation* :P


What three guys are you talking about?

While we're discussing supports, if Reika were to somehow join the group who'd actually communicate with her? :/ Cause I'm looking at my list and thinking I'll just have another Kamilla that only Eric will interact with (Bal might be kind enough, but Tessa's anti-criminal mentality and Reika's occupation don't go well together)

@Phoenix, we're pretty much waiting for your beloved Snowy to return, There's only one bandit left, and Reika of which the latter is either fleeing, getting knocked out, or having her CW severed from her due to the headmaster evil sorcery..... Actually it might be my indecisiveness that's stopping things.

Edited by Kanami
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*plots the downfall of WoW* <_<

Cuddles! Put the flamethrower down! :o

@ Lacuna

Watch every episode of CSI. Plot your crimes accordingly.

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Okay. I am more or less caught up. Here's what I think. I can have the headmaster sever one dagger, leaving Reika partially disarmed. However, I would need permission from Naddy for that. I should be able to take care of anything else though.

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♫ Ooooooh Katie ma oh Katie sweeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaooooooooeeeet Katieeeeeeyeeeaaah!

♫ Oh wontcha write down whatcha whatcha did last niiieeeeght wontcha write down whatcha whatcha'll do this tiiiieeeeemah!

*guitar solo*

♫ Headmastaaaaaaaaaaah you remind me of Johnny Deeeeeepp ... Ooooh

♫ Headmastaaaaaaaaaaah Ixion's right behind you so watchya steeeeeep owww!


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How does disarming Reika solve anything?

I guess the two options for the support issue are:

A: Nerf supports

B: Drop Damian/Aiya down to a C(or possibly B)

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Permission rejected :P Revenge for all my chaos you nulled you evil retainer of peace and order you

Actually I haven't decided, so Phoenix or someone else feel free to knock her out. I'll sleep on it and if I decide to keep her, I'll have her escape. If not, then I'm sure later today (RP time) isn't too late for the Headmaster to cast whatever hocus pocus he's planning.

@Snowy: Any comment on the support issue?

Edit: As Cynthia said disarming her really doesn't do anything. If you're going to take her weapon, might as well kill her off. Since there's no way Reika can remain in the Rp's plot without a CW.

Edited by Kanami
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I personally think Daiman/Aiya does need a reduction. Not because of what's happened, but because, well, it just needs a bit of a slowdown. Maybe put a two to three chapter limit on build speed? Or split romance and supports apart?

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Supports realy shouldn't be building more than once every three chapters or so anyway, they'll get shot down quickly, unless you spent like an entire two chapters stapled together.

The problem was the auto-B, which I guess we could retcon if we wanted to.

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I personally think Daiman/Aiya does need a reduction. Not because of what's happened, but because, well, it just needs a bit of a slowdown. Maybe put a two to three chapter limit on build speed? Or split romance and supports apart?

That it! I was thinking about this for a long time but could never come up with what I really wanted to get across.

Supports vs Romance:

Romance in Vegas can start up in ten seconds. Ether seems to be taking advantage of the quickie relationship starts, which isn't wrong, just annoying since he's getting statistical benefits that romance shouldn't reflect.

The content of a support relationship should be up to the support characters, but the level should be determined by the actual number of significant developments :)

With that, Iso's going to propose to Katie once she get's back. Then they can work on the B support XD

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I'm back, and Caught up. Question: Does that bandit still breathe?

Regarding supports, Statistically it unbalances the RP. I say either scrap it, or severely limit it. Stacking should be gone, to say the least.

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