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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Nady was being logical, Phoenix was being illogical with sucking in fire and what not. If you cancelled out the fire that easily I'd be surprised and whining XD Isotov doesn't even have full control of Proxima so I seriously doubt such a move, nevermind Proxima was established as unstable even before Kamilla was introduced.

Unstable does not = 100% uncontrollable. He's had ten years to learn how to deal with the thing. It only erupts when he gets caught off guard.

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He wasn't caught off guard when the group first encountered him and magi students were after him :/

Other then saying Proxima is a godly weapon which can suck in fire, care to explain how that's possible taking into consideration Snowy's mana network theory.

Fire from Proxima is still essentially just flame, Using a tome to cause fire magic is one thing, but sucking fire into a book is another. Proxima caught-a-flame! You can ask whoever you want really, if a fire didn't start from Isotov's actions I'm not sure what can cause a fire :/

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Since Proxima apparently runs off of Isotov's rage/angst/whatever, the ability for him to pull the flames back is a little questionable (being able to cancel what you've just done is an unusual ability.). And nady was right, the magical flames probably would have created normal flames which would have not been able to be sucked back.

Really the problem was that the first guards we enocuntered just attacked us, then we ran into Percy who was entirely unreasonable. If we had run into Viveka first, we probably could have explained that the fire was an accident and it didn't kill anyone anyway, so we could have gotten off with a slap on the wrist. Snowy decided that the initial guards were willing to kill us for a report of arson though and it was a slippery slope from there.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Cuddles

Snowy's article didn't come out til recently. With that, I concede. Proxima burns sh*t to the ground every time. No question.

@ Cynthia

Proxima does not run off rage. I already explained this. Iso's craziness allows Proxima to activate. It's like taking the lid off a boiling pot. Now moving on to what I really care about ...

I think this is subplot #3 that's dead now. That's fine. Live and learn, forgive and forget get even. There's never enough context to make a situation Cuddlesproof, so I can't really predict how a situation will go. It's not my job to do that anyway, but I like to try.

Now I can't go around telling everybody what I plan randomly decide to do because half of you don't want to know, and the rest, are either for it, or are too busy with supports to care.

Awhile ago I suggested we work together on the rp, but there's a huuuuge schism, and we're all fighting each other, or doing Bal style hit and runs, or doing a Snowy, or just being Cuddly.

No I have no solutions for that. Consensus is a bitch. That's just rp politics and I hate politics so I'm going to think for awhile until I figure out how to establish a better storybuilding relationship with the group as a whole. No Cuddles, you don't count.


@ Kai

The letter? What's that got to do with me? It's from Miranda.

Edited by Phoenix
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@ Cynthia

Proxima does not run off rage. I already explained this. Iso's craziness allows Proxima to activate. It's like taking the lid off a boiling pot. Now moving on to what I really care about ...

This explanation doesn't make any sense to me.

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This explanation doesn't make any sense to me.

What about everything else I just posted?! >_<

Explanation #2

Proxima is constantly trying to cast. Kind of like a star is always giving off massive amounts of energy. Iso's normal state of mind keeps Proxima from going off. Can't cast without a caster. When Iso get's startled he feels compelled to cast with Proxima, so he usually does. When he does, sh*t explodes.

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Oh you no want it back?

Hey Nady can you do me a favor?

No I will not help you cheat your dice rolls :/


Depends on what you want, as I said in the RP, you might want to befriend Cess, and maybe Heinz Ketchup as well. Since getting along with the rest of the group is going to be difficult.


Donald's being mean to me >_< He won't let me in the little story-building group :/

@Donald Duck

Thing is, I only screw things up because I don't agree with it. Your problem is, you plan too far ahead and have a goal to reach, and you try to get to that goal regardless of how circumstances may have changed. I don't really trust Snowy's approval (Sorry Snowy) but if you ran it past Bal or Cynthia, they seem to have similar thoughts on certain actions you try to execute so if you want me to stop messing with your plot, discussing it with them might help.

I've told you before but I'm perfectly willing to shoot down your plot in PM's. It would make your posts more.... consistent? And it would be so annoying when I spring something on you in the RP. Making it cuddleproof I think you want to call it.

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That made more sense.

I'm not really sure what to say about everything else. I'm new to RPing (so are Bal and Lacuna I believe), so I'm not sure how they're supposed to go.

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Nady just because a person is talking to another doesnt mean that they are going to be Best friends for life. Helios could care less about some mercenary that attacked some bandits

@ Cynthia: I am too

Edited by Kai-Sama
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No I will not help you cheat your dice rolls :/~Semi-Serious~Depends on what you want, as I said in the RP, you might want to befriend Cess, and maybe Heinz Ketchup as well. Since getting along with the rest of the group is going to be difficult.

But his affinity is horrible! And besides, I'd kinda rather knock him out and steal his tome.

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If Kai doesn't want Helios to make friends he doesn't have to.

Helios was surprisingly friendly there. Had you attacked Morgan and asked to see her Crimson Weapon she would have assumed demon and attacked.

*enjoys the confusing of Morgan with the Goddess*

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If Kai doesn't want Helios to make friends he doesn't have to.Helios was surprisingly friendly there. Had you attacked Morgan and asked to see her Crimson Weapon she would have assumed demon and attacked.

Yes, but I have Nosferatu. Ah well, I thought he was a bandit, I just fought two and another coming to to reinforce them seemed kinda likely.

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XD Helios has horrible affinity as well as personality? XD

@Kai, I was saying you might want to befriend him, not that you are friends with him :/

Rp'ing an idiot could do it, I'm not asking people for experience, but more along the lines of thinking logically. (Eg Fire+Wooden Inn = Flaming inn) I'm not saying Donald's stupid (even if I think he is) but your plans are full of so many holes, I wouldn't be able to resist screwing them up even if I tried.

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Donald's being mean to me >_< He won't let me in the little story-building group :/

@Donald Duck

Thing is, I only screw things up because I don't agree with it. Your problem is, you plan too far ahead and have a goal to reach, and you try to get to that goal regardless of how circumstances may have changed. I don't really trust Snowy's approval (Sorry Snowy) but if you ran it past Bal or Cynthia, they seem to have similar thoughts on certain actions you try to execute so if you want me to stop messing with your plot, discussing it with them might help.

I've told you before but I'm perfectly willing to shoot down your plot in PM's. It would make your posts more.... consistent? And it would be so annoying when I spring something on you in the RP. Making it cuddleproof I think you want to call it.

If we work together we might end up as friends :/

I have to plan all on my own because collabing with you guys is almost impossible:

Ether: Not around enough.

Kai: Incompetent.

Cynthia: pending...

Cuddles: Don't even get me started on this one.

Kiryn: We need better timing.

Snike: uhhh...

Bal: Hates knowing in advance.

Snowy: Raids ...

Lightning: Cuddleprone but a great team player.

Others: Just started out?

I'm not always chasing my own plots, and it's not like I can help anybody else with theirs. I don't know what anybody is doing. I'd guess that 80% of us are just following Snowy's lead, which is haphazard at this point, and the remaining 20% are trying to at least add some context to the world and interesting features.

That made more sense.

I'm not really sure what to say about everything else. I'm new to RPing (so are Bal and Lacuna I believe), so I'm not sure how they're supposed to go.

They should go a little better than this if I had to guess.

Can't we work together on this even a little? We keep disagreeing with each other after the fact, but no one wants to know about anything ahead of time? That'll never work. It's no fun when I have to take a look around, notice that everybody's doing their own thing, I then must do my own thing, and then in order to save one of my characters from almost getting harmed, the entire plot has to be Cuddled to death and disputed here. We wouldn't have so many disagreements if you'd help us think up good scenarios ahead of time. If we just keep going with the flow all the time, we'll never develop the world much, and everything we do'll be a random shot in the dark waiting to be disputed after the fact. I'm bored with that.

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I would not be opposed to collabbing on plot-things ahead of time if we can get time to line up. (Of course, I have a job starting tomorrow, so that will be even more fun.) However, it seems like we're both online a fair amount in the evening, so it could work. I am in fact new to RP'ing, but I think I could at least find holes in strategies or whatever.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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I'm Ketchup now? Figures I should have thought more about the name. As for the story contradictions, those probably should be figured out so they're not on the run forever (unless that's already fixed or something). I've been lurking around the RP since around the time I joined the forums, and I still don't know how everyone made so many freaking plots and counterplots.

As for Heinz becoming friends with Kai, read the "He hates most mages with a passion" in the backstory. You could probably change his mind, but that would take effort. And time.

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Meh, I said I was walking towards TISME, Morgan isn't exactly Usain Bolt, so Helios seeing her is reasonable.

I don't really like knowing things too much ahead of time either, so you might have to lump me in with Bal. IDK, if everyone knows what's going to happen it's dull, but if people don't know the plan they might screw it up inadvertantly.

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Helios has magical powers, so Batman is right out. Sorry.

Also on the subject of cooperation: Kelas has still got KO'd Irina with her. Isotov might want to react. (Also I think Katie's wandering around some sort of nearby? Not sure where she got to after Kelas let her down.)

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