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*Is sort of becoming fond of the title "Cuddles" :/

I'm here to RP, not to write a story, and would prefer to react to what others have planned or are doing, in most of your cases it involves screwing up.

I haven't really got anything planned for Kamilla, I'm sort of leaning towards keeping her as a 5 year old for the entire plot, (She's more fun to RP this way, and I get alot more interactions in, even if I do get ignored most of the time).

What you're describing sounds like a collaboration fanfic, while I'm guessing people wouldn't mind helping you with your plot occasionally, knowing what's going to happen next constantly makes things boring IMO. And development wouldn't change, not significantly anyway.

*Cuddles would also appreciate it if you stopped trying to bring the entire plot to revolve around Isotov and his past* :/

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I don't really like knowing things too much ahead of time either, so you might have to lump me in with Bal. IDK, if everyone knows what's going to happen it's dull, but if people don't know the plan they might screw it up inadvertantly.

I know it takes away from the surprise a little bit, but at the same time, without consensus on the issue, it's doomed to be shot down like everything else.

Also on the subject of cooperation: Kelas has still got KO'd Irina with her. Isotov might want to react. (Also I think Katie's wandering around some sort of nearby? Not sure where she got to after Kelas let her down.)

*sigh* Iso ... I'll think of something to post, and hopefully Cuddles deems it appropriate.


@ Cuddles

Not just my plots, any and all plots. I'm actually almost out of plots. After that, I'll be posting only a few times a day at most. Iso's not at the center of anything really, and I didn't plan on it being that way. Most of the attention he gets is your fault too.

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Cuddles deems nothing you do appropriate! XD

Though dealing with Viveka and her goons would be nice, (make them go away?)

@Cynthia: I thought most of the group was still near the TISME entrance? Kai/Cess/Kamilla are all at some random inn nearby, but not as close to TISME as the others are :/


Isn't it great? I share attention :) I'm not trying to say don't RP Isotov to the point where he becomes as obsolete as Irina. Just that with the whole Shanice stuff and him being after the group, coupled with your long NPC dialogues it gets boring. And I'm probably not just referring to myself there.

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I think more what we're going for is having a couple of people work on a subplot, so that it doesn't have so many holes in it, and doesn't come down around our ears quite so often.

I'd recommend at least three people actually. Lightning and I couldn't Cuddleproof the selizara fortress incident. We weren't planning on facing the group there anyway, but they got their first.

Since Snowy and Cynthia are in charge, I'd hope that at least one of them were in on every subplot, but Snowy's not around enough to shoot Cuddles, and Cynthia likes horror flicks full of suspense.

I don't want to say we're f*cked but ...


@ Cuddles

The dialogues would be so much shorter if we weren't putting out fires all the time(figuratively speaking).

There's nothing more boring for me than just letting things happen and not doing anything to shape what I see around me. If I do that in the rp, I'm basically wasting my time, and everybody else's.

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@Cynthia, I was just in a hurry to get Cess into the picture since he was most likely bored to tears watching the group do stuff while his character sat off on the sidelines with no ways to join in. As for Helios I didn't plan on him coming. Either way, if the inn's so close it makes things faster, so I have no objection. (Other then the group not noticing shouting and bandits breaking into an inn not being realized) XD

Soap Alliance has a Lightning? Downward Sloap alliance? XD

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*This post is important*

Reika/Dalton/Jones gave normal exp.

Any characters who have leveled up no longer receive 5 exp for existing.

Exp time:

Kelas: 20

Helios: 15 (tempted to give 0 due to cheating)

Chase: 10

Morgan: 25

Eric: 20

Tessa: 20

Esphyr: 10

Irina: 15

Isotov: 15

Damian: 20

Aiya: 15

Arrin: 15

Kamilla: 10

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I really need to start whoring in some exp, if I got the same amount as the guy who shot himself in the foot due to a crimson weapon high, and the swordswoman that jumped in and then went of to raid orcs. :/

@Cynthia "I really don't care what happens to her and Kamilla isn't Helios's friend either. No one likes Helios"


Morgan <3


Shamans.... they be crazy.... every single one of them XD

Also RIP Cess

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@ Kiryn(Kiryn is slightly difficult to spell :/ )

Goodnight. I feel dizzy. I've been talking to Cuddles for waaaaay too damn long, and may need to rest myself.

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*Thinks Lacuna is challenging her*

@Phoenix, Might be an idea to discuss your Irish friend to see what everyone else thinks, you already know my opinion, and figure if you're going to make a Leprechaun that affects the overall unity of the group, you might want to ask the group of RP'ers here.

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@Phoenix, Might be an idea to discuss your Irish friend to see what everyone else thinks, you already know my opinion, and figure if you're going to make a Leprechaun that affects the overall unity of the group, you might want to ask the group of RP'ers here.

Naaah. I don't see the point of doing anything else related to the rp until the working together issue is resolved.


In other words, I'm not posting anything else(unless it's a reaction).

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@Lacuna, don't worry, Snowy won't let me burn it down and my corrupt TISME teachers are nowhere to be seen yet.... jk, I won't burn TISME down :P

*Shrugs* As long as the green imp idea is put away I don't really care, it's funny though how you preach cooperation yet don't do anything to back your words up :/ You posted a list earlier yourself and indicated chances of cooperating with others was unlikely, so I suppose that means no more Pheenix subplots for awhile?

Yay :/

Is it just me or did we suddenly get an influx of Kai's? Ah well at least Cess seems friendly, Ketchup is giving me Helios vibes though :/

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Really? Um...

Morgan was actually thinking about the research notes that detail experiments on Gae-Borg. That said, I don't think anyone is surprised that Ether's character wields a giant phallus.

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it's funny though how you preach cooperation yet don't do anything to back your words up :/ You posted a list earlier yourself and indicated chances of cooperating with others was unlikely, so I suppose that means no more Pheenix subplots for awhile?

I preach cooperation. I don't turn a blind eye to the sh*tty odds, Cuddles <_<

@ Snowy

Feeling better?

@ Cynthia

Never mind :lol:

@ Kiryn

I guess I do. My religion demands it.

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