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Going to the capitol to get a pardon for a crime that you did commit = shi**y odds?


I can agree with that, though what terrible thing, and can I exploit it to get at your duck friend.


Hopefully most of the characters never end up not knowing that, well other then Helios.

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Going to the capitol to get a pardon for a crime that you did commit = shi**y odds?

I never said we had to go to the capital. We were having issues long before that anyway. I just decided to take advantage of the group's decision to do so.

@ Kiryn

Yes this is Arrin's fault too XD

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@Lacuna: That's nice... how? :huh:

@Donald: You weren't against the idea either, and I'm still baffled at how no one complained about it, since heading to a swarm of enemies to negotiate peace is near impossible.

@Whistler, You pass the test, welcome to the RP XD

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@Donald: You weren't against the idea either, and I'm still baffled at how no one complained about it, since heading to a swarm of enemies to negotiate peace is near impossible.

I wasn't against it because I didn't realize at the time that we weren't going to be doing this rp together. If I'd known we were going to be divided over every little thing, I'd have never laid down a single plan, and wouldn't be active much.

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Hmm, well I might make Reika meet up with Heinz since she's going to be approaching the group under similar circumstances soon. Or he can turn into a mad shaman who hugs everyone in the group

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I'm going to go play BFBC2 for a bit(because the only thing that boosts my moral is blasting people to smoldering bits with a Russian tank)

That and maybe try to come up with a way to fix this damn divisiveness issue.

(I always pop in though because I have picture in picture muhahahah ... :/ never mind )

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The division can not be fixed until you either learn to plan things out better, or bribe the cuddly Nady with stuff she wants. (Chaos, trouble, flames, dead Helios, Amari Jerky etcetc)

Though I pressume when you said "fix divisiveness" you were excluding me from the equation.

To be honest though, while I find your plans and attempts highly amusing if I was considering working with the group, you'd be lumped in with Kai under incompetent. As a story writer you seem to know what you're doing, but as an RP group plot planner.... eh, Kai-like. Maybe not quite as bad, but there are horrifying similarities.

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Being sent to find them gives him an excuse to be looking for them, but he's not going to be hostile unless someone attacks him. He's on a recon/spy mission I think. And yeah maybe have the two of them meet up some place nearby the group, depending on where we're going next after everyone crashes for sleep. Timeskip?

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Kai also doesn't seem to go for very grandiose plots, he really just tries to affect Helios thank goodness

Anyway in order to improve group unity, I'll propose my plan:

Somehow find the Crimson Axe and Knives. Eventually, no real time constraints.

After all the weapons are found, it's probably time for hordes of demons, since we won't have anything to do.

Maybe something relating just to Morgan, but I might just have her talk to people and develop that way.

As you can see, not very specific.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Fighting demons? That makes me wonder what the groups objective will be after we accumulate all CW's :/ Since I doubt the demon lord comes back in chapter 10~12ish. And so far, the groups pretty much been propelled by Nady fire and gathering the CW's :/

And we haven't even gone to Septimus or Halton yet T_T


I'm kind of wondering who my "support" targets should be in the case I introduce Reika into the group (Sorry ketchup, I'm keeping my daggers it seems) I'm considerng the following but considering my hostile relation with 90% of the RP'ers here, have to be pretty selective XD

Kelas/Arrin: Not sure what my relation with Lacuna is :/ Most likely somewhere between hatred and dislike though XD

Chase: Nyeh, unlikely, Lightning's only around when I should be sleeping

Irina: Dumb as bricks and has a small friendship possibility range.

Viveka: Get the feeling she'll be my cat fight partner, but nothing friendly.

Eric: Depends on Kamilla, planning to have Reika hate Eric XD

Cess: Crazy, but hard to tell at this point.

Ketchup: Possible, but very wary of the RP'er, don't really want to spend too much time on a character who might disappear as soon as school starts up again.

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"Stop X place from getting totally bumraped" was my idea.

Whatever happens, happens really. Given the title of the RP we'll be facing teh big blue guy and friends eventually, but the how, when, and where are up the air. I like being flexible, ad libbing can be fun.

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Hmm, well guess that wraps it up for today, most likely be another dull day tomorrow as people slowly realize they need sleep.

*Kamilla/Reika are ready for a timeskip at anytime*

I need to go make a few phone calls, so I guess I'm off, nighty night Cynthia + whoever else is around

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Boy did I deep fry a lot of people! :)

The division can not be fixed until you either learn to plan things out better, or bribe the cuddly Nady with stuff she wants. (Chaos, trouble, flames, dead Helios, Amari Jerky etcetc)

Though I presume when you said "fix divisiveness" you were excluding me from the equation.

To be honest though, while I find your plans and attempts highly amusing if I was considering working with the group, you'd be lumped in with Kai under incompetent. As a story writer you seem to know what you're doing, but as an RP group plot planner.... eh, Kai-like. Maybe not quite as bad, but there are horrifying similarities.

I would normally exclude you, yes. But that's just because you're difficult to like, even for me :/ (that's saying something)

I actually wanted to plot plan with others in the rp, but ... well ... Bal and Cynthia are useless(no offense :D ), you're not very cooperative, Snowy's MIA, and everyone else other than Kiryn get's retconned to no end.

Soooo ... I guess that makes Kiryn my best friend in a sense minus the duck references <_< (the Phoenix is an eagle type)

Kai also doesn't seem to go for very grandiose plots, he really just tries to affect Helios thank goodness

Anyway in order to improve group unity, I'll propose my plan:

Somehow find the Crimson Axe and Knives. Eventually, no real time constraints.

After all the weapons are found, it's probably time for hordes of demons, since we won't have anything to do.

Maybe something relating just to Morgan, but I might just have her talk to people and develop that way.

As you can see, not very specific.

We don't have to be 100% specific when planning things, but some help to fix things up beforehand and a little consensus on an issue prior would be nice at the very least.

Part of the reason I try to force things along is because hardly anyone else ever does anything but wait around for the next explosion. How long would we have been in Istample before Cuddles burned it to the ground?

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I would normally exclude you, yes. But that's just because you're difficult to like, even for me :/ (that's saying something)

Not really, I've come across people who are alot friendlier then you, and you just throw a hissy fit when things don't go your way :P I don't mind being excluded, and I can kind of guess your intentions by trying to form some sort of subplot with others. (If you plan in a group, you'll have more allies when arguing with me) I can't speak on their behalf, but in my opinion, Cynthia/Bal seem to have issues with quite alot of stuff that comes before the group. The only difference between me and them is, they try to resolve it, while I opt to destroy it and start new. Again that's just my opinion, and they could be as pissed off at me as you are :/

I actually wanted to plot plan with others in the rp, but ... well ... Bal and Cynthia are useless(no offense :D ), you're not very cooperative, Snowy's MIA, and everyone else other than Kiryn get's retconned to no end.

Soooo ... I guess that makes Kiryn my best friend in a sense minus the duck references <_< (the Phoenix is an eagle type)

We don't have to be 100% specific when planning things, but some help to fix things up beforehand and a little consensus on an issue prior would be nice at the very least.

Part of the reason I try to force things along is because hardly anyone else ever does anything but wait around for the next explosion. How long would we have been in Istample before Cuddles burned it to the ground?

Depends really, as far as I can recall I haven't plot planned with you at all if we exclude that one PM where you told me the three possibilities of Conrad/Harold/Headmaster. And they were all pretty similar overall (Iso gets smashed) And I can't cooperate with what I don't know. As for forcing things along, I agree that alot of the RP'ers seem to be content with what's happening at the time. Players like Lacuna seem to be happy where-ever (other then inside burning forests XD) and Bal/Snike seem to have something to do whereever they are. If I had to point the finger it'd be at Snowy for not being around to move the plot along alot of the time. (Yes I know he has a life outside this RP, and I'm not saying he's incompetent)

You could say this is a group RP, but the essential core plot is determined by Snowy, Subplots are nice and all but in my opinion subplots should be things that are created as branches from the main plot, not some little special story forced in on the side. If people want to develop their characters back stories that's fine, Helios does it all the time and no one cares. Likewise, a good portion of the players don't care about Isotovs past, which in turn makes the RP'ers not care. It might be an interesting quick read, but it's not something people can interact with, and your.... revelations of character tend to be long boring dialogues where you just have two of your own characters interacting. Whereas I personally would have found it more interesting if Katie of Kelas had asked Isotov about his past and the arsonist reluctantly told them. This leads to new character emotions and possibly plot. Not throwing in an all-mighty shaman who seems to be able to bend everything to his will.

I don't know what your own opinion of your NPC's are, but they're boring, and Irina and Viveka disagree with you when you say you can manage that many characters. Even Isotov tends to drop out of the main picture sometimes. And surprisingly enough, no one seems to be willing to start up conversations with Ixion or Stephanie, or Ivanko, Lev, Ivan and whoever else exists. Half he group can't even establish decent communication with more then one character without having to worry about all these NPC's. It might be a support thing, but I'm pretty sure most people would agree that you don't need anymore NPC's.


I know I probably shouldn't do this but I've never been one to care about what I should and shouldn't do.


What does everyone think about making a Merlinus for the group? Someone who can carry the groups stuff around in a caravan like thing? He'd be like Katie, an NPC that follows the group around.

@Snowy, no, your MIA :P or RAID (Residing Area In Doubt)

@Lacuna, No one loves the Nady! :angry: Nady is an emo who'll go slit her wrists cause the world doesn't care about her.... right after she sets off hadron collider.

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What plot does Tora have anyway? Other then Helios being a noble from Tora? (Or prince or whatever) Because judging from Helios's relationship I don't see any reason to go to Tora, and adding in plot for a country we'll never see seems pretty pointless, though you could throw in a few unhappy Torans once we get to Septimus.

I don't understand the importance of Tora either, at present it's as important as any other destroyed nation (not important at all) and if the group is supposed to do something extreme like restore Tora or put Helios on the throne If the latter we must really hate Tora XD there needs to be a really good reason for such a deviation.

We don't really know anything about Tora other then Helios being from there and them being destroyed by Septimus x years ago, so asking for help seems a bit..... meh. I'd much rather see something like Halton vs Elysimma/Septimus or something XD

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I never said anything about us having to go to that nameless place

Just need to fit it in

I'd much rather see something like Halton vs Elysimma/Septimus or something


Edited by Kai-Sama
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Idea:What does everyone think about making a Merlinus for the group? Someone who can carry the groups stuff around in a caravan like thing? He'd be like Katie, an NPC that follows the group around.

I kinda like it, but I thought that if all the weapons ended up together, that would be what would release the demon guy.

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